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D3 Quest Ski Review Report #2


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I have not said much about the D3 Quest review as my season has just started and I am trying to get my head around this ski.


I am confident that when I do sit down to write the real review it will be one of the most difficult reviews I will ever write. Why? Because the Quest is not radical in any way. It is just balanced. It is an extension of the skier. I do not think about the ski. It just does what I need it to do. It does everything as I expect. Boring? Only if you expect a ski to have a mind of it's own.


It gets wide with ease but it does not feel fast (this is a very good thing) It makes buckets of angle but you do not realize it until you are across the lake with lots of time to spare before the ball. This is going to be one of those reviews were the Ballers are going to give me tons of grief for simply loving the ski. Guilty.


It is still March and I almost matched my all time PB today. Yea I am that stoked. I put my trusty weekend boat driver on one and he has never looked better.


Best D3 ever? I really like the Fusion but I think this ski is better. Fusion is a little finicky. I think Quest is perhaps a hall of fame ski. Time will tell.

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  • Baller
@Horton very positive comments so far. I'm considering a new ski / binding package this spring and liked what I have read about the D3 line. A rep from another ski co. said I may not like the feel of D3 after being on another single co. skis since the mid 90's. Does this make sense? I will be watching your reviews and the ballers comments closely this spring. Happy Easter!
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@ALPJr I do not think it makes sense to be brand loyal. We should be good ski loyal. Any ski is the designers vision and execution. In the case of D3 I think most of the design is done by Will Bush.


If you want to really dig deeper into this subject lets start another thread. This thread is about the Quest.



I try to not compare skis. I have not ridden the MPD in years. That ski holds a special place in my heart but I think that design is a little dated. I am pretty sure the Quest is more forgiving and more balanced.

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FYI - this is not a coded message about "Goode". Having a brand called "Goode" makes it hard to use the adjective "good" without being misunderstood. Ok back on topic.
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@OB reminded me this morning that if you want to give this ski a try that is another reason to visit the BallOfSpray Water Ski Demo Days at WaterSki Atlanta and holy heck ski in the ProAM!
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