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The Subjectivity of Technique and Why That Is Exciting - This should be required reading


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Matteo Luzzeri wrote the article linked below. I think it should be required reading for anyone who posts on BallOfSpray.






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  • Baller
Excellent article @Luzz!!! I think too that there are two "buckets" of skiers, not just on BoS but as a whole. Those who enjoy skiing and enjoy it for the activity, atmosphere, and relaxation and aren't necessarily as driven to improve technique. And then there are those who are driven to improve technique (whether chasing buoys or not) and learn more about this awesome sport. The easiest way to evaluate our technique is video and some pro coaching. If we ask the right questions - the answers are right at our fingertips. BoS is an awesome way to get feedback on our skiing as well and help us figure out (from another point of view) where our strengths are and where our weaknesses are. Thanks @luzz!
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Yesterday I was talking to a @TFIN about this subject. There are clearly a lot of Misconceptions and Misunderstandings at every level of skiing. Just because you see a elite skier doing something that you are not doing does not mean you should try to imitate it.


If you have not clicked the link at the top of this thread and carefully read the article please do so now.

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  • Baller

@Horton -i didnt mean it in a sarcastic way -ironic would be a much better description. like most members i head straight to the forum on most visits but not a week goes by i dont visit the front page at least twice. i often find the very best stuff there and i always wonder if a lot of the readers somehow pass right on by and miss it. essentially i see the forum as a interesting bull session but the home page is *news* and news is almost always even more interesting.


also @Toddl said the front page was cool with an exclamation point. ' cool! ' can never be sarcastic can it? maybe we need to invent some kind of special smiley face to indicate when a post is sarcastic so idiots like me will be able to pick up on it.

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@mrpreuss Mmmmm NO.


One of the core goals of this forum is to get good information to the skiing public. If you post something that is clearly wrong it is your opinion but is still wrong. Part of my job is to steer the conversations and promote the sharing of good information.


Not everyone likes my moderation style and I admit that I do not always perform my duties flawlessly but how I run the site is not a subject for debate.


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  • Elite Skier

@efw the fact that he answered Mike Ferraro is the proof that skiing goes beyond technique :)

Don't get me wrong, Ferraro knows about slalom skiing more than all of us together, but what he is really famous for is making any athlete that comes his way achieve exceptional performances. He switched very easily to wakeboarding and now he is considered a guru there...

Ski coach at Jolly Ski, Organizer of the San Gervasio Pro Am (2023 Promo and others), Co-Organizer of the Jolly Clinics.

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  • Baller
To me there are likely in any sport some core fundamentals. And it benefits us trying to improve to learn and master those fundamentals. But even what are accepted as fundamentals are broken at the tippy top competitive levels at times. as an alpine ski coach, I sometimes like to watch training runs more than competition runs to learn about those fundamentals. And most people should not try to do what Bode does. And Bode does it very differently from Ligety. I expect the same is true of water skiing.
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