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What is the shortest line length you have pulled a skier into at 34 mph or 36 mph?


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I unfortunately don't do a lot of driving as I ski in a club which has its own drivers / coaches... Hopefully I'll someday have my own boat and lake and course and friends who ski into 41off so I can come back and answer this poll differently ;)
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  • Baller
4@39 (36 MPH). 38 and beyond are a totally different game in the driving seat. As @OB mentioned in another thread about mirror size, you DO NOT LOOK AT THE MIRROR at these lenghts...
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  • Baller
I would be interested in hearing who looks in the mirror at any line length? I never "look" in the mirror intentionally. I do catch a blip of the skier/mirror in my peripherial vision; but, my eyes are never anywhere but down course. At the 38, 39, 41 the "blip" I speak of is very important as I expect to "feel" the skier and to see that "blip" at a certain point relative to hook up and course postition. This "feel" and "blip" are direct inputs to what I am doing as a driver; but, never do my eyes come off the course.
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  • Baller_
It was another thread on driving shortline that opened my eyes to just how hard it is to drive shortline. After that thread, I noticed how much of a synchronized dance it is between skier and driver. That is a great thread by the way. Worth bumping to be with this thread or putting up the link. I learned a great deal from it as I ski far more then drive.
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  • Baller_

Pulled CP through 41 numerous times in both practice and tournament. Also Andy through 41 at 34 mph. Nate 5 @ 41 for national record a couple years ago.


In reality these guy's that can run 41 have less impact on the boat then say a 38/39 off men 3 or 4. I pulled CP and Dr. Morgan over the weekend, Dr. Morgan needs far more steering influence then that of CP yet CP very commonly runs a full pass more then Dr. Morgan. as a skier Getting the cross course work done behind the boat and not off the ball will help a driver keep the boat where it needs to be. load hard off the ball and even the best drivers have difficulty recovering and making the boat stay in the middle or in layman's get's the driver out of step in the dance!


If you drive at this level or have aspirations or innate ability to be a good shortline driver please remember that these guy's will get out of step now and then and hit you when and where you least expect it. Dont freak out! feel where you are and do your best to get back in step with out hurting the skier and continue the duet! It happens to everyone that drives shortline from time to time!


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Pulled Cp through 41 several times and Nate Smith. Pulled Mapple through 41@34 mph. I agree with Jody, the skiers like CP are relatively easy to pull because he and Nate are pretty symetrical skiers and don't really load the boat up out of the buoy. However the key to pulling these guys is to stay a little ahead of them in the course and don't get to chasing the skier through the course.
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Pulled Chad Scott through 41 in practice. Having Chad as my ski partner for years really increased my driving skills as well as my skiing scores. Now having Mike Munn for one of my ski partners keeps my skills sharp as Munn is one to "get out of step" every now and then and hit the boat really hard. Having Shane Hill as another ski partner now I keep a close eye on the mirror as you never know when he will have a spectacular YouTube moment that you wouldn't want to miss!
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  • Baller

It's been a few years now, but pulled @razorskier1 through back to back 38's followed by a beautiful 39. I put "into 41" above even though he tossed the rope in joy and both of us were so excited that he didn't attempt 41. After it wore off and we were idling to the launch I was like "dude, I can't believe we didn't go for 41!...and he was like "yeah, what were we thinking?"

Caught in the moment, I guess. Was a magic day...we both skied like rock stars but he got the best score and a practice PB.

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  • Baller_

Most of us that drove by hand are all now starting to get up their in age. Funny thing though most of the drivers that are frequently used in the more elite level tournaments are the same drivers that drove by hand back in the not so distant past. This is a bit of a concern as their are not a whole lot of younger drivers coming up to drive these elite skiers. Chad, Eller and now hopefully Scot Ellis are a few of the under 40 ish drivers that are driving well and are heading for driver greatness. Down side is that they are so few and the rest of us are 55 years old Plus! The sport needs to be more active and quit putting up barriers for the younger aspiring drivers. Their are a number of individuals in the sport that drive a lot of elite skiers and are very good at it yet because of how our system works that individual can be a heart surgeon in less time then it takes to be a senior driver.


Driver rant!!

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  • Baller

I had a ski partner that could get into 38 off back in the late 80s. he could really pull the boat down, really hard to get good times with those boats.


Since I've started back skiing has been mostly 15, 22 some 28off. I'd definitely would not feel comfortable pulling someone at 38 or shorter.

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