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How beaten up are you?


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  • Baller_

This is probably more relevant for those of us close to 50 (or beyond). The ski season can take a toll on the body, even without crashes.


How have you weathered this season? How beaten up are you?

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
@MISkier‌ knee surgery in last March, cut the tip of my finger off in July. Have a hernia that one of these days I'll have to do something about. Finally starting to ski again but I'm way out of shape. On the bright side my elbow tendinitis finally had time to heal up.
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  • Baller_
@gregy, I am hoping next year goes much better for you. I guess you at least fall into the Other category. What did you do for your elbow tendinitis? That is what I have right now. My current plan is rest, a neoprene brace/wrap for support during regular activities, glucosamine chondroitin, and (eventually) some stretching and conditioning. I also have issues with tight/sore glutes and hamstrings, but those do not affect my skiing. The elbow tendinitis does.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
I've been skiing hard for four years straight. Over 1,400 sets later, I have to stop soon to let my body catch up with shoulder, bicep, elbow, lower back, and knee issues. Hopefully, three months and some PRP should do the trick this winter.
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  • Baller
@MISkier‌ best thing I did for my elbow was the curved handle which had pretty well taken care of it until I took a slack hit that I wasn't ready for. I felt a little pop in my right elbow after that the pain never would go away. I started doing some of the exercises and stretching that @cragginshred‌ had put on a video here. I do them whenever I can during the day. The exercises plus a year of little to no skiing and I'm finally felling no elbow pain.
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  • Baller
I'm in great shape! I need to continue to lose weight and increase strength. Last January I was 230 @ 6', I'm now at 200 thru persistence on my diet. I'm hoping to make 195 ( or less) my bodies reset point. It took about 4 months to get below 204. But with time and persistence, I will persevere!
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  • Baller
First season and half back after almost 10 years away from the sport. Its been a tough road back from a physical perspective. Conditioning in this sport at an older age is everything, you can't fake it. I'm beat up but still skiing, its worth it. Mostly.
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  • Baller

No pain - but also limited skiing this past summer (not due to injury). Working hard this offseason to be even MORE ready for next season.


Would also be interesting to know who skis 1-2 times per week, 3 days a week, 4 days a week, and/or 5+ days per week.


The previous 7 seasons (before this summer) we probably averaged 2 times a week. I would be surprised if I averaged 1 time a week this summer... :-(

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  • Baller

My body failed me totally this year. I wasn't in as good shape at the start of the season due to some shoulder issues that appear to be impingement and bicep tendinitis related. As a result I got a late start to the season then never got into any sort of rhythm. In August I did something to my back that appeared mostly muscular and I shut it down for the season. I probably didn't ski more than 30 sets all summer. Physical problems combined with a ski issue made it a disaster of a season.


I have been having steady physical therapy for my shoulder and it seems a little better. I haven't had an MRI on the shoulder but have had multiple visits to the orthopedist and he doesn't think it is a ttear in the rotator cuff. I did tweak my back again last week in the gym and have been resting it.


I have been having regular therapy which seems to be making some progress on my shoulder. I am planning to lose a little weight (I gained a few pounds due to inactivity) and try to get everything healthy and strong for next season.

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  • Baller
Pulled the balls yesterday, always a sad day but I think my body may be cheering a little bit! Had a bad OTF in July that strained the left shoulder and had to take 3 weeks off. Fell off lift and dinged ankle that is still hurting. Add to that the previous years strains and pains, maybe its good that our season isn't longer in MI. At 61 skiing with pain is a given. Just so happy I can still do it and can"t wait till April! Time to dust off the snow skis.
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  • Baller

Chronic elbow tendinitis that is slowly resolving and I attribute that mainly to my D3 Quest which has been easier to ski on than my previous two skis. By far less overall pain, soreness, inflammation, etc. this year than in the past several and I skied a pretty normal season set-wise.


That said, I do need to be 10 lbs lighter and 15 would be sweet. I tend to ski overly hard and at 6'0" and 198-200 lbs, I think I'm using too great a % of my available strength AND putting too much load on ZO, which as we all know will then make you pay. If I was 185 - 190 I think I could ski faster through and out of the turn and with less overall load on ZO.


Lightest I've ever been since high school (I'm 56) is 178 and that was when I could run - a lot. For most of my adult life I've been 185 - 193 and skied my best scores at that weight. So my offseason goal is to get back to 190.


F'ing beer.

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@richarddoane‌ does not like to talk about it. There was an incident with a donkey and 5 gallon bucket of 10 40 motor oil

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  • Baller

I just need to improve my conditioning/fitness or lose weight.

I have tendinitis or slight sprains that need some rest, rehab, and/or strengthening.


Those apply too. But in S FL the season never ends. A "cold" winter day here is a nice spring day in WA. Took 8 weeks off last winter to get the elbow better. Big mistake, elbow issue came back in a month but took me too long to get back where I was.

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  • Baller

@‌gregy Thanks for the well wishes. Much appreciated!


@jimbrake Everything I have heard is that when I'm further down the road, I'll wish I would have done this years ago. Glad it worked out well for your wife! No bump skiing for me this year, but I don't mind taking the winter off. 35 years of bump skiing in Telluride greatly contributed to the need need for the surgery!

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  • Baller
I am currently in rehab for my shoulder which has a lot of fascia issues. It's not that big of a deal unless I'm taking a bunch of hits. Last year I had to quit 2 months early and let it heal. In the beginning of this year I couldn't sleep at night because of it but kept skiing. I started going to therapy and things are quickly getting better. The best part was I was able to ski on it all year. Even though I was in pain, I picked up about 8 buoys
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  • Baller_

@Drago, I hope you find a good remedy for that tendinitis. It is what forced me to stop a couple weeks early this season. I think it affects me more than a sprained ankle, which I will just jam into the binding and ski. I am resting my elbow now and the pain has lessened a lot - basically pain-free when I am not using it and only slight pain with normal daily activities. It was affecting me constantly. I'll be working some stretching and conditioning/strengthening soon.


When I stopped skiing, it was basically because it hurt so bad that I was convinced I was about to rip something loose. It was also affecting my skiing and the fun factor was diminishing. Looking forward to next season.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
@ShaneH Rib related injuries are not fun at all. I have an ongoing rib problem but around my mid back, lots of ongoing pain and nothing you can do to fast track the repair process. It took a while to track it down as well.
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