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How do you guys like the name "Tiberius Danger Horton"?


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How about "Buford Danger Horton"?


It is not really a secret anymore but I thought I should officially announce that my wife Kimberly (aka Gallagher - aka Muffin) is pregnant. We expect "Buford" to escape early July.


Freddy Krueger really raised the bar when he named is son "Dash". The only way I can compete with that is to give my son "Danger" as a middle name.

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@wish no we do not know yet and in the end Kim does not care what you think. If it is a girl we are maybe settled on Reagan Gallagher Horton
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  • Baller
Good Grief, why does everyone today want to put their children at an immediate disadvantage with stupid outrageous monikers? Dumbest ones I have experienced when I was a teacher were Mary Chris Smith and Ima June Bug. Funny to someone I guess. Hard on the kids.
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Congratulations, Hortons! We had a tradition of giving our children some good redneck in utero names for people to them while we thought of something good. Our older son was "Cooter Roy." Our younger son was "Amos Moses." All the best to you guys.


I know a guy out in Cali whose first son's middle name is actually "Danger."

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  • Baller

+1 for "Maximus". I attempted this as the movie "Gladiator" came out when we were expecting our first. Lynda wouldn't go for it and we had a cute little girl anyway.


As a side note. Former professional quarterback Brad Johnson really did name his son Maximus. If he did that with his last name then "Horton" shouldn't be an issue. (Congrats BTW)

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  • Baller
Kilo Centurion Horton the First....cant throw in a ski name because he would probably not like changing his middle name each month....... Cant use Danger because Muffin wont even let you jump (which is understandable)
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  • Baller
i know my conservative opinion wont be popular here but consider being conservative for your kids sake. no other words are more personal to a person than there name so do your child a favor for there entire life and choose something that isn't weird or funky or from your favorite spice rum or whatever. make it something that can not be easily distorted into a joke or insult by their young peer group -john and kimberly meet those criteria tiberius danger horton and most of the other suggestions in this thread do not. your still cool parents even if you dont give your kid a weird name that will haunt them for the rest of their life.
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@mwetskier Pretty sure nobody in this thread is remotely serious. Just laugh at silly people and move on.


My favorite "scare my parents" name was Serra Angel Bogan. This is actually not a totally crazy name -- it's basically an alternate spelling of Sarah -- and Angel is a little pompous but not too radical. But those "in the know" will quickly recognize that Serra Angel is an iconic Magic Card.




Also, as a descendant of almost literally everyone on the Mayflower, it was fun to scare all manner of relatives with names from other heritages. Personal favorites were Yolanda and Keshauna. (PLEASE nobody think I am suggesting these are not good names. But they would have been totally divergent from my family's entire history, and history can be important to some Mayflower types, making it all the more fun to taunt them.)

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  • Baller
@Than_Bogan -ever hear the saying its all fun and games until someone loses an eye? sometimes common sense takes a vacation when things get funny enuff to lose sight of the big picture. i had a hi school friend who clowned about naming his first kid til it sounded like a good idea. kids first name justin last name kays -doesnt sound too bad maybe even a little cute if you think about it but he grew up resenting it and as an adult uses his middle name without even a mention of his first initial. if you believe freud most parents will make enuff innocent mistakes to screw up there kids without intentional flubs like a questionable name choice. consider me the dull boring voice of reason -im cool with that.
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  • Baller
Just give them all numbers. #1, #2, etc. @Horton will be so old and have so few brain cells left from cocktails that it will make his geriatric life much easier. Just trying to help as I can't remember my childrens name since trying KK!
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