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Weird Ski Injuries


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  • Baller
I am curious what kind of strange injuries anyone else has had out there during ski sessions. I injured my knee this summer dropping my hip to the inside at 3 ball -35. I am LFF, bowlegged and as I dropped my hip in I felt intense pain on the left side of my right knee. I had my rear plate rotated out clockwise. I could replicate it on the ground with my rear foot rotated right but not if centered. Have not had a reoccurrence since centering the plate but was out about three weeks and my knee now clicks when I walk.
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  • Baller

Bummer @thager!


I had a weird one too this summer. My back went into spasms while I was just standing at one of those Ski-Doc work stations tweaking someone's fin. I was standing straight not twisting at all, the Ski-Doc was at a perfect height, and holding a caliper just isn't that strenuous. I had skied half an hour earlier, but with no issues . . . weird. It was serious too. it took me off the water for three weeks!


We probably shouldn't feel too bad since @Wish just injured himself setting up Christmas!

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  • Baller
When I was about 15, which now seems like an eternity ago, I was just taking up the course, learning by trial and error on a public course by our summer cabin. I remember center punching the 3 ball and going down hard, I popped up to surface, looked around and couldn't see my ski, just then like a scene from looney tunes when Wiley coyote looks up and sees the anvil falling, I looked up and there was my kidder falling from the sky and wham right dead center of the forehead.....ended the day with a hell of a gash and a bigger goose egg.
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  • Baller_
Watched a friend on mine's daughter fall, ski comes off, she surfaces only to take the tip of the ski in the mouth as it moved across the surface. I do not remember if it was one or more teeth knocked out but it was not good. She only tricked after that.
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2 weeks ago I tore my MCL. It happened on my opening pass, I got out of position going to 2 ball (lean-locked). I thought I could manage it, but I went OTF instead. Back foot released, front foot didn't. Fortunately, I didn't damage the meniscus and the MCL heals itself, therefore I don't need surgery. Doc says I'll be able to ski in 2 weeks.
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  • Baller

My wife tore her left Teres Major muscle about 5 years ago coming out of 2 ball at 32. She tore her right one this July coming out of 1 ball at 35.


In 15 years as a PT I have not seen anyone else with this. It is really a "rest, time, and rehab" injury, but we went ahead and got a MRI done this week to just be sure nothing else was going on as it has been lingering. The shoulder fellowship trained orthopedic that I sent it to agreed with the tear of the teres. We are going to meet with him after Thanksgiving to check it out a bit more. Said he needed a little time to research as it is so rare.

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  • Baller

Back when I had animals, I snapped the last joint on my middle finger by jamming my heal past it while it was sticking through the finger hole at the back of the binding . . . duh.

Then went out and totaled Johnny Rutherford's Indy car the next day because I didn't want to miss the driving opportunity over the stupid broken finger I was hiding from everyone. :s

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  • Baller
Two days ago I got three fingers on the handle coming out of 1 ball so I have to go to 3 ball to correct my grip. Next day I have this awful pain in my right elbow (inside) and some research reveals I have some skiers elbow.. First time for everything. I'm off to look for some sort of strapping so that I can get back on the water ASAP.
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  • Baller

I was going backwards trick skiing and caught an edge and went down hard enough the binding came off. When I popped my head up it was just in time for my eyebrow to catch the ski skimming on the water at me.

Didn't feel like that much, but my cousin looked like she saw a ghost when they picked me up, as I was bleeding like a stuck pig all over the left side of my face. I couldn't tell because of the water on my face. Ever since then, whenever I lose the ski, I come up with hands in front of my face.

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  • Baller
@A_B -back when the obrien competitor first came out there was a guy who skied in the washington and oregon tournaments who split his head open on the tip of the ski -which was razor sharp. next time we saw him he had a chunk of old ski vest duct taped around that sharp edged tip.
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  • Baller

Back when I was chairman of the Technical Committee, we were directed to come up with a

specification for SL ski tip radius. At that time, there were quite a few ski companies making

them with pointy tips. This would maybe have been late 1960's/early 1970's.


Interesting to hear about getting whacked by skis catching up with you after a fall. I had one

of those in Jumping, where I had a relatively EZ fall on landing, amd I popped out the front

of the skis (wooden jumpers then). Turned around, and here comes of on them, hitting me

in the forehead. With a several-stitch cut made. And, I was even wearing a helmet, one

of those leather snowski jumping types, but the ski got me just right.


Another time, on a late pass, when I let go and went across the corner of the ramp, I fell

forward and got a plate binding acorn nut in the eyebrow.


Of course, I had a couple of concussions. Most memorable was at home, when I hadn't taken

a really hard fall in jumping. Back at our camp onshore, I started asking people: "I know

that it isn't August, but is it July or September?"


My father, an insurance agent, told me that I was "accident-prone".

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  • Baller

Back when I was a teenager on my first competition ski, EP with adjustable front binding and rear toe, OTF at the wakes head popped just in time for the ski to hit me right on the cheek bone resulting in a trip to the ER and stitches.

The wierdest to me was when I was around 20 on a slalom start, my ski twisted a little and got trapped against the rope. When the rope went past tip of the ski the ski twisted back real quick. My knee popped but I skied a few sets. Next day it was swollen and hurt ended up torn meniscus in 3 places, surgery, missed half the session.

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  • Baller
Skiing in a tournament in Duluth, MN many years ago I hit what I was told was either a beaver or large muskrat (or something) between the ball and wake. I know I ended up somewhere past the opposite buoy line, but I remembered nothing more of the day; there was a gap from that time (about 8 AM) until being in a Burger King late that evening (no I didn't drive). I had been diagnosed by an MD at the site with a concussion, and had been in the good care of my girlfriend who filled me in on what happened later.
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  • Baller

I screwed up my shoulder a few years back getting pulled up. After the driver started throttling up I lost grip with one of my hands on the handle. Rather than letting go I continued to get pulled out with only one hand - bone headed move. I made it up and skied the rest of the day, but a few days later I knew something was pulled.


A few weeks of PT and I was feeling better, but took until next season before I fell 100%

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  • Baller

I have been pretty lucky so far. I did slice my toe up after hitting it on the wing of my fin in a tournament. They had to give me a ride in so I didn't bleed all over the pick up boat.


My son has had a couple of issues including an out the front slalom concussion this summer, stuffing his arm through the handle working on reverse back wrap and getting banged with a ski while jumping but those are pretty normal.

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  • Baller
2 yrs ago at a Class C I took a weird fall which took me a few weeks to figure out why it happened. 2nd pass 28 off 34 mph which I run 99.9% of the time, came around 4 ball in perfect position, but in the middle of the wake behind the boat my ski just seemed to stop dead, I went out the front, both feet ejected from the bindings, Connelly Visions. Did a couple front flips and ended up about 30' past 5 ball, totally bewildered. Ski was near the centerline of the course at least 50' from me. Swam back to shore but I knew my back was toast. Talked to some friends who saw the fall and they were also totally at a loss as to how it happened, said I was in perfect position out of 4 ball and the next thing they saw was me flying through the air. Bagged the next 2 rounds and drove home w 3 Motrins in me. Didn't ski for a week and a half, then just took a free ski up and down the lake. Got back to the dock and just happened to look at my ski, the fin had about a 1" section right on the bottom that obviously hit something really hard. It was flattened and the finish was gone, shiny metal showing with ridges on each side. Talked to another guy who had skied at the site where I took the fall and he said he has seen very large snapping turtles in the pond. My best guess is that I must have somehow hit one just under the surface at obviously a bad time. Had to replace the fin, not such a weird injury, just a weird way to get one.
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  • Baller
A friend of ours had his fin shear off along the bottom of the ski in the middle of a pass in a tournament a few years ago. He was fortunate to not get hurt but went down suddenly. He never looks like he is in the right position so none of us were shocked until he pulled the ski out with no fin on it.
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In college @dirt went out the front. Tail of ski missed is head but hit him in the back. He had a bruise the shape of a Connelly.


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