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Baby Skiing - How early to start?


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I have spent many hours dragging behind a zip sled with my 18 month to three year old sitting or standing in front of me getting used to riding behind a boat. When my older child was three-and-a-half, he said he wanted to ski. We broke out the trainers, had someone in the boat holding the rope, mom floated behind him in the water keeping him steady, and off we went at 7 mph. He fell the first time. We tried again and he got up the second time, but started screaming when he realized he was skiing. We dropped the rope and went back to pull him in. He looked at us and said, "I want to go again!" So we went again and he skied a half-mile down the river with no trouble. From there, it was gravy.


My younger son had ear tubes and progressed a little slower. But the zip sled still gets used a lot.


The kid in the original post will never know a life without skis.

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