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  • Baller
I would wait a while. If they don't sell enough of them they will have to adjust the price. Looks like I will be retrofitting a PCM EX343 in my boat if the time comes. I was pricing new boats. I could afford one, but it would take me 15 years to pay for a new boat. Paying for a depreciating asset for 15 years is not a smart financial decision.. Taking 5 years to pay off a car is bad enough.
  • Baller
You can get a tried and true SN 200, virtually new, for high forties. Thats a huge savings. I like the new MC, but would wait to see... While the Prostar has had great reviews, I see nothing that would indicate such a price (unless one is swimming in dough and gotzta have it) is warranted.
  • Baller
@dw. It seems no matter what boats I have owned some are better than others although my Malibu's have been simply the most consistent. I do know that the 30th anniversary promo's Dennis spent a little extra time on them getting dialed in before shipping as he knew they would be pulling many big tournaments. Chad S. is the same. They are both are sick to drive and ski behind.
  • Baller
There's a 2013 TXi on SIA with 125 hrs for $42.5 no trailer, $3K more to add new trailer. It's boats like this that make the idea of a brand new boat a difficult proposition.

@MAD11...sick boat for sure.


I completely agree with @6balls on this matter. I'm in the market right now for an upgrade and I'm looking at 8-10 year old boats in the $20-25k territory and I don't think any of them will hold back my skiing. Bang for the buck is certainly key. Plus, for most of us, this is a luxury toy. Hard to want to finance a huge nut like that for 20 years to make it seem reasonable. JMHO, but $70k is a tough nut to swallow.




@Razorskier1 " with a 20 year loan and (hopefully) a little better luck with negotiations I think I can do it! I wouldn't do the big engine anyway. I believe the two they have built right now are both 5.7s. "





  • Baller
Where is this price going to leave MC? When the new boat comes out people will want it over the old pro star (especially slalom junkies). The people who are willing to pay the price for the new boat, are going to make the demand for the 197 drop like a rock. On the other hand people cant afford the new pro star so will people revert to the 197? Or are people who are in that price range (looking to buy a 55-60k boat but then are shocked to hear this price) switch to a Nautique, Malibu, or Centurion? I feel like this could destroy the pricing of the 197 (which incedintally, if the price of the new pro star was cheaper, it would absolutely make the 197 promo's have absolutely no demand).
  • Baller
Everybody has a different opinion of what equates to boat panacea. The thing about used boats is, somebody purchased each and every one of them brand new at a higher price. If it wasn't for those people, most of us wouldn't be able to find such screaming deals on used boats. I'm thankful for them, now somebody go use up a 2014 Prostar for me
  • Baller

@oldjeep I never liked the look, either...still not sure I do even though I own one, but sure is an amazing ski boat. I became endeared to the looks after being amazed with the wake/tracking/ergonomics/quality. It wouldn't be my home boat for the public lake, but it works great as a swamp lake slalom tractor.

@wish, holy crap. Under 130 hrs???? Wanting to pay off my vehicle by year end or would be mighty tempted to nab that one and sell the '00 196. If could get the seller to low 30's and get $13-15K would be under 20K on the upgrade to ZO and 9 yrs newer.

  • Baller_
@mad11 - I'd jump on the bandwagon and pitch my '12 MC, but the dealer sold it a couple weeks ago, so now I'm waiting on MC to start making the new boats ! BTW - your daughter did a great job skiing at Diablo, congrats to you & the wife for how well she's turned out
  • Baller
I got a look at dealer price sheets yesterday when we were ordering our prostar demo. The price I'm seeing is in line with what Mc said which is cheaper than 200, more than txi. They are not recommending the 6.2 for anyone but big time jumpers. The dealer cost on the one we're ordering came in a few grand less than our similarly equipped promo 200. And that was with the high dollar Mc trailer.

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