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March ski vacation suggestions.


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  • Baller

Hi Ballers,


My wife and I looking to go on a ski vacation in mid March. I'm looking for suggestions.


This is our current list:


1) Acupulco: this is our first choice. We really enjoyed it last year. The only issue is flights from Toronto are not that convenient or cheap.


2) Costa Rica: love it, but prefer to take the kids


3) Orlando: cheaper, but other than skiing.....zzz


Any other suggestions? Chile? I vaguely recall hearing about a good site somewhere in the Caribbean. Texas, California?



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  • Baller_
Brent, aka The Clown, lives in Montreal. I believe he is skiing in Chile now, and has the last several winters. I imagine that he is kind of an expert on the subject. He posts on SkiFly. @SM is Brent's ski partner and posts here. Maybe he can point you in the right direction.


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  • Baller

I have skied at Mullet Bay, it,s on the Dutch side it was a fair number of years ago, just before the hurricane wiped them out, the water sports operation at Simpson Bay used to run it.

I helped them out for a bit, they were adjacent to the waterway through to the lagoon, parasailing, jetskis etc also available, if you ski at Mullet Bay, do not stomp around on the bottom, you are likely to step on something, If Julian Shore is still there give him my regards, great coach and does all the discipilnes, he used to be free style barefoot champion, starts from bridges, towed by helicopters a whole bags of tricks, unfortunately when he was giving a demo at a show one day, the boat driver took him too close to the jetty whilst he was skiing backwards, needless to say he is lucky to be alive, broke almost every bone in his body, hospital for 9 months, that,s why he lives and works in warmer climates

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Looks like a good place to get a few runs in but not a ski destination.


To be honest, this is not true....

Saint Martin is a perfect place to ski, even for very good skiers.

The coachs are good, the boats are good, the water is good, the slalom is good.

There are plenty of good french skiers who are skiing there year after year, believe me.

Have fun.



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  • Baller
Depending on what you like to do, I'd say the aprés ski in Miami/Lauderdale is a little more fun than Orlando (if you decide against something more exotic). You can grab some fairly affordable warm-up sets at McGinnis, and then drive up to Chet's for some real coaching. I think you can also get some good coaching at Miami Water Ski Club.
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What I was referring to is that I was going to spend thousands of dollars for a

ski destination I wouldn't choose a location that could be ruined by a 8 mile an

hour wind from any direction.

You can have great coaches and great boats but if you don't have relatively calm

water the day is ruined as in sure you know. That is a very large body of water compared to other ski destination.



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  • Baller_
I'd be wary of a slalom course running next to a golf fairway, especially if someone like me is hitting a drive on shore. That golf ball could easily traverse the airspace over the slalom course.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
@Laz have you considered the Dominican Republic? Mario Pigozzi has a nice ski school outside of Boca Chica, and he is hands down the kindest guy I know. Lake skis great. However, if you are bringing the family, I'd stay in Santo Domingo. About 30min drive to the lake, but better hotels and things to do with your kids.

Ski coach at Jolly Ski, Organizer of the San Gervasio Pro Am (2023 Promo and others), Co-Organizer of the Jolly Clinics.

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  • Baller

Thanks for everyone's replies.


Saint Martin looks interesting. Also, the Dominican site looks like it's worth a try. @Luzz I'm going to send an email. @andjules Thanks for the link.


We usually make a couple of trips to Florida over the winter already.


Acapulco was amazing last year but the flights are not so good for us.

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  • Baller

@barefooter2baller‌ This is their instagram, you can see some good pictures of the site. Mario has a SN 196 with ZO, and he is hands down one of the best drivers in the world, he drove the last two editions of the Worlds as well as plenty of other titled event. His son, Robert, just dominated the Jr. Worlds.

Generally, he has someone preparing a good meal on site, if not himself (hint: he is from Italy ;) ).

The site is called Catalina Ski Lake.


Ski coach at Jolly Ski, Organizer of the San Gervasio Pro Am (2023 Promo and others), Co-Organizer of the Jolly Clinics.

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  • Baller_
If you want to have first quality skiing and beach vacation, rent a house or condo on the beach in Seagrove Beach, Fl., or one of the nearby communities, and ski with Cory Pickos in Santa Rosa Beach, a 10 minute drive away. Cory has a two lake site with lots of good skiers and coaches. I've skied there several times and always enjoyed my experience. The beach and the water are beautiful. Bright white sand and warm blue and green water. Bring (or rent) a bike, kayak, SUP and your appetite for fresh sea food.


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  • Baller
@luzz where would you recommend someone stay near the site? I have been to Boca chica 15 years ago as a very young pup. It was fun for a 19 year old, but very sketchy! Lol. I'd not take my family there, but it was some time ago. There are some great areas of DR.
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My wife and I are leaving for SRI LANKA in a week. Slalom course and a Infinity Boat with lots of sight seeing activities available. I will post some pics when we return.

Costa Rica is a great place to ski and has many activities and sites to see.

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