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Handles for small hands?


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  • Baller

Just curious what handles people use with small hands. I wear a medium glove right now mostly because of hand width rather than finger length. I typically prefer elliptical handles because they are the only handles I've found that allow me to consistently grip the handle in my finger tips. I can't get my fingers around most round handles very well and it tears my hands up. To add to the problem, straight handles tear up my elbows after a couple sets.


Maybe I should be focusing more on hand helpers rather than handles but thought I'd get some opinions.

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  • Baller
@Waternut, if you use your fingertips, you have to go elliptical or very small diameters I think. I am 6'1" but do not have big hands (used to be S in D3 old gloves, M in new ones and Masterlines), but use 1.092" and 1.1" handles as I grip them with my palms. Smaller diameters tear my hands in warmer water.
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