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Do you ski in tournaments?


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  • Baller

I voted no although I do ski some INT tournaments. No INT in Kansas this year so probably won't be skiing any tournaments this season.


My guess is that this particular poll will be skewed showing a higher percentage of tournament skiers than the general population, due to the fact that this forum attracts more of the "serious" skier population (didn't say good, said serious). IMO throughout the entire population of regular course skiers the percentage who ski tournaments with any regularity at all is likely in the 5 - 10% range.

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  • Baller
Not many in Colo and I don't ski well enough. I do however like to meet people from BOS and ski in other parts of the country when I get the chance. I did vote no however when I re-edited the comment the No went away from the comment???? Sounds like a job for super-Horton!!!! If he's not available maybe YoungerDog (MattP) could figure it out.
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  • Baller

I guess they don't get publicized very much. We only have 1 person at the lake that does tournaments and he seems to just do 1 or 2 a year. The comment I read here from people who are not to happy with the tournament scene is " Thanks for the $70 and rounding the one ball. See you next year" I must admit everyone I have met in the slalom ski scene is no where near that way. Hey my No vote came back. Yeah! BTW Were do you find out what class(?) you may be in?


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  • Baller
No I use to but first weekend work became a priority and then ZO sort of made it seem like you would not beable to be compedative without lots of practice behind it. 10 years ago I was without perfect pass(and still don't have speed control) but have perfect wife so she can hand drive a 16.95-16.98 every time or even give me a hot or cold time if I request it. (-.15 and 38 goes down)and if she could not it was me that was the problem and she lets me know it! At tournaments I would ski within a bouy either way of what I would practice so I didn't feel like I needed the validation. That said; the nearest tournament is 3 hours, one way, away from me. I went to regional last year and really enjoyed seeing lots of old friends and talking to Chet. So maybe I'll start going again. Who knows. It is a great bunch of people but witthout ZO well IDK
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  • Baller
@lakeo I don't have ZO and it doesn't seem to impact me too much. I ski about the same in practice behind PP as I do behind ZO on A2. I ski a few at 35 off on a good day so maybe it is only a big impact on better skiers.
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  • Baller
@colo_skier, go to usawaterski.org and just look around. Go to the rules section, but simply put if you're 18 to 25 you are M1, 25 thru 34 you are in M3, 35 thru 44, M4. You can also find all tournaments listed.
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  • Baller
Good topic and one that I constantly struggle with. I ski 1-3 tournaments a year and my nerves at tournaments reflect it. My three kids don't ski tournaments therefore between Boy Scouts, football, lacrosse and dance team I simply cannot afford that much time away from the family. I'm also constantly trying to remember that just because skiing is my passion - I can't force my kids to have the same passion (especially with boys since there are so many other sports). Maybe I'll wait for M6-7...........
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I wouldn't mind it, just never tried before. I think there are some tournaments in Utah that are good for novices like myself, just not sure which ones. I also would like to know the format/what I'm getting into before I go plunk down $50-60.
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  • Baller

My answer would have been "YES" ... but.......... The wife and I sent in our registration for a tournament this weekend (Hoosier Buoy Tour). USA Waterski decides to cancel the tournament at the last minute. Why? Because of a lack of qualified officials.


By now if you are reading this you're probably thinking... "well yeah dummy... you've gotta have officials for a tournament to take place." Fine... but at least let me provide you with a bit of context..........


This tournament is so laid back that it is based upon a handicap scoring system. If you can't run the orange buoys..... that's cool! ..you can still enter the tournament. If you can't run the green buoys.... hey that's cool too!! ..you could have entered this tournament if you were a mini-course skier! (boat guides and 1, 3, 5's) If your personal best is 1 @ 15 off... you could take home a trophy. I think everyone on this website understands how handicap scoring works.


This goes back to @Horton 's interview with fifteenoff.com. USA Waterski needs to do a better job of promoting the sport and not just regulating it. How difficult would it have been to empower some local individuals in order to make this event happen? Here you have two waterskiers (very new to the sport) that just got denied their first tournament. This was a chance for novice skiers to be properly introduced into the competitive side of the sport.


Obviously I'm still pissed about this and it probably deserves another thread title...... BUT C'MON USAWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • Baller
@aswinter05 USAwaterski didn't cancel that tournament. The tournament organizers did. USAWaterski has no idea what officials are at a tournament until the scorebooks are sent in. Tournament organizers have the option to request an exemption for any exception if they want.
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  • Baller

@aswinter while I'd agree that USAWS needs to do a better job promoting rather than just regulating its generally the local organizing committee's responsibility to make sure the proper officials are going to be onsite. Since it sounds like this was planned to be a F (fun) tournament the hurdle is pretty low to make this work. I suspect there may be a back story somewhere but that's just a guess. What is unfair is blaming USAWS for not providing officials.


Many years ago I renember being the chief judge at a collegiate tournament. I was the only judge and scorer on the site. There was one rated driver and lee found a way to make it work. Lots of help from willing skiers and a desire to make it happen!!

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  • Baller

As far as the initial question, I've been going to tournaments since 1978. I remember one before that but can't recall the year.


This year been to several 3 event record (E,L,R) and several class C. Also a few slalom only record and class C tournaments. Been an official for two slalom world records (one official and the other pending) a couple national records, will be ACJ at the Regionals and Appointed Judge at the Nationals. I've also surveyed a couple slalom courses for friends.


So what's the point? It the people that make it special. First tournament of the year was a fund raiser for a collegiate team (awesome event!). Lately we've all seen the report from Horton about the slalom tournament at Utopia - also an epic event! I really believe the more you're involved the more you get out of the sport. While skiing is great and ultimately the objective, it's the people that brings you back.

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  • Baller

Yes. for those of you that don't....YOU'RE MISSING OUT! it doesn't matter what you run, how good you are now, or how good you'll become. You'll meet a lot of people who are a lot of fun and enjoy a great sport that you enjoy. You'll have the chance to meet people that can help you get better, or people that you can help get better and enjoy it more...You'll see some great ski sites that you might never see/ski otherwise...

I don't think I've ever been to a tournament that I didn't enjoy...even when I got scratched at nationals many years ago!

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  • Baller
Not since 2007. The kids have gotten into summer basketball, softball and now volleyball. Have had only one open weekend since Easter. It's all good though - living the dream and would not trade it. Have skied 4 days so far this season, and about 10 last year. From 89 to 07 I skied about 30 times a season and went to 2 or 3 tourneys. Maybe get back into it in a few years.
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  • Baller

My tournament scheduled was hampered this year by a broken ankle, but I've been to four so far. The first two were just after the doc gave me the go-ahead to ski... gingerly. The next two were a week later. So I was far from my best form, but they were four of the funnest tournaments I've been to.


I'm gonna' miss the Sun Basin tournaments this weekend due to family obligations, and I'm really bummed that I'm not going to see all my Washington pals.

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  • Baller
My 10yr old son and 13yr old daughter ski in tournaments with me. I had a family rule that they had to be able to run two passes before entering their first tournament, which they both accomplished their first tournament (novice) and came home with trophies. Two years later they are both still hooked and this past weekend was the first tournament we all shortened the line. Fun stuff!
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  • Baller
Our lake just hosted a a two day three and two round slalom tournament this past weekend and it was my first tournament in two years, but I had a freaking blast and decided at the last minute to attend regionals this year. I didn't really enjoy the first few tournaments I competed in, but something clicked for me this past weekend and I think I am hooked. It wasn't my skiing as I skied slightly better than I have in tournaments, but not as good as I do in practice, so who knows what it was, but man it was fun. Will probably only ski 3 tournaments a year as weekends are the only time I can ski consistently, so don't want to give up all of my valuable practice time.
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  • Baller

@ShaneH and @klindy Thank you for the information. Being completely new to the tournament scene, I don't yet understand how things are working in the background.


Either way in my above scenario.... something needs to change so that tournaments like these don't fizzle out.

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  • Baller
Skied my first tournament sets in 7 years and 5 surgeries last weekend. Been ski caddying for my son at tournaments in the interim. Entered the novice tournament held with my son's Class C. Achieved my Level 3 rating (LOL), got a Grassroots medal, and probably gave a Mens 5 skier a crack at Regionals/Nationals. Great day with the great folks in Alabama!
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  • Baller
I started skiing tournaments in '07. Met a bunch of great people that I wouln't have otherwise had the opportunity to meet. I love the pressure, and the butterflies I get on the starting dock. Usually it makes me step up my game, but this past weekend I sucked at my own tournament. Started out falling at 4 ball at 35 on a pass I should have run, and finished the weekend missing my opener, something i've only done once before. Still, it was one of the more enjoyable weekends I have had this summer.
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  • Baller
Thanks @JohnN Not a lot of time to think about skiing when hosting a tourney. Everyone seemed to have a good time (and good water) both days. I enjoy hosting a tournament almost as much as skiing at someone else's. It is a ton of work, and a team effort to make it happen, but it is totally worth the effort to make it happen.
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@colo_skier come up to Laku next week and take in Regionals. I'm looking forward to skiing in my second regionals even though I'll be about the lowest seeded skier in my division. It's all about jumping in there and having fun!
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  • Baller

I put yes because I am skiing in my first two next month, and I suck!!! My opinion, like many have said, it is a great way to meet new people, to grow this awesome sport and to have a different measuring stick for my progress. I could care less if I am the worst person there because I am only competing against myself and all I have to do is keep competing and progress over time.

I will make sure I post video if I crash and burn at 30mph!!!

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  • Baller

@colo_skier start here - http://www.usawaterski.org/pages/divisions/3event/2013AWSARuleBook.pdf and go to page 45 (page 47 of the pdf). All divisions start counting buoys at 15.5mph (25kph) long line (23m rope). Maximum boat speed depends on division but M5 is 55kph (34.2mph). The boat will speed up by 3kph on the next pass, etc. until max speed is reached then the line is shortened. The skier can start anywhere along the way including any speed/rope length combination (i.e. 30mph @ 28off is fine but expect the boat to speed up to 34mph before the rope gets shorter).


There are some "minimum speeds" set at some events but generally it's pretty flexible. Point is you don't have to be a "max speed" skier to ski at a tournament. I'd suggest anywhere you're currently comfortable of completing a whole pass is going to be perfect acceptable at 99+% of the tournaments.

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  • Baller
@klindy, Thank-you for the information. I for one was totally unaware of this. I am not sure people who don't enter tournaments are aware of this or maybe it's common knowledge and I just wasn't asking. To me this makes the tournament scene more palatable. I just thought if you were in M5 you had to ski at 34.2, 15 off and shorten from there. For me that would have been maybe one pass if lucky. I guess that explains the 25 numbers in the AWSA ranking charts.
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  • Baller
No problem...all questions are good questions! For those of us who have been around forever things like this are pretty common but for those who haven't navigated thru the scene tub frat time it's a pretty easy assumption to make. Thanks for asking!
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