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Video Coaching Worth it? Which coach?


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Hey guys between work and kids I'm having a hard time getting away to ski school, plus I'm thinking for the price of travel and lodging I could instead do a series of video coached sets this spring and summer then maybe ski in person with the coach in the fall.


How many of you have received video coaching? What coaches are good at this? Were you pleased with the advice? Should I find one coach and stick with him/her or should I seek out advice from several different coaches? I'm wanting specific, actionable advice that can help me progress- not just what I need to do but also how to do it. Should I instead throw up a bunch of videos on BOS and let you guys tear them apart?

FYI -15 working from 30mph up to 34 (hopefully) this season.

Thanks for your thoughts.

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  • Baller
@crashman I did video coaching with Seth Stisher last year. I really liked it. Was more helpful than nothing. I think it would be far more beneficial to do an in person session then followed by video rather than the other way around. I can tell you to be prepaired for it to take three or four weeks to get the response video back. So I dont know how many videos you could really do in a season. I am probly going to continue some video coaching with Seth but will also coach up some other coaching in person too. If you would like I can email or post the bideo of mine for you to watch so you can can judge for yourself.
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  • Baller

You can post the video @OB described above on youtube. If you don't want anyone else to see it, set it as "anyone with the link" can view it. Email Chet the link. Paypal/Credit Card pay and it will be a matter of a day or two, not weeks for a great response.

Link to the website:




Just click on the payment link at the top of the web page and it will take you to video coaching. $50

I highly recommend his coaching.

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  • Baller

I like this idea alot. I've found that I ski like poopie at ski clinics. Maybe nerves , I don't know. So the advice I get is what I already know.

With the video I can choose the video that shows my normal ski pattern.

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  • Baller

I like this idea alot. I've found that I ski like poopie at ski clinics. Maybe nerves , I don't know. So the advice I get is what I already know.

With the video I can choose the video that shows my normal ski pattern.

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  • Baller
I sent a video to Seth last fall and got some of the best advice I have ever gotten to fix a less than perfect "stacked position". Anyone can tell you you need a more efficient positon to generate speed but the keys Seth addressed to fixed the problem were easy to understand and very effective. In addition being able to watch it over and over allows you to use it as a visualization tool in the off season. Best 100 bucks I've ever spent.
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  • Baller
I sent a video to Seth last fall and got some of the best advice I have ever gotten to fix a less than perfect "stacked position". Anyone can tell you you need a more efficient positon to generate speed but the keys Seth addressed to fixed the problem were easy to understand and very effective. In addition being able to watch it over and over allows you to use it as a visualization tool in the off season. Best 100 bucks I've ever spent.
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