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Getting Old Sucks !

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

Here we go again, after microfracture surgery on the Left knee last year, I am on the table tomorrow (18th December) for surgery on the Right knee, hopefully not as bad as the Left, " I am not giving up " hello! can you hear me indoors " I am not giving up " she has to understand, I have to participate, I am not going to be a spectator.

Merry Christmas Guy,s & Gals, hope you all have a Fantastic 2013 season.

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  • Baller

I don't mind the operations! Been having them ever since my college football days. I don't even mind choosing to watch Sports Center over being amorous with the wifey sometimes--something I never would have done at 30!!


I have to honest with you all--the thing I am hating the most about getting older is that I am having to wake up several times a night to go take a leak. And when I do go, it is more of wimper than the Niagra Falls of yesteryear!!!


It is a true statement--Youth is wasted on the Youth!

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  • Baller

I don't have the surgeries but I do have the other problem above.


Also, at 54, I don't recover from intense exercise well at all.


Tried to do "CrossFit" this past month. The last session of the "on-ramp" course was a "final exam". Had to demonstrate all of the moves, then they had us do the "workout of the day" named "Fran".


Fran kicked my ass. 21 thrusters followed immediately by 21 pull-ups, folllowed immediately by 15 thrusters, 15 pullups, then 9 more each...for time. I finished it (without throwing up and much slower than everyone else in class who was in their 20s and 30s), but was tired and sore for 3 full days after. That was last Thursday and today I finally feel like I could work out again

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  • Baller
Two rebuilt shoulders, I've had both knees scoped, I wear a friggin' full metal knee brace on my right (rear) knee just so I can keep skiing, plus I'm 57 years young. Never givin' up is damn right @Stevie Boy, I'll quit skiing when they pry my slalom handle from my cold dead hands. Rehab like you're supposed to and you'll be good to go no problem. Best of luck!
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  • Baller
I might be on the table in the near future. Played some "easy" basketball two Sundays ago, and my friggin knee blew up like a watermelon. Just now starting to bend it, after a week of ice and elevation (after work). If its not one thing its another... this just SUCKS!
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  • Baller
MRI on my knees and a suspicious mole cut off of my chest, and that's just this month. Broken fingers, tennis elbow, worn-out hip, arthritic and bulging L5, and whiplash issues took turns this year reminding me how slowly I now heal. It's a good thing my wife is younger and smarter than me, cause someone is going to have to do the heaving lifting later on.
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  • Baller

As a Men's 6 Guy, I still consider skiing to be the "Fountain of Youth." It's the reason I get up in the morning. It is a lot more fun than the gym and keeps me from eating like a pig...That, and a Wife 20 years younger, keeps me on my toes.


Oh yes, it does take longer to recover, but I would not know what it is like to ski without being "Sore."

Two Bayer Aspirin in the morning, on ski days, and I'm good to go.


I guess the answer is, "If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself."


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  • Baller
water sking does give us all a reason to have some serious adrenaline fun! It does tear up my body, I recharge by doing Bikram Yoga. On weekends when I pound out 2-3 sets a day in practice and I'm really still & sore I do a bikram class to start the day. Its like recharging my body. It is the only exercise that feels like I get recharged from and not broken down from. I swear by Bikram and do it 5-6 days a week. As I have gotten older I find that its important to "recharge" and not further break down my body. At 55 I want to keep getting better, feel better, and have fun. Last season I had one of my better season' and I believe it is because I have learned a better way of staying fit. I feel pretty pain free. I had no injuries or time out, that was a 1st in a season to not sustain an injury, pulled muscle, ect... The season before I did bikram 2-3 times per week, had my normal back issues, pulled muscles ect... In July of 2011 I comitted to doing Bikram 5-6 times per week. 2012 was injury free, I ran more 38's than I had since I was pre 50. So it works for me. BIG commitment, however after a year I believe it changed my body as well as slowed down my mind so the slalom course seemed slower. My breath while sking is more in control, and I'm more excited about the 2013 season because of all this!
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  • Baller
My brother convinced me that old is old. He said he has older patients who were very physically active and, guess what, they ache all over, need new knees and hips, etc. He also said he has older patients who were never physically active and, guess what, they ache all over, need new knees and hips, etc. Old is old. Might as well have some fun along the way! Ski on Ballers!
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  • Baller
@East tx skier; No ankle issues here since switching to Stradas from Wiley's. I think a lot of that has to do with time on the water, better technique, and fewer reckless out the fronts in recent years though. Stradas release really well if worn correctly, I have countless proof points here unfortunately. Enjoy them, great bindings
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  • Baller
Yeah ! Thanks for the support guy,s, the operation went well was very worried before hand, but the surgeon tells me, it could have not have gone better, meniscus all taken care of, and a bit of tidying up, he says my right knee is in much better shape than the left, right knee has a small area of grade II which is to be expected for someone of my age, considering my left knee was grade III to grade IIII (bone) I am very happy and look forward to next season, just got to do the work, lose some weight and get really fit.
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  • Baller
@Than_Bogan If the alternative is being perpetually 28 and dating hot women and having all the money in the world to ski?.......then HELL no!!!! That doesn't beat that alternative. That is the life I want!! WAIT, isn't that @ShaneH 's life?
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  • Baller

My favorite part of getting old is when I wake up and something new starts hurting for no reason.

Woke up the other day and for 3 days my shoulder was killing me and then the next day its fine. My wife and I refer to it as the "pain of the day".

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Like @ed johnson I sport a 20 year younger wife. Like @rich I am into Bikram yoga which solved my back issues. Like @ ed obermeier I may need a rear knee barace soon. After meniscus surgery 2 years ago my knee is on strike after I skied for 3 weeks every day one or two sets. I hope to recover by March but my mood is pretty grim since there is no quick fix...

But like most of you guys, I will never, ever give up! So keep skiing young seniors and Merry Christmas! Tips for maintaining knees in good shape are welcome!!!

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  • Baller

@east tx skier - no injuries after switching to Strada bindings. Two injuries prior in wileys, torn calf muscle and broken toe.


When I have a birthday now (59 presently), I say:

The bad news is I got a year older.

The good news is I got a year older.


I married an older (3 years) women so we can hopefully depart at the same time since women always seem to outlive men.


Had my best season since ZO came out this year with 4 tournament runs into 38. No major injuries this year, just a couple of tweaks. Looking forward to 2013 and moving to Men 6 after Nationals.

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My doctor just taught me a new word, "patellofemoral" as in "patellofemoral arthritis." Up until now I knew it simply as "knee pain." He has very impressive credentials as a knee specialist, but his bedside manner kind of sucks. He started out by saying, "You realize that as an athlete, you are older than dirt, right." That felt nice. Then when my beautiful young wife asked what should be done for the long term, his immediate reply to her was, "Get a younger husband." Then he had the nerve to whack me with a big bill!


BTW, have any of you seen my wife around lately???

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  • Baller

@ShaneH- Good skiing in Colorado right now. Glad to hear you are getting some of it. 27 inches here in Telluride since Thursday, and plenty of ski bunnies to go around...


Speaking of getting old sucking, I was skiing the steep and deeps yesterday in vertigo conditions and went down ackwardly and felt and heard a big pop in my knee. Knew for sure it was my ACL, and there goes my summer. Had to get snowmobiled off the mountain. Got in to see my ortho, and after examination he told me it was my MCL, not ACL, no surgery required and I should be able to ski when summer rolls around. Doged a bullet there (the one my wife would have shot me with if I had to go under the knife again).

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  • Baller

@Brady - Were you back to 100% after 3 months? What did the rehab entail? I don't start PT until Tuesday, but don't want my knee to seize up before then.


I'm trying my best not to act my age, but on the north side of 50, I'm learing that I don't bounce like I used to. Now it is more of a splat.

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  • Baller
@Marco Lot's of standing knee flexion and chair walks and range of motion exercies and then tons of light weight squats once i got stronger. Tell you what, kick butt on the rehab and i will drive with @scotchipman to colorado and go hang with you and ski for a couple of days in 3 months!!! Remember, it will hurt like hell, but just push past that pain and you will be back at it in no time. My knee is 100 percent now. It was torn pretty bad when I did it. I couldn't even stand up at all and couldn't walk without crutches for the first month.
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