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Dogs and water


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  • Baller

After reading the thread about the passing of @MS's pup it's seems alot of ballers are just as in love with their furballs as they are with skiing. I'm fortunate to live on a lake and I would guess 90-95% of the homes have at least one dog. Dogs and water just go together. To honor all the dogs we've had over the years and the one we have now, lets post some of the best dog/water pictures you have. It's winter and most of us are not skiing so dig out your best shots of Rover. I'll start with a picture or our favorite lab of all time towing in one of our present dogs from the deep water.


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  • Baller_
Man, great dogs. My last lab passed away almost four years ago, and my wife says no more big wet smelly dogs. So we have a white fluffy dog. Now our white fluffy dog is a dear friend, but it just isn't the same. Every time I see a lab, my heart melts. You guys are lucky.


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