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Thought I had seen it all


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  • Baller
Many times I have seen skiers that could run 15 off, 22 off and maybe 28 off and not be able to ski longline or maybe 30, 32, or 34 mph. Like some skiers would start at 22 off and run maybe 3 at 28 off and be finished with two passes because they simply could not run 15 off. Now, this pass week I have seen a skier that can run 38 off and 39.5 off on a Radar Strada, but could not run 32off and 35off. Additionally, she could not run 28 off very well. I was just blown away. I don't really think she could start at 38 off in a tourney and run it. I know the course is legit because I ski on it about the same as Record Cap certified courses. I got to get this skier at a good site and see what she can do. Have any of you guys seen anything like this before?
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  • Baller
I am not going to say someone is on drugs such as Matt Brown. However, at this point I am curious. I am not going to judge this skier or demerit her so to speak. I am going to let her use my rope for starters to see what she can do. My rope has been measured and I have never had any trouble with Masterlines. She is definitely an accomplished skier but by no means is she Regina Jaquess or Whitney McClintock. And, I am not going to knock her down, I am going to improve her course if it needs to be done. That kind of thing. Get her skiing in a perfect accurate setup to see what she can do. I believe if something is off, she will probably quickly adapt.
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  • Baller

Last time something similar witnessed was at an away tournament; 1st skier off the dock in Rd 2 (Class C) ran right up the line through 38off whom had never seen 4B at 35off in the past. At that point tower judges were saying wtf. Turns out the long line segment had been erroneously placed at the distal end of the rope for the fun skiers at the end of Rd 1. His 38off = 23off, it was a wonder he ran the opening passes!


Gotta be the rope

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  • Baller
Didn't the Waterski Mag do a story on a guy years back who skied into 39.5 who had never ever skied a tourney and had no desire to do so? Although very unlikely it's a remote possibility. Although different, did anyone really see Nate Smith rising to the top that quickly?
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  • Baller
Jeff Rodgers comes to mind when you talk about top skiers coming out from nowhere. The first time I saw him ski, and it was one of his first few tourneys, he ran into 38 off twice in three rounds along with 5.5 at 35 off. I have been told he ran into 28 off his first try on the course. Mike Robbins former world record holder in kneeboard slalom ran 3@28 off his first try on the course after buying a brand new Jobe Open Class. He was trying it out:) So, outstanding performances do happen around the country that never get seen in tourneys. There are some incredible talents out there on the big public lakes. I like seeing these folks out on the lake not taking the skiing or themselves so seriously. It's refreshing and good to see keeping the skiing fun.
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  • Baller

You weren't skiing in MN were you? Maybe the winch took longer to work?? Just had to throw that one out.


It could be a ski setup for ultra short rope, and stinks at longer line. You are supposed to setup a ski for 38 off, not 28 off. But, that is still a stretch.....

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  • Baller

I'll concede that it's within the realm of possibility that a skier could grow up only ever skiing at -38 and eventually get so good at it that they could take it through a course. But for this to happen, their skiing mechanics would have to be sound enough that -32 would only take a couple of passes to sort out.

... mushrooms.

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dude your a long time baller so you're basically family but I'm thinking your hat maybe too tight or maybe you have had too much kilo Kai (if that is possible)

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  • Baller
Ok, I was just passing along what I thought was incredible. Thought some might enjoy hearing about some unknown talent. Reminds me of the year 1986 when everyone said I was crazy talking about a well driller from South Carolina who was running 39.5 off in practice, many thought I was full of it. If you told me in October of 2008 that a black man named Barack Hussein Obama was going to be President of the United States, I would have said you are plain insane and incredibly stupid, so I guess I would react as others have had I not seen it with my own two eyes. Cheers!
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  • Baller
@skimech it's just very hard to believe that anyone could run 38 and 39 and not run anything longer. I would not say impossible but pretty unlikely. Something seems amiss. Did you have to look around the driver to see the skier at the buoys? How old is this person? Can you give us anymore details? Speed? I have seen "tournament ropes" that were extremely long.
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  • Baller_

@skimech We had the DR fooling many experts about his skiing ability and now we have a President that is fooling everyone. The DR got caught but for some reason the President has not been caught YET.

Panda Time?

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  • Baller
Regardless of the no politics issue (where I agree with @Horton), I really did not get how the ability to be elected to some post has anything to do with being able to run 39 off and not 32 or 35.
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  • Baller
@skimech if you told me there was a female who could run 39 whom we've never heard of, I'd tell you that you should check some of the other 100 variables that could of come into play to give you this misconception. Rope/Handle length being the first two variables. But, when you tell me that this female who spins 39's for a living can not run 32, well then I stand by my original statement, wrong batch of shrooms.
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  • Baller
A more logical explanation would be that they attached the 15 off side to the mainline instead of the 43 off. That way you can run an easy 43 and 41, then obviously getting near 35 makes it gets more complex...
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