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Dry needle therapy


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  • Baller

Started phisio today, as vertebral inflamation from surgery made a chain reaction that ended up in the right dorsal muscle not working properly and messing up my right upper torso/neck/arm.


I had several very tender points in muscles in my back, one in particular very painful. Suddenly, the PT asked for a needle. Started to get a bit anxious... Then, she proceeded to insert the needle right into the muscle. Not getting into details about the various degrees of pain and misery during the process, but after the session the pain at that point was much lower....


Saw in Wikipedia that this is a common practice in some countries (including Chile, of course...) and in some states in the USA.


Anyone else had experienced this?



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  • Baller
@Ral My daughter had this done for back issues she was having. It really helped calm the muscles down and released all of the tension that was causing all the dis-comfort. I guess getting a dry needle stuck into you would calm you down......eventually.
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  • Baller
I am a Physical Therapist and I have been certified as a Functional Dry Needler (FDN) for years. It is a great tool to sort out the difference between what is myotomal referral (muscle generated pain) and neural generated pain (nerve).
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I've never had dry needle, but I get TPI (trigger point injections) up and down my rhomboids about every 7-9 months. It's a lidocaine injection into multiple knots in between and under my shoulder blades. Personally,I would gladly just take the multiple needle stabs; I love the feeling. Last time I went, the Dr. located 9 knots.
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  • Baller
@Ral, I had the trigger point needle therapy at Regenexx when they rebuilt my knee. Here's the link regenexx.com/2011/01/shoulder-trigger-points-and-ims-an-effective-therapy-youve-likely-never-seen/ I've noticed that as I get a bit older each year my tolerance for injury somehow gets lower but my need to continue injurious pursuits increases. It's going to be interesting watching you and @Horton‌ age gracefully
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