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T-shirts for a good cause


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In year's past, we have printed and given away t-shirts at our tournaments (I'm sure you've seen one around!). Beginning this year, we will sell the t-shirts and the proceeds will be donated to a trust that was set up for the son of a former member (a B-52 pilot) who lost his battle with cancer at a very young age. He left behind a wife and 3-month old son. Soon after his death in Feb, 2011, a trust was established for his son that we have donated to via tournaments and other fund raisers but have decided that the t-shirts we give away each year would be the perfect vehicle to create a sustained fundraising effort going forward. Therefore, if you are interested in purchasing, the cost is $15. Shipping $5. Paypal jdarwin@lakesatcottonwood.com and in the message, please state the size you would like. T-shirts are being printed now and should be ready to ship within 10 days. They will also be available at all our tournaments this season. The first pic is the front - second, the back. Thank you in advance for your support.


Joe Darwin

Cottonwood Water Ski, Inc.cdd06ab4e6c4dc07315ade341864b3.jpg22471763dd282bac2251ccdd75cd2c.jpg

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