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US Gear Rope Suggestions


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I finally received my US Gear rope with the "locking" loops. I really like this design and hope the rope will serve me well. (I haven't measured it yet.)


I have a few minor suggestions for US Gear:


1) Offer more options for sections. I need a rope that starts at red (for guests and my kids), and I'd sorta like to have -41 available just as a practice drill. Since the price differs quite a bit by section count, I'd like to be able to choose exactly the ones I need. I certainly don't need a long-line section, so that's 15 feet of rope that it's silly for me to pay for. And at the other end the options jump from -39 to -43, and with a pretty significant price increase, so I decided to end at -39: the last line I'll be skiing "for real." So I got 0 to 39 -- which is not what I really want at either end. It would be far preferable to simply specify exactly the range of sections that I want -- in my case -15 to -41.


2) Do not label the sections -- or at least offer the option to not have the rubber loop labels. I try not to be very image-conscious, but to me those things absolutely scream amateur. Any remotely serious slalom skier knows what all the lengths are by their color. And they add some weight, too, although probably that's close to negligible. I assume I can just cut them off (someone please shout if I'm wrong!), but presumably I had to pay extra for the effort and materials involved in putting those hideous things on there.


3) Look for other ways to reduce the price, too. $100 for a rope (not including a handle, obviously) seems a bit absurd. I shelled it out b/c I wanted to try the locking loops, but I may not be willing to pay that for my next one.

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Fwiw, this rope is also, as they say in South Boston, Wicked Shaht.


Specifically, after a set on it to stretch it out, it's about 8" short of actual at -35 and about 7" short of actual at -38.


This isn't a huge deal, as there seems to be enough rope that I can adjust it. But that's pretty darn far off. It actually gets even further off on the longer lines, so my best guess is they anticipated it stretching out a lot more than it did.

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  • Baller

My thoughts:


2) I cut the yellow rubber warning label off my handle and it hasn't caused problems (shh, don't tell anyone!) I can't imagine why cutting the length labels off would make a difference.


3) Of course it's overpriced. That length of rope costs pennies to manufacture. It's expensive because it's "new technology." No one else has it, so they have no reason to drop the price.


Rest assured, I agree. I wish they would lower the price too, but I guess it's the nature of the beast :)

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  • Baller
@than, a half foot?? That IS a big deal for a guy looking to bust through 38 like you are currently. Geez..what if you run 38 and take a crack at 39???? You will want that extra rope. I don't need longline thru 28 off for my slalom rope, but I find uses for the loops I remove...like the anchor line for my swim raft etc. With that I get my moneys worth. Doing custom stuff for every order would cost money. If it didn't I would specify 28 to 39...may cost more to satisfy all our preferences than to mass produce full lines and give 'em to everyone.
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Hook at one end to attach - tape measure - 44 pounds an a fish scale - usaws rulebook


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  • Gold Member
@mr_pretzel At the risk of sounding arrogant, I would recommend you don't worry much about rope measuring just yet. The difference between 60 feet and 55 or 65 feet isn't much. But once the colors turn to blue and purple and beyond, even a few inches is a big deal.
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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan I just want to know how, i have nobody to teach me. So i ask here.

I know that i wont be measuring ropes for at least 5+ years but knowing how is just cool. Thats why i'm asking all these questions, i just want to know stuff.

I love skiing in general and just got on the water this year, but have had 6 snow season in a row with 100+ days. Now i finally found something to do during the summer. Waterskiing is a amazing thing, that i know with time i can get "good" at.

There is just about having skis on your feet that just feels right.

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