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A3 2013


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  • Baller
Hard to gauge on the first set in a 15 mph wind. Think I want less length. Would like it to come under me and out in front a bit more through the gate. Ski is way more stable underfoot than the A2 and creates a ton more space on both sides if you let it. Just ran 22, 28 and 32. 2 or 3 sets and it'll feel pretty comfortable, I think.
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  • Baller

I went to 6.854, 2.504, .778 8 degrees and it felt pretty good. Came under me better as I moved in for the gates. Still figuring out how and where to turn in, though. In the course it feels great. Just that gate movement is different than I'm used to.




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  • Baller
@Ham Wallace Hey Ham, try taking out a little length 6.850 maybe or move your front binding back a little, which ever is easier for you. See if that is better. If it gets better repeat the process until it isn't then add back .001 at a time until optimized.
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  • Baller

Couple of my thoughts on the A3.......


1. ski keeps moving back in behind the buoy better than the A2.

2. offside carves a very tight arc if I move out with the handle and let the ski roll over

3. Very symmetrical space and width on both sides

4. low effort needed


Some things are different about it, though. When I ski it correctly, I feel like I'm back on the ski although video and the people watching from the boat disagree. I guess it's just the fact that the tail rides deeper and tip is higher than the A2. Also, I'm creating so much space in front of the buoy that it's imperative that I keep my core with the handle and not reach too soon. Otherwise, the boat runs away from my position and I feel stretched out.

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  • Baller

The A3 is a BIG ski for it's size. The 67 dwarfs my 66.5 A2 and is as big or bigger than the 67.5 A1 and A2 I also have. Terry Winter shipped me a 66 to try now. I don't have the 67 here but my thought is that they measured chord length and not across the running surface like on the A1 and A2.


Fwiw, service from Terry has been impeccable. I emailed him at 7:30 and by 10:30 he'd shipped a new ski.

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  • Baller

Out with the old and in with the new! Special thanks to @OB for helping me get it set up! I'm going to try it out this afternoon.


Here are the numbers I'll be at for the first couple of sets: (67")



6.872 (tips)


9 degrees




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  • Baller
As I suspected. The 66 showed up today. They've gone to a chord measurement now. The 66 has a chord measurement of 66.25" and a running surface measurement of 67". The 66.5 A2 has a chord measurement of 65.5" and a running surface measurement of 66.25". So in essence, the smaller 66 A3 is larger than the 66.5 A2.
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  • Baller

Took the A3 out for its maiden voyage today. Very windy and rough conditions....but planned on just staying at my opener (28 off)


I scraped through the first 2 28's and thought to myself, "ok, not bad. You just need to get used to it". Well....I didn't run another pass the rest of the day.


I felt like the ski wasn't finishing the onside turn at all. When I was getting in a pulling position, the ski wasn't between me and the boat, so I ended going off the back of the ski. I fell around 3 ball (my onside) 3 times in a row.


Also, noticed that I had a very hard time building angle....it was especially noticeable through the gates.


On the positive, it did seem to get out and up on the boat with much less effort on the gate pull out than I was used to with my A1.


Ultimately, I need the ski to finish the turn and keep moving seamlessly across the wakes with strong angle. I never felt like it finished and kept moving. It was like the turn and the pull were 2 separate actions.


Anyway, I'm pretty frustrated right now. I was on the same ski for 3 full seasons and I know I got very used to it. This is something completely different. I just need to figure out how to make different=better!


Any suggestions on adjustments would be appreciated.

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  • Baller
@Webbdawg99. I have been from .790 to .730 DFT. I ski at 55k. All of the settings I was getting from others were with a forward DFT so the .730 was the last thing I tried. Somebody at HO liked 2.510, .730, 6.845 cause those are the "stock" settings they publish for the A3. That person is now in the witness protection program. I have only one set with .730 and it is too far back BUT felt pretty good and at least as good as most of the forward settings. I'm going to go forward 10 at a time from there and see. At .730 don't get enough angle out of onside and a little forward through the wakes offside. Bottom line is that I was on the tail of the ski too much with the forward DFT.
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  • Baller
@webbdawg99, you're initial impression is correct - the ski really does suck. I would go back to your trusty A1 and send me the A3 for proper disposal. I'll even do it for you free of charge. Just trying to help a fellow baller out!
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  • Baller
First set on mine, I was having an issue rolling in for the gate and getting angle. 2nd and 3rd set got better. By the 4th set I was getting stupid angle on my offside. It's a new ski and it reacts differently than you're A1. Go ride it a few more times. 6.872 is pretty long, though. I liked it better around 6.855.
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  • Baller

@estrom I think you misread my initial impression! I know what this ski is capable of, I just need some help figuring it out!


@ShaneH Yea, its hard to make a judgement off of one day, especially in such crappy conditions. Also, it probably didn't help that @MattP was driving! (just kidding Matt)


I'll give it a few sets in calm water before making any big changes. But glad to hear that you were experiencing difficulty getting angle through the gate and that it improved with repetition.

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  • Baller

Some tough conditions today @webbdawg99 Just keep at it with an open mind.

Just let me know next time and Ill give you a bit of a weave down the course.


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  • Baller

@ShaneH I agree with that statement, but it does not apply when myself or @Webbdawg99 is behind the wheel.

@Webbdawg99 I know it calmed down at the dock end of the lake when we were leaving. I should have gone down to the hotel to get the full effect of the 25mph wind gusts.

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  • Baller
The 66" is the ski for me. In the last two weeks I've come off the A2, ridden 6 sets on 67 A3, 4 sets on Goode Nano Twist, and 1st pass on the 66 today, I said "this is the ski I'll ride." At 175lbs, it fits me WAY better than the 67 did. Terry sent me the ski he had been riding in the HO video announcing him to the team. Rode it with the fin settings he'd been running. 6.872, .760, 2.472, 8 degrees with the thicker black fin.
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  • Baller

@ShaneH I saw Terry on the dock today. He indicated that the 66 he sent you was the one he accidentally ran over with his truck (on the grass). He kept it in the entry way to his house and Willis Whisper (his dog) kept pissing on it, so it had to go.

He prob does not like you. He usually only sells top end skis that he has set up and ridden himself.

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  • Baller

@matthewbrown I put your numbers above on the "2nd best ski". Which means I took away .020 length and added .040 depth. And I honestly couldn't tell the difference, which was surprising with that big of a move. Maybe that's the sign of the right shape, flex, and rocker for the given rider.


@DavidP DWest put two sets on the 67 yesterday and was running 35's with a big grin on his face.



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  • Baller

Finally starting to get the A3 dialed in. I had @OB watch me yesterday and he confirmed what I was feelin....ski wasn't finishing the onside turn. Mid-set, OB went to work on the fin and the next pass was my best of the season. Still some fine tuning that needs to be done, but here's where I'm at right now.


6.832 .793 2.498


The added DFT has made the biggest improvement for me so far

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  • Baller
I've noticed that the ski feels the same whether the fin is at a 2.472, 2.496, or 2.505 depth. I would have thought I'd feel some tail slide at 2.472 or too hard of an edge change. But no. In talking with Terry W, he indicated binding position and fin DFT has the most effect on the ski.
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Can someone that has a 66" A3 please be very kind and measure the distance between one of the insert on the front binding to the end of ski.

I have one and I'm worried that the insert is in the wrong place, cause I can't get the right distance from binding to tail.


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  • Baller
You want 29 1/16 to the tail on a 66. 29 1/2 is where you want it with a 67. With the Reflex plate I'm using, I did have to put my horsehoe in the 3rd hole back on the plate(which moved release blocks back a corresponding amount). There are a few different plates, though, so yours may not need that.
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Sorry, I meant 29,25...

But now I think I realize I've done a huge mistake! We measure in cm, and has convert it to the wrong unit. Hopefully that's the problem, need to check the ski when I come home. Thanks for your help!

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  • Baller
I've started moving back with the fin and the ski keeps getting better and better. The ski would come under me too quickly at 1/3/5(onside) and give me a line into 2 that left me with too much load and speed . The farther I've gone back, the more it's toned down that onside and helped the offside. Right now I'm at 6.860/2.496/.745 with the front binding at 29.25. I'm going to go back to .730 and see if I can find where the turn radius gets too large or slow then move back forward. Right now I think the setup is getting close to how I want it.
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