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Water Ski Honeymoon


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 My lovely bride, Gallagher and I finally went on a honeymoon last weekend. I took her to the California Rivera, also known as the Salton Sea. It is one of North Americas greatest manmade ecological disasters. After that I took her to a water ski tournament. I am a lucky man.




This is not my dog and not my ski. I could not get the sticker on the dog so I tagged the ski.


This is Eric explaining to Dave Goode about the LeeSki. I am trying very hard not to laugh.


This is Eric with the “Girls” sticker


Here is some bad skiing.

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_4-6ay9R-bLE/StNC8SJ7keI/AAAAAAAACRs/JM53TCU8vGw/s400/DSC_8938.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_4-6ay9R-bLE/StNDFgnjZHI/AAAAAAAACSI/ig8jLyNxJCU/s400/DSC_8956.JPG

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_4-6ay9R-bLE/StNDrMEQWPI/AAAAAAAACUI/VgQNz_Pa5FU/s288/DSC_9041.JPG  http://lh5.ggpht.com/_4-6ay9R-bLE/StNDx9RSTNI/AAAAAAAACUc/mSosFGexLPk/s400/DSC_9084.JPGhttp://lh6.ggpht.com/_4-6ay9R-bLE/StND1ebZZrI/AAAAAAAACUs/sJRGtbaBuSE/s400/DSC_9089.JPG

These next photos scare me a little.




yes that is Barry Young on drums



More photos of party, skiing and dead fish here Imperial09

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Skied like crap. Drank way too much. Had a great weekend.

I did not ride the Strada. Zappy had one he stole from Papa Smurf. He looked good.

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  • Baller_

It was alot of fun, I've got footage & more pics but I'm still in San Diego - can post a Horton ski video tomorrow. I've got his second round and his 3rd, but missed the 1st round where he truly became a BOS between the 2 and 3 ball @ -38. It would have been a great clip for the "crash reel".


The Strada is excellent. Anyone interested in a good condition, one season used 68.75 A-1, it'll be on the BOS classifieds tomorrow priced to sell quick.

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You rat bastard! I skied like a girls 3 this weekend. If you post that I will drive up there and beat you with that Stata.


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MS- Sorry, so far I love the z7! For $5 its not too shabby! Haha Can't wait to get back on it this weekend :)

Hey John, since you abandoned the fbook world, do you mind if I steal a few Imperial photos to post and share with those with less will-power than you? (ill photo cred you of course!)

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Horton - congratulations.  I facetiously say that misery loves company, so welcome to the ranks of married men!

 MS - here are a bunch of used Z7's.  http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&postid=SIA10022  I bought my 08 NRCX from Doug.  It was in perfect condition.  He's asking $850.


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  • Baller

John, don't malign my turf. The Salton Sea rocks! Chuck Stearns trained there and became one of the best skiers ever.

Ecological disaster? The Salton Sea is the most biologically productive body of water in the world. Now if I can just figure out how to harvest those fish before they die... Or feed the algae to Kim's bugs.

Great photos! It was good to see you and Kim at the Imperial tournament. You are a lucky man to have such a great wife.


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  • Baller

When we were digging my lake we skied in the Salton Sea at the North Shore Marina pictured in that video. We never got sick from the water (I always get some degree of stomach distress from Bakersfield water). There were some fish dieoffs we had to deal with. The dieoffs happened because of oxygen issues in the water and too many fish in the sea - not any toxic water. There are recommendations not to eat too many of the fish from the Salton Sea due to excessive selenium levels. Seleneum is bad for pregnant women and people trying to have kids. Otherwise it is a supplement you buy in the health food stores to enhance your longevity. While the most polluted river in the US drains into the Salton Sea, the New River, by the time it gets to the sea the water has naturally cleaned up a lot. The Salton Sea's real problem is the salinity. While not yet hypersaline (like the Great Salt Lake in Utah) it is saltier than sea water. Since there is no drain the salinity will continue to rise and the lake levels will fluctuate, flooding or drying out improvements. We just went through another bust - that house that sold for 250k can be yours for 50k today.

Maybe the bad press will keep the area from being overdeveloped. But the North Shore Marina just got a huge federal grant to get renovated. There are some solutions to the water problems but the politics of actually doing something major and useful have prevented the implementation. In the meanwhile, anybody want to buy a ski lake next to the Salton Sea? It actually skis great!


Regarding the ski, despite Horton's criticism, it works for me. The thin tail makes it easier to balance over the center of the ski. The straight tail means that there is some lift component from the very end of the ski that helps add tip pressure in the turns. Boron fibers and graphite make it very light. And at least I don't have to spend thousands to get a ski - oh wait, I do spend thousands on my skis. Oops.


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  • Baller_

Rwskier - that Strada has a RS-1 top because it's a R & D ski.  I had started going backwards on the A-1 score-wise in September, but after a half dozen sets on the new Strada, it feels like -39 is going down soon !

Don't laugh at Eric's funny looking ski, I watched him run that baby into -35 on Sunday

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  • Baller

Geez Richard,

you think loosing a ball or two off of a couple at 39 is going down in score? Do you want to join my party? remember me I 'm the one that one the mop award at Winlock. This a-1 better work for me or i'm gonna come up there and smack you with it. /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif


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  • Baller_
My close up pictures of Eric's ski didn't come out well, otherwise I'd post them and you could see for yourself.  Plus, to do a serious review Horton would actually have to ski on that thing.  It was the general consensus of the weekend that Eric could pick up at least 6 more bouys if he'd use a "normal" slalom ski.
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