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Darn it! Daylight Savings Time Ends


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  • Baller
Yesterday after work, the winds were calm with air temps in the 80's. Our lakes (3) were all busy with full rotations. Everyone skied great. (Tied my all-time PB, but was with a 2 buoy mulligan.) Afterward, we all commented that with the cold front which arrived over night and with daylight savings time ending, this was likely the last day that one could work a full day and grab a ski set before sunset. Bummer. It's been a great fall for us in TX. Weekends will get busy at the lakes, with the alternative will be pre-workday sets in the cold water... Brrr. Thank goodness for Camaro suits.
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  • Baller
If the wind cooperates, this may be my last ski day of the year. 25 degrees this morning. Supposed to be high 30s this afternoon with wind out of the north. Likely ski a finale, then start taking the course out. Feeling ready to just finish it up at this point. Been a great season!
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  • Baller_

Daylight Saving Time was born of necessity during World War I and II. Going to bed hours after sundown, people relied upon artificially generated light, depleting fuel reserves. Germany realized that this precious commodity could better be used to serve the war effort, and instituted the first daylight saving laws in 1915. England followed suit in 1916, and the United States, in 1918.


Kind of sad to say war led to one of the greatest laws on the books. I would vote to keep it all year round.

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  • Baller_
On Monday August 8, 2005 President Bush signed into law a broad energy bill (Energy Policy Act of 2005) that extended Daylight Saving Time by four weeks beginning in 2007. See, government can do something for the better.
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  • Baller

Lucky for me I can go to work early and come home early. Now my ski pals........maybe not so much.

Made the comment to my wife that her boat driving season is about to get much busier after my return from the Middle East in 3 weeks! Arr no skiing for 3 whole weeks! :(

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  • Baller
I had not thought of it... Even if you live in the south, you are probably limited to skiing on weekends, since it is dark by the time most people get home from work. The last time I was in Florida was in November 2000. I was at Bill Peterson's and Jack Travers' ski schools. I remember sitting on the dock between sets, and it felt like a July day at home, but then the sun goes down at 5:00pm. If I could afford it I would fly down to Florida for a weekend of water skiing once a month in the winter.
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