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Custom Synthetic Leather Noose Eliminator


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  • Baller

This is the first prototype. It is synthetic just like waterski gloves and available in 1000's of colors to match your ski, boat, gloves, handle etc. I placed it at 2.25" from the front side of the handle. Is this enough room? I will probably make a design / Logo inside to cut down on weight (not much anyhow) and add some bling. This one is made with Prism Color Change Pearl Synthetic using real Brass eyelets. I will be going to town later to get some fine wire ties and bungee cord to test ways of stringing. I noticed in the other post the sharp edges on the wire ties. I have a Central Office Telecom diagonal cutter that flush cuts them where you get no sharp edges so they will work for me but I am looking for some universal safe method of attachment.. src="https://us.v-cdn.net/5017617/uploads/FileUpload/33/e4437afe02cbc39f8a77eebd3a21d8.jpg" />


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  • Baller
@chris_logan Yeah I gotta get a cut out design in the middle, Maybe a huge spider web. As far as the eyelets go black anodize turns purple in the sun over time and I am not sure where to even get them. I got thousand of the brass ones so it only makes sense to use what I have. Lets see what I can come up with on these, again I am just starting this project so any and all input is greatly appreciated. THANKS
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  • Baller_

Don't make those holes or web openings so big that there is a chance of poking one of your fingers through there and getting it caught as you fall. And, there are many people with small diameter fingers. I'm guessing each hole or opening should be no bigger than a dime, likely a bit less.


If you use zip ties, make sure to use the black UV-resistant ones.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

I'd rather just have a matte black personally and I don't think $30 would be bad if it's a sturdy piece. I am curious if a solid piece would be problematic though. I think I'd rather have it solid if possible just to prevent weeds from getting in the vent holes but I don't know what the drawbacks would be and if it would make the handle twist in the wind.


One problem is brass will turn nasty quickly in a water enviornment if untreated.

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  • Baller

I agree with @Chef23 I know a few people who use the US Gear arm guards. They get heavy when wet, but they don't seem to catch any significant amounts of wind.


I'd be down for at least one without any cutouts. I love my FM arm guard, but it can be a pain to change ropes if the rope loop is small. My wife will love the custom color options. So will I - truth be told!

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  • Baller

@waternut Thanks for you input, I have matte black in 3 different textures glove (smooth), pigskin (lots of grain), and leather (medium grain) I have used the brass eyelets in my custom ski and skate boots for years and yes they do tarnish but not bad and with zip ties or bungee in there you will never notice them. They therotically should last longer than your handle, or two or three. I am testing this one as is no holes tomorrow we'll see if it catches air. This one is made to the 13" Masterline. I am getting ready to making one for the Masterline 12" also and make it look like Swiss cheese (some design) and test it also.

@Horton Shoot me your preferences on an inbox and I will shoot you one for testing. I got a lot of groovy green to match the Vapor~! Great page by the way~!~! THANKS

@Deanoski let's see how testing goes~!

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  • Baller

@Brewski, I'm sitting here at the kitchen table and as I scrolled down the page here during dinner time, my five year old goes Awwwwwesooooome. I say "what?". He says, "Look at that, its so awesome!" I say "Oh cool". Then he says "Can we get that?, and I'm like " well.. we'll have to make it" then he goes "Cooool" and I'm like "cool".


I guess you are doing something right.

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  • Baller
Tested the red handle @2.25" from the handle. I thought it felt a little close for my long fingers but after the the first couple of passes I did not notice it at all. The added weight to the handle was slightly noticeable at first but went away also. As far as drag from acting like a sail that was minimal also and if you were using a Neoprene one such as US Gear this is much lighter and less drag. Now to take things to the next level I "Swiss Cheesed" the center and moved it down to 2.5" and I really like the lighter weight and less drag feel. I will test it again this afternoon. cd0d8a16cb5ad45a80311c528a5ab9.jpg
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  • Baller

Honestly, I think you'd be better off just saying "$XX shipped" instead of $XX + $XX for shipping. This is especially true if you're having to add 60 miles worth of driving to the mix.

Don't forget paypal fee's if you want to use that. International customers typically understand that shipping is higher for them and I've always had them ask first.


When buying from a website, I expect my item to be shipped same day or next. When buying from a random guy, I totally understand it taking longer so I don't think you need to worry about making a separate trip for each handle guard so you can drop it off at the post office when it's convenient. 3-4 extra days for a handle guard would be no big deal to me. 3-4 extra days for a new ski is like death though.

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  • Baller
Kudos for your efforts. Wondering if you considered attaching with bungee? My experience was that some of the zip ties would break whenever I attached or detached handle from rope. Maybe the ones I used were brittle (?)....but I've been pleased w/ my bungee arrangement....plus no sharp edges to contend with.
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  • Baller

@ThePantsManCan your 5 yr old has great taste~!

@waternut Yeah it will be priced with shipping included. Since they are "Custom" they will be made to customer specifications color etc. so they have to be fabricated once the order comes in. I go to town once or twice a week so they will ship when I go to town.

@davemac I strung these with zip ties as they did not have the right thickness of bungee cord at Meynards. So far I am not a huge fan of the zip ties even though these are small with no sharp edges so I am going to order some thinner bungee from Granger to string them with. ......

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  • Baller
Just tested "Swiss Cheese" the holes make a great difference. Did not even notice it on the handle this time. We had a decent wind also but did not notice it on the handle but glanced at it from time to time and noticed it flaps a little so I need to bang another set of holes to make it tighter..So far it is really nice~!...Round 3 in the morning.
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  • Baller
The white zip ties do not have a colorant in the plastic that provides UV protection. Sunlight will degrade the plastic zip ties over time and make them weak and brittle. I'm not sure if black zip ties have UV protection in the plastic. The fine print on the package might indicate if they are suitable for outside use.
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  • Baller

@DaveD I do not intend on using zip ties for products shipped, just convenient for testing on and off quickly to make adjustments, refinements. Bungee is on the way. I may look for a static attachment also like spectra cord.....

Testing with the Swiss Cheese went GREAT. Holy Jock Savers are the way to go...I did not notice anything on the handle. They are super light, strong, and in any color you want.

Final renditions are complete and template made for Masterline handles. I ordered a US gear so I have one on the way. When it gets here and I get one complete. I will make a template for it also. Once we get the bungee here next week I will affix a price and make them available so start thinking about what colors you might like~!



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  • Baller

@Marco in theory they should outlast your boat. The synthetic I use is the finest in the world. VERY STRONG and water never phases it. I have a pair of custom boots 4 seasons, look like brand new and true feel of leather..If you send me a template I will build one to your specifications..that's what Custom is all about.


I will start a new post when I am ready to take some orders. Hopefully early this coming week. These pictures show front and back side.....The green is Meadow Moccasin


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  • Baller

@Chef23 Thanks~! They are very very nice.

@Brian M. The red I used is close but I have closer. I can match almost ANY color but I am using what I have in stock for prototypes and initial orders so we can get them out to test. I have a color in stock that is pretty dang close to Masterline red but remember were talking leather vs. poly cord so there will always be a little difference in color. Next week I will have Carbon Fiber Leather in Black and Silver/Black and eventually offer them in thousands of colors.......

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  • Baller
Looking forward to the post where you start selling these. On the plus side, most people are finishing up or are already done with skiing for the year so I don't think many people will be pushing you for fast delivery and you'll have plenty of time to make them.
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  • Baller
They look really nice, although I think they would need a bungee strap to the centre of the handle for them to serve any useful purpose. I've been making and using handle guards for myself and my family for several years and you really need a strap to the handle otherwise they are pretty pointless.
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  • Baller

@Hipsup Thanks for you input. They are very useful as is, if you head can not go through the handle they work, point served, life saved~! Very seldom do you see anyone's bungee tied to the center of the handle even if the option is there. Then they are noticeable if your hand touches them. For me, my hands are all over the place on the handle so I would be like the other 95+% that does not use it. I will add an eyelet there and let folks do as they wish. The small, fine zip ties are working excellent and I like the static hook up but if someone wants bungee cord / shock cord it will be here this week and will be an option.

@Waternut hope to get a few going this week when the bungee cord shows up....New thread coming soon....

For now anyone interested can send me an e-mail to bruce@kohensports.com with color, and handle type then I will shoot you pix of colors I have in stock that are similar and you can choose and I will build one to suit.

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  • Baller
@Brewski, I really think you are on to something here. However the head is priority number one but the arm is the other and having messed with several of these I do think the center strap or at least a stiff bar running parallel to the handle on the side of the guard closest to the handle could help
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  • Baller
@Texas6 Thanks for your input~! I ran a stiff wire through the top of one a couple of days ago. It added weight to the already heavy MasterLine Drew Ross handle so I took it out. The synthetic is VERY VERY STONG and when pulled tight it is spot on. Keeping the head is priority every thing else I can save with this is an added bonus,
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  • Gold Member

Very intrigued by this direction. I'm one of the folks who has had trouble finding a handle guard that didn't impact my skiing. I'm currently using 2 strips of duct tape, which is adequate in that it make it 100% impossible to get my head through. But it does almost nothing to protect a hand/arm, and it also requires fairly regular redoing.


I seriously doubt that 2.5 inches is enough gap for me to be comfortable, but then again I am encouraged by it being a soft material. Maybe hitting it would be no big deal, even for the easily-knocked-of-their-game folks like me!? But frankly I doubt it. I still think I'd need 3.5-4".


So, how easy would it be for the customer to cut it after you've made it? Could I try it at 2.5" and then incrementally trim it back until I was comfortable? That typically isn't practical with a hard plastic because then the holes transform into a serrated edge!

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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan I have super long fingers and you can re-attach it at any length from the handle.

@Texas6 @Hipsup @Waternut @efw @Chef23 @chris_logan @Brian_M @Marco @DaveD @davemac @ThePantsManCan @hacker @Horton @MISkier @Deanoski @Deanoski @jipster43

and anyone else wanting one of these holy jock guards shoot me an e-mail to bruce@kohensports.com and let me know what colors you like and type of noose you are using so I can get the process started for you. We crunched number last night to get a price to your door in the USA. $42.00. Includes shipping with bungee and zip ties. I will ship international also. International shipping will depend on which shipping service you choose.

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  • Baller

@tfriess Thanks. I try to keep all my products second to none and input from trial/error testing methodology works great for sporting goods where the athletes input helps to improve product. I will be making some this week for other board members if you would like one just shoot me an e-mail to bruce@kohensports.com and let me know what noose and color to make up for you.

Thanks again,

Here is the new thread if you can refer others that would be great also:ballofspray.com/forum#/discussion/9379/custom-synthetic-leather-bruce-s-noose-eliminators-are-now-available

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  • Baller

@brewski I will get the details of my handles when I go to the lake later today. Your version looks a lot better than my homemade efforts, although the central eyelet to attach it to the handle is definitely needed, I think. I'm in the uk, so not sure what the shipping options are at this stage.


Personally, I can't understand why more people don't use handle guards for both head and arm protection and having a central strap to the handle really makes no practical difference to your skiing but might save your arm one day. I was at Princes Club when Aidan Willers nearly lost his arm putting it through the handle and trust me no-one wants to go through that if they can possibly avoid it!!

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  • Baller

Your guards look great @Brewski, although I'm with @Hipsup on including a central eyelet to at least give people the option of using a central attachment.


I've used the central strap on all of my arm-guards for over four years and it has NEVER screwed up a single pass. I grab it often enough, but it's a bungee so it always lets me get a firm grip on the handle no matter how I've grabbed it. It also dramatically reduces the chance of getting my whole hand or arm through the gap without catching at least a finger or thumb.


Include a centeal eyelet and let your customers decide on whether or not they want to use it. Using it is a no brainer in my experience so I'd never buy a guard that doesn't have this option.

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I'm with the guys above preferring a central anchor point to the handle. Otherwise, the guard could actually funnel your hand/arm into the hole in a fall. Adding that point will increase rigidity and create more of a deflection. Plus, I'm assuming there's way higher probabilty of an arm going through than your head.
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