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How come nobody really talks about Connelly anymore?


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  • Baller
Seems like very few people either on the net or on the water really talk about Connelly anymore. Any particular reason why? I know they are big in the jump ski market and most show teams use their skis, but in the slalom world seems kind of quiet with regards to them, at least in this part of the country. I still love my 14 year old Concept and still feel like it has more potential than I'll ever be able to throw at it. I was in the local shop buying a new rope about a month ago and the sales guy just kind of looked down and said, "Yeah...people still talk about that ski". But he said it like he was afraid to admit it - even though they are a Connelly dealer and the Concept is still available. I know they make some much higher end skis as well. It's not that I'm tied to any one brand but I'm just curious.
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  • Baller
Horton gave the Prophecy high marks in his review last year. One of my pals (M5) has been getting PB's on his Prophecy this year (38 off). Their new bindings are getting raves from everyone I know who have tried them too. But it does seem like they have less market share among the competitive skiers. I can't imagine why. They shared the world record, are super durable, and are one of the coolest looking skis out there. It seems like they should be flying off the shelf.
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  • Baller
Is Jamie even skiing this year? As a lefty I love to watch him ski. He was on the list but was a "scratch" at Malibu. May have missed him at the masters as I was tied up with a wedding a did not get to watch. Anyway, hope to see him at Soaked or Diablo.
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  • Baller_
I think they will talk less now that they have gotten away from the retro wood look. Orange is the new mahogany for 2013 I guess. I thought the wood look was very cool. Just stood out from the rest of the crowd and then some. 2013 has a different core and the new orange graphics.
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  • Baller
I really like my 2012 prophecy. I think it is a highly underated ski; people just won't ski it because of brand loyalty or because there is not a big name pro on it right now. It has a lot a strong qualities/characteristics and it is still a stable platform. A lot of skiers are like sheep; sometimes you gotta be the wolf!!!
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  • Baller
Interesting replies...glad to hear some people are out there on the new ones. I'm like skibug...kind of root for the underdog. The thing I like about my Concept is I feel like I know what's going to happen, even if I screw up royally. I've been on other skis that seemed like an old doberman - you never know when they are going to jump out and bite you.
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  • Baller
I stopped buying their skis a few years back when I tried to buy a wrap for an old binding (wanted to keep the ski just for friends, etc...but never heard back from them and the dealer couldn't seem to help. I was looking at a V or a Radar Senate this year and decided, based on that previous experience, that I would just bag it...there are too many good companies out there. I'm sure it was an isolated incident but it's was enough for me...for now.
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  • Baller
Bringing this one back to the top...I'd like to hear more about people's experiences on the V. @Horton gave it high marks. I'm a real light weight (130 lbs.) and I know it's pretty wide in front, but then again the tail is pretty narrow. I just don't see how these wider skis can work as well as people say they do for someone like me, but the V has my curiosity.
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I place the stock version of the V in the same category as the base model of the HO COX or Radar Senate. Its fun & its forgiving but it is not a short line ski.



The carbon version does not compare favorably with the other 2. It is too wide and to stiff for chasing balls

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  • Baller

I have been asking myself the same question...


Back in the day I rode an old F1 and I was on that ski until I started running 35off.


I then tried every ski I could get my hands on from my local dealers including the first few versions of the Prophecy. After months of testing it came down to either the D3 X7 or an Obrien Elite. I chose the Elite however for the first time in my career I began to 'choke' in tournaments. Despite having received the Elite from a sponsor (www.waterskiersworld.com) I was back trying new skis and was actually ready to buy a Radar Strada when I heard Connelly had put a V stepped hull in their 2012 Prophecy.


When I rode the 2012 Prophecy I didn't instantly think it was anything too special like I had done with the Elite/X7/Strada however after a few sets I was absolutely hooked.


I took my 2012 Prophecy to the states last year. I ran 39off 9 times in record events and got to 2.5@41 however I was still not signed with any ski companies so the last month and a bit of my trip was spent travelling around Florida skiing on as many different skis as I could. I even took an MC and a D3 home to Australia with me because I felt I had not given them a decent go in Florida.


Nothing compared... I think Connelly could have even changed the name of the Prophecy when they started using the V stepped hull because to me if feels nothing like the early model Prophecy's.


If you have any questions about the ski (or any ski) let me know.



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  • Baller

Yes, I have.


However the one I rode wasn't the final product. The surface finish on the base of the ski was still being played with.


I ran a 39 off the doc first set.


I was stoked with it. The ski felt like it was on rails, just as the 2012 does however off the second wake as the load is released there seemed to be even less rebound to deal with (which is something I thought the 2012 already did really well).


Also exiting the turn as the load came on I found the ski simply would not stall. I ran some 38's trying to bog/stall the ski at the exit of the turn just to see if I could and I never came unstuck. It want's to move the moment you apply any load at all, even before my hand was back on the handle I felt the ski was moving well.


Obviously if you try hard enough it is still possible overturn the ski, however whether I had tailturned or jumped on the nose the ski just always seemed to have more momentum than the 2012 and I found it easy to reset the ski at a manageable angle and continue.


It felt just like the 2012 on the approach to the ball and initiating the turn seemed to require no more or less movement than the 2012. Which is great because the 2012 is awesome!


I rode a 67 with...

Depth = 2.529

Length = 6.823

DFT = .750

Wing = 9

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