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What's the reason behind the dates for Regional's and National's?


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  • Baller

I'm curious as to the logic (if any) behind the scheduling of the regional and national tournaments.


I know you can't please everyone, but at the very least it would seem a late August or early September date (right before school starts) would be preferred over the current setup.


My thoughts...


- skiers are at their peak in late August and early September

- if nationals were held outside the SE region, it would create more certainty for warmer weather

- there is basically a 3-4 week period where a family cannot vacation during prime summer months (especially the midwest)

- there would be more room on the calendar for professional tournaments

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  • Baller
I will start by saying I don't get a lot of the scheduling, and think some of it is outright ridiculous (glad I don't live in the Western Region, Regionals on a Wednesday, really?), however your points don't seem to make sense to me. How is moving it back going to "create more certainty for warmer weather" outside the Southeast? Last year had some cold days (really just nights) in Wilmington, and many southerners complained about the water temp, I found it refreshing. These tournaments are also catered around the youth, and their skiing parents (rightfully so), and most pre-college grade schools start by mid August, even some colleges start by then. You combine school starting, with greatly popular sport of football (game-days both college and pro), and the main season needs to be finished before early-mid August. Now I would agree with you that the actual days (of the week) are not accommodating, I think we miss a lot, or don't give a lot of people the opportunity to ski these major tournaments simply because they are not fortunate enough to be able to take so many days off of work. If someone has a child skiing, they're looking at blowing their total PTO on Regionals and Nationals, especially if they drive. I thank my parents for doing just that, and know that I did not appreciate that as a child. I don't know how to fix it, but it is asking for a lot, especially in these economic times, so the barrier to entry is going to get even higher. Skiing gets further and further from the M-F 9-5'er every year.
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  • Baller
All good points. Another thought...Regionals should be optional for those already qualified for Nationals, and that would encourage much more partipitation at Nats, (I know, at the expense of Regionals). Unfortunately, not everyone is in the position to fly 1000 miles one direction for Regionals, stay for 4 days (if their family members ski on different days) and then do the whole thing again in another couple of weeks in another part of the country. Consequently, participaton at Regionals and Nationals suffer the consequences. This topic could be aother thread altogether.
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  • Baller_

I have often thought that our system or ladder for national championship is rather aniquated. Also Think that the final national championship needs to be around labor day week, This gives the skiers in the northern parts of the country a better shot at being competitive as their summers are quite a bit shorter then those below the mason Dixon line.

I also do not have a problem with breaking up a national championship into a jr Nationals and an age group Nationals (Fat Chance) . one thing that needs to change at nationals and this would help with keeping men and women1 in the mix is to schedule these divisions along side the Juniors. Many men and women 1 are still living at home and some are even still in high school. As it stands it can be a hardship on both the skiers m&W-1 to have to wait until the end of the week after all the juniors have skied and gone home. a lot of parents just are not going to stay around and support these skiers.

Dont have all the answers but can give quite a few recomendations.

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I forked over $109 for my one Regionals ride this year. I will burn about $200 in gas getting there and if Smart was not letting me sleep with his bulldog I would blow another $200+ on a hotel. $500+ for one ski ride? If my event was not on a Saturday, there is no way I would go.


I am only going to show my face and support the sport. If I ski good that is great, but I really do not care that much. Sad to say but there are a lot of events that I would rather ski at. It is really a lost weekend to me. Maybe I have just been round too long for it to be exciting .. .


This is way better to me http://www.ballofspray.com/forum#/discussion/2249/soul-of-the-sport-maybe-in-a-beer-glass/p1


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  • Baller

Scarlett, not picking on you, but Ohio State is also the last college to start, at least in the area, and likely in the whole nation. One year their ski team was at a tournament (half of them actually) and they hadn't even started school yet. State tourney could also be a weekend later, that's something to take up with your state gov body. Should be no reason to be afraid of voicing your opinion.


Horton, in the Midwest I know the M/W1-2 skiers still keep up that type of tradition, but it gets harder and harder for them every year, they get older, and the accommodations aren't always there.

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  • Baller
I like what Marco brought up. Why is it required to attend a regional event if you have already quailified for nationals? I finally qualified this year, and really would like to participate, but will be on a family vacation during regionals.
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