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Let's see your Handle Guard


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  • Baller

I got started on guards when TW first started making them and have bought several from him, for mine and my daughters handles. I can't see passing up the safety aspect of them.


I use US Gear handles and TW makes them to fit perfectly. More or less gap depends on your hand size / finger length.

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I am going to order one from TW. How long does it take to get used to a handle guard? Do your fingers ever bump into the handle guard, making you miss the handle? How much gap is there between the handle and the edge of the guard?
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  • Baller

I havn't got one yet, but in my looking around on the web saw this one from In Tow, which appears to be for head protection only but kind of a neat solution. Maybe the addition of a net like the master tow one above would take care of the hands and the solid bar would keep your hand from getting deflected into the open space.




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  • Baller

@KM There is about 2-1/4" between the handle and the guard. You will get used to it immediately.


I used to occasionally hit the middle bungee that connects the top of the handle guard to the middle of the handle, so I just took it off and it works fine without it. I think I hit the handle guard about once a season when coming back on the handle, but if I mis-grab by that much, I would have fumbled the handle anyway.


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Apparently I am all over the place with my hands (cue the jokes). I was completely unable to adjust to a TW-style arm-guard -- I noticed it at least once per pass even after giving it 2 weeks. The only thing that has worked for me is duct tape (thanks to @MS for the original idea), and I place it about 4" from my handle. It is only certain to prevent a head-through, although it slightly reduces the chances of an arm-through as well.


This isn't the safest possible option, but it seems to be the safest option that I can actually ski with. And making instant death completely impossible is a good thing.


The very low friction and flexibility of the duct tape also means that even if I reach all the way onto it, it deflects out of the way and then my finger tips slide right off.


Unfortunately, duct tape has to be replaced about once a month, and it's a slight pain to get it on there just right -- helps to have the handle under a little tension.

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  • Baller_

@Than_Bogan. I experienced the exact same thing. Gone to duct tape as well but have not mastered the art as its been torn off after just a couple sets. How much of that stuff do ya need? I mean geeez it's duct tape after all. You can make a the skin of an entire airplane including wings outa that stuff and go fly it. Cant seem to get it to stay on my handle though.


Oh, And apparently I have a fat head as it wont fit though my ML handle with the rubber rope protection along the sides and down the bridle.

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@Wish I use a total of 4 strips -- two on each side overlapped by a little less than half the width of the duct tape.


If I had to guess, I'd say the tearing is because something is putting the tape under tension. Having the handle under tension when you apply the duct tape could help, and even then you want it just barely loose.


Still, it does eventually tear, usually breaking away near the handle side-rope on the bar side. Sometimes a local repair works for a while, but once that tears I start over.

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  • Baller
I use a TW AG, but if I was using Duct Tape, I would use Gorilla Tape...Way, way, stronger than regular duct tape..I have used it to repair lots of products....Actually held together a Powershell that broke down the whole left side of my front boot at a Tournament, and allowed me to keep skiing.
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  • Baller
I had the guard a little to close to the handle and it resulted in the ends of my fingers getting sore from just nicking the handle guard. Didn't notice it skiing ( to many other things to worry about). However did notice tips of my fingers were sensitive when at the keyboard. Moved the guard and viola no more problem. Never really have any issues with the guard other than that. Mentally feel's really dangerous when I use someone else's handle without a guard.
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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan and @Wish have you tried Gorilla Tape? It's very tenacious and lasts longer than regular duct tape, at least for me anyway.


BTW, the TW Arm-Guards do crack eventually but I think it is the best guard by far safety wise. The biggest flaw in my experience were the Ty-wraps. They chewed the edge of my ski on pull-ups and I could never adjust myself to prevent it.

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  • Baller
@Deke -instead of wraping the zip ties all the way around the side ropes i ran it thru the rope so may be 40 per cent of the out side of the rope did not have zip tie around it. the side ropes are real big do to one rope running inside the other rope so it still has plenty of strength. that solved the problem you mentioned and was a easy fix did it on my second one and then fixed my brothers handle the same way.
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  • Baller

I posted this in my ATH thread. Tried it first time last night and I did hit the guard a few times with my fingers, mainly on my left hand which has some issues that need to be repaired, although, my 6'3" ski bud didn't. Maybe I need to be a little more precise on how I grab the handle, or if my hand worked properly it would be ok...

This is from a Rubbermaid storage tub. He was thinking it should have the middle handle connector on it, but for sure would keep your head out of it, and maybe could get hand in up to mid forearm if your hand wet in fingers first and fairly straight. That might bother me.


Note the warning label at the bottom V.



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  • Baller
@AB....I am not as worried about the arm or hand catching with the radius and curved ends of the US Gear Handle, as I was with a straight, standard handle.. My gap is about one inch more than yours without the hump in the middle...I have no idea the guard is even there....My main concern is your head going into the handle, like happened to Chet and others....I already had one close wake-up call with that, and the guard saved by butt, and only left me with a black eye.
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  • Baller
@texas6 @MS the mesh Masterline guard in the photos on the purple and black handle was a prototype they had "Super Chicken" test a few years ago. It worked well, but they never produced it. The green and gray handle with the rope woven in is what they make for her now and she uses today. I also have a handle like that also, but mine is made with spectra.
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  • Baller_
@gator1 I like it!! Makes sense to me. To me it would funnal the arm out. My only problem with a lot of these is that they have center tie to the handle. My hands walk tight to one side of the handle by the time I get to the end of the course. And thats the part that seems to make the most sense in keeping your arm out.
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