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Is this how we should market water skiing?


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  • Baller
It seems like a great idea for the guys! I'd be interested in what the women have to say? There's no doubt that we want more beautiful girls like the_Krista, but we don't want to push away our wives and significant others. If we're lucky, this type of marketing will appeal to our better halves!
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  • Baller

Pretending for a moment that these two beautiful real life swervers were Jane Q Public spectators:


Girl 1: "What does like '39 off' mean anyway?"

Girl 2: "I totally don't get it. Maybe it's some kind of discount???"

Girl 1: "Totally. But I think, like, the Russian judges have to, like, give you enough style points when you come out of some gate somewhere before you get any of the discount."

Girl 2: "Oh no! We're missing the jumpy guys! I think the guy from Nightmare on Elm Street is going to try skiing over the jump."

Girl 1: "I love the way your sunglasses match your kini."

Girl 2: "Thanks! I want one of those lime green Syndicated skis too cause it would, like, match totally."

Girl 1: "Are you going to try water skiing?

Girl 2: "Duh yaauh. It totally looks easy!"

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  • Baller

My answer is most definitely yes. And that answer is only partially due to Krista's beauty. Without a doubt, anyone that knows Krista will tell you she's far more than a pretty face.


So, I just showed Krista's shots to my neighbor. This was the response:


"Oooooo. I like that bikini. Who's 69 slam? I can order that online? Is she a good skier? Does she ever ski with you guys here?"


Now, this couple knows I'm a skier. But they've never shown any interest. All of a sudden, though, 3 shots and the woman has interest. Why? Because it's more than just a picture of a pretty girl. It's a demonstration of a personality and a story. Could we get away with pics of pretty girls in bikinis if we were some other sport? Maybe not. But one of the comments that women have made when they've come to tournaments with me is that the majority of the skiers, from 16 to 60, are in shape. And for the most part, they are right in that assessment. Something else I noticed at a collegiate tournament I drove at last year....... my girlfriend at the time(yes @dirt, she finally got rid of me) commented on no less than half a dozen of the college girls bikini's and asked them where they got them).


So why not capitalize on the personality and beauty we have in skiing?

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@horton I think 69 slam would look great on a side banner! Do not deprive these great skiers of good swimwear pictures!

@texas6 69 slam does mens and women's swimwear and underwear!

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  • Administrators
Honestly guys I think the brand "69Slam" is too edgy for BallOfSpray. I bring in a few pics like this every so often but I always assume the Ballers are generally conservative.
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A little edgy, yes, but that is normal uniform attire for women in our sport and at any lake in general. Should it be a requirement to wear boardshorts if bikini's are too much?


Also, with a respected pro repping 69Slam within the ski community, I would guess their presence is only going to grow from here.


Plus, same concept in these pics for TransWorld...

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  • Baller

OK, I'll be the token naysayer. First, as the father of two young daughters who I hope to get into skiing, I'm not sure that focusing on girls in bikinis is the right message to send. Women do make up approx. half of the population after all.


Second, why are we so addicted to slalom? It's not because of bikinis (although that is a nice side benefit) but because of the speed, challenge and stoke that skiing gives us. Why turn away from the real reasons so many of us are hard-core skiers?


At lastly, we aren't the only sport that can show pictures of girls in bikinis. So can surfing, wakeboarding and others. And let's face it, we'll probably lose the battle of bikinis if that's what we chose to put as our best foot forward.


I'm not saying that showcasing some of the attractive people in our sport can't be helpful, at times (no need to cover girls up with burkas in boat ads). But "is this how we should market water skiing?" I'd say no.

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@jcamp I don't completely agree, but I "liked" your post anyhow because you're presenting an important viewpoint.


@Horton It's very nice to be able to have BoS as an open window at work. Even the Kilo Kai ads are maybe a little dubious for that. So while I don't really consider myself "conservative" (in the sense that you mean), I appreciate the site being conservative as far as images that may offend those easily-offended co-workers.

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@jcamp I understand completely where you are coming from with daughters (69 slam does have a kids line), but swimsuits are part of the sport. Also waterskiing pros are backing this brand pretty strong . This is how team 69 slam did at the Masters.

Men's Tricks Aliaksei Zharnasek, 1st women's Tricks Iris Cambray, 1st Women's Slalom Regina Jaquess, 4th April Coble Eller, 2nd Women's Tricks Clementine Lucine 2nd Men's Jump Ryan Dodd, 2nd Women's Jump Marion Mathieu, 3rd Men's Slalom Aaron Larkin, 4th Jon Travers.


Junior Team

1st Girls Jump Stephanie Griffiths 2nd Boys Tricks Tanguy Dailland, 2nd Girl Over Kata macintyre,

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  • Baller

@E_T I have no problems whatsoever with 69 Slam being involved in the sport and am really glad that they are supporting skiers so heavily. If Reef wanted to sponsor skiers I'd be all for it.


I was just talking about in general using sex as THE key to selling water skiing. I just think there are other things that are more important/interesting about the sport and that differentiate us better when compared to our competitors. I doubt many of us started or keep skiing because of girls in bikinis so I don't understand why we think that is the way we should position it.


But girls in bikinis are awesome so I can see why people want to see more of it.

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  • Baller

My question is - of the marketing that is done in waterskiing, what percentage would this type of marketing makeup?


As a father of two young girls these are the types of questions I ask, and I am sure many more do the same - regardless of being conservative or liberal.

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@jcamp if we are trying to bring in a outside market wouldt main stream media tell us that sex sells ? If a Bikini contest brings in 300 new people tournament then that's more people introduced to the sport. Waterskiing is like a drug you can't get enough of it. I should know I am somewhat of y'all call a outsider with a inside view
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  • Baller

Promoting the lake lifestyle including, skiing, lounging, BBQ, fitness, cocktails, family, boating, swimsuits, etc. is great for the sport. It has helped make the surf culture huge. People all over the world, nowhere near a beach want to be a part of it.


The photos of Krista will make many people take a look at 69 Slam, who would have never had any interest in it. I think the pics are great. The people who are offended by them are probably the same ones responsible for the networks not showing pro football cheerleaders on TV for years.


I do agree with @MS that @Horton may be a stalker and Krista may need a restraining order.

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  • Baller
There is a line here. If we put just any girl in a bikini in a picture, then it's different. Like that Radar ad. I think. I'm not even sure who that girl is. But in our case, we've got a lot of talented, attractive skiers(both men and women) who provide a good back story which people can relate to. If you go back to the high point of 3 event skiing, the 1980s, that is exactly how they marketed it. And it worked. Attractive skiers in swim suits don't have to be sleazy. How many pics of skiers like Deena Mapple, Camille Duval, and Sheri Sloan did we see in magazines and commercials in a swim suit in the 80s and early 90s?
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Personally, I feel that we need a little public advertising like the pictures of Krista with her ski, and the brand 69 Slam. Done correctly, like these posted above can be both sexy and flattering and can draw people of both genders into the sport one way or another. After all, while Krista Rogers is one VERY good looking girl, these photo's are nothing more then one would see at a tournament where a woman skier is getting ready for a set or whatever.


I do, however, feel that sleazy/porn like ads (3/4 naked models crawling all over a car/boat with facial expressions like a porn star) do NOT have a place because we are trying to draw both men and women into the sport and not look like we are horny school kids or dirty old men. Sex sells, but only to one gender at a time. A fine line IMO and I believe the pictures that @Horton posted are on the good side of that line. I would have no problem showing these pictures and or TV ads to my other half or my mother to show a sport, ski, brand, whatever.

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  • Baller
Just a thought. Someone earlier pointed out the fitness aspect, especially considering the fitness levels of most of the "older" participants of the sport. You can do bikini ads tastefully if they can somehow be made to appear more focused on the fitness aspect. Athletic magazines aimed at the gym/workout crowd (LifeTime Fitness i.e. puts out a magazine with numerous such ads) use extremely attractive fitness models in workout atire that some could potentially perceive as being "sexy" , yet these ads are completely appropriate IMO. Just a thought.
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