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Radar Plate Options


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I'm pretty sure I will be purchasing a set of Radar Strata bindings to replace my double Approach boots.  I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the benefits/advantages of purchasing the single (long) plate instead of the individual plates Radar is offering this year.  I currently have my rear Approach rotated slightly.  I made this adjustment at the start of the season and it helped my skiing tremendously.

Any feedback would be appreciated.


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  • Baller

IMO the advantage of the plate is that once you have your bindings set in relation to each other, a forward/back adjustment is just two screws and slide. Also, you can move your binding setup from ski to ski really easily.



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  • Baller

You will be able to rotate your bindings and move them from one side of the ski to the other if you want to all on the single plate.  I would imagine you could use orthotics too inside the bindings or liners.  I am considering the same set-up but need to try some on since I wear between size 13 and 14 shoe.  I hear they run a little small in size and only go up to size 12:( 

Maybe some one on here with larger feet could comment on whether they fit well or how to make them do so with different liners or such?

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Separate plates: About $5.00 less. Two more screw. Probably limits the flex more than the sequence plate does. You will also loose one of the overlooked features of the sequence plate, the 1/2 hole adjustment


Of the skiers I know, the one skier that tried RS-1's and did not keep them had a problem with boot spacing. Heel to toe was too close and one hole back was too far apart. Depending on how the rear plate is designed, you may have a little more fine adjustment with how close together the boots are. 

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I wear a 13 shoe myself and the boots work as long as my knees are bent.  They definitly have a pre molded stance and if you fight it to stand up straight then my toes press against the front pretty bad and is uncomfortable.  But after breaking them in and being in proper ski stance they work well for me now.  I only notice it when I go free sking and start getting tired/lazy and locking my knees and my front foot starts feeling reall cramped.

One thing I noticed also and it is due to having big feet is I run the rear boot really loose so I can lift my heel up and get better pressure on the front of the ski.  If I don't and keep my rear heel down on the ski I tend to ski very straight legged  and on the tail alot and my front foot feels cramped due to no knee bend and toes getting shoved forward.   That is not specific to the RS1 for me as I have done that with all my bindings, but took me a few passes to really notice that I had the rear a little to constrictive for me to do that.



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If I want to try a RS1 front with a RTP what are my mounting options.  Do I have to buy a Radar RTP and a Sequence plate?  Is there a mounting plate for just the front binding?  Can I use my existing RTP with a Radar front?  When you buy a Radar front boot it doesn't look like it comes with a plate at all to mount to the ski so is there always a plate decision that needs to be made?

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Presumably due to this exact concern, it appears as though Radar now sells their (2010) boots w/ an individual plate  (Note that the updated RS1 boots are now called Strada).  I did see something listed on Perfskis website called a Radar "Stereo Plate" that accomplishes what you want...at a price.   I'm not sure if there are any plates floating around from the new boots ...that those using the Sequence plate do not need. 

I'm also a RTP guy,  recently picked up the new 2010 Radar ARTP (w/ bungee laces), and have it on the Sequence plate.  I actually like it better than the (HO) one I replaced. 

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  • Baller

Hey Chef,

I get up w/ one foot in.  My concern was wanting to match the thickness of the footbed cushions on both the boot and the TP.  I first tried the original radar ARTP or "slipper" as it has been called here.  I knew I didn't like it immediately after a dry fit...never even mounted it...I just returned it.  The newer one has a floating tongue w/ an adjustable bungee strap over it.  I set the bungee tension to my foot size and forget about it.  

After getting up, (as I did w/ my HO TP) I softly kick my foot in, then "creap" it forward by scrunching/walking my toes foward.  The footbed is step-grooved so the toes grip it easily. I like how the bungee flexes, then recoils allowing me to get my foot in as deep as I want, but maintain the desired strap tension.  I should say that where I normally ski, length of lake is not an issue, so I have plenty of time to get the rear foot good and planted inthere. 

I don't have my ski handy at the moment to verify this statement, but I believe it (the overlay) uses the more modern material (like the radar boots, that don't need slime). Thus, it is less sticky then rubber when inserting your foot. 

If interested, I'd be glad to take some close up pix when I get home to send you.

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  • Baller

yup, the inside of the overlay and tongue on my ARTP is not the traditional rubber.  It is more like a nylon similar to the liner of the Radar boots.  The picture linked below may be helpful.  It shows it mounted on the Sequence plate on my Senate.   I should "qualify" my comments that I am not a tournament skier....hopefully my opinions help your cause (and help shed my "lurker" label)Wink

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  • Baller

Great idea...Chef, if you get one and don't like it , I'll buy it off you...so as to have a sweet pair of sandals.  Possibly even can retrofit one of those bottle openers in the bottom...like the Reefs.  

On second thought...forget it.  Having spent some honeymoon time on Duval St, I'm not sure it would be the chicks that would be diggin that look (I'll stick w/ my Keens, and leave the RTP on the ski).Cool

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just resurecting this thread to update my experience  here (for anyone researching Radar binding options), IMO the Radar ARTP (aka "sandal" here) is best matched up w/ their Vector or Rail boots.  As much as I like the new ARTP, the extra thick and comfy footbed does not match up as well w/ the Strada boot...for which their traditional TP seems a more complimentary  match.

My $.02 

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Last September I ordered a Strada boot right foot forward size 10.  My shoe size is 9 1/2 and these boots run small.  The boot was ordered direct from Radar and when asked Radar included the single plate.  With the help of Intuition Liners, Vancouver BC and their customer service I was able to get the liner molded to my foot.

I previously used a 2007 Approach mounted on a Radar double plate.  To enable the rear boot to be mounted I ordered a rear plate from Wileys.  I was only able to ski the boot about 15 sets but have been pleased.  I do notice the Strada boot keeps a nice knee bend while cutting across the wakes.  The boot is easy on but a little work to remove after you drop into the water because I tuck the elastic cord around the back then under the laces so it doesn't flop around.  Yes, I do soap this binding and when inserting your foot must be careful not to bunch the footbed forward.

I do have a continuing problem, after a couple sets I have to remove the binding, losen the screws holding the boot to the plate then rotate the boot clockwise.  I have the boot and plate marked and the boot moves 1-2 degrees counterclockwise (left).  I do not want to tighten the screws any tighter.  Anyone else having this problem?

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Dry out the plate and the boot, then put a small square of double-stick carpet tape between the boot and the plate at every screw attachment point.  Make the tape piece around 1 inch square. Re-attach the binding in the desire oreinetation and tighten down firmly.  You want to be sure there is adhesive contact to both the plate and the boot at each screw hole.

I you want it to be adjustable you can replace the carpet tape with squares of self-adhesive Velcro.  No need for the 450 + 250 craziness that Goode skiers (et al) employ; just about any old WalMart Velcro will do, since the screws are your mechanical bond.

If necessary later you can remove all trace of the tape with a mild solvent such as turpentine (paint thinner).



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  • Baller

I'm sure someone here can answer this question.


I bought a closeout set of rs-1 bindings this winter with the double plate, I was putting them on my ski a few days ago and was wondering how many spacers there should be with the plate it came with four total but the middle two screws didn't have any spacers is this correct or am I missing some spacers?

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  • Baller

I put washers between the Sequence plate and ski top on the middle screws of my Strada set-up.  The plate has plastic on the underside except by the area where the screws attach at the middle.  Tightening the screws down without a spacer distorted the plate.  The washers I put in there were not a perfect match but are close enough there isn't any visible deflection of the plate when the fasteners are tightened.  The fasteners and spacers at the ends that came with the Sequence plate were fine. 

I also used washers under the fasteners when I was using just the forward Strada and rear Wiley.  The Strada was mounted on its plate separately from the Wiley.  Same thing with it and no spacers.  The plate would deflect substantially when the fasteners were tightened without spacers.



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