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How old is too old to ski


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  • Baller_

I am 58. Typically, I ski daily May through Mid October, one set, eight to ten passes. I plan to ski every day and get enough rest days due to weather. With a break from 1982 to 1989, I've skied since I was 12 and competed since I was 14.


I spent this winter in Florida but didn't ski that much for health reasons. Next winter, I plan on splitting my time about 50/50 between Florida and home in northern NY, getting to water ski and snow ski all winter. Snow skiing (tele) is a big part of my winter water ski fitness program. Water skiing is a big part of my summer snow skiing fitness program. Should work out perfectly.


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  • Baller

Hi guys and girls. I'm a long time lurker but not a poster. I started skiing in 1999. Started slalom/buoys in 2004. Skied my first "C" class tournament in 2005. Went to my first (and only yet) Nationals in 2010. I am 59 years old and skiing tournaments for my 10th season this year with hope to qualify for Nationals again. M5 is a tough group of long time skiers, but I have fun skiing against my own scores.


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  • Baller
70 and skiing at essentially mandated max speed of 30. Tough to get used to but, (I know practice doesn't count) I've run 2.5@38 this fall in practice. At my age it seems every few month I can notice a difference. Normal 5 months off for winter may spell problems. Have to see what spring holds.
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Quote "Age is just a number, training hard, eat well, and work your technique". I like that, 66 here and still enjoy footing. Couple yrs back bought my boat from a 78 yo course skier, asked him why he was selling it, and his response was, well, I just bought a brand new SN200!
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  • Baller
Soon I will be 70 and still barefoot and slalom like I did when I was much younger.Knees and back are getting older however still ski at 36 and loving every run I make.I try to ski 2 times a day and would ski more often If I had drivers.I skied this yr till the 19th of october and had to stop due selling my boat and my dock guy was coming to take the lift and docks out.Plan to keep on going till I tip over and can't get up!!
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  • Baller

I am almost 64 and been skiing since 1974 and skiing the course since 1977.

My main ski partner is 74 and is in much better shape than me and is the best technical skier in the club. He Runs 35 off at 32 mph on good days. Very seldom misses 28 or 32 off at 32 mph. I plan on skiing as long as possible. Looking forward to 2018 ski season. Oldmanskier.

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  • Baller
A few years ago, someone asked one of the local guys if he played golf. He responded, "I'll start playing golf when I'm too old to ski". "How old are you now?", he was asked. "I'm 88", he replied. Sadly he passed away last year at 93, but he skied to the end.
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  • Baller
This is my new favorite thread. I just turned 61 and have MANY good years of skiing ahead. Grew up skiing as a kid but then had a 35 year break. 12 years ago bought a house on a lake here in Arkansas and started again. Just picked up a portable course and looking forward to many good years yet, God willing. Only advice is if you're at risk of losing it let go of the handle. Don't try and power though like the old days. Ski again tomorrow.
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  • Baller

I'm 60, I've been skiing since 4 & competing since 14. I took a break in my early 20's to 31 or so to start a business, so I could afford to ski. I've been skiing ever since I just broke my ankle pretty severely this season, hitting a buoy in a tournament in July. I'm working hard to ski again by Feb. I do Bikram Yoga 5-6 days a week, Lift weigts 1-2 days per week, Ski 4-5 days per week. I run 38. I haven't gotten better past about 51-52 but I haven't regressed yet.


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  • Baller
Age 75. Too many years of jumping, mostly at 6 ft. 2 fake hips and a bad back. Just doing well to get around. BUT: I may get something called a "spinal stimulator", so I haven't given up permanently, even though last time on the water was about 3 years ago.
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  • Baller
Age 69, Female. Been skiing since the age of 10, started 3 event skiing in 61, 1st nationals in 1962. Haven't missed a year of skiing tournaments yet. Have never missed a year of jumping 56 years. Can anyone beat that. Have no plans to quit any time soon.
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66 and don't see skiing coming to an end. We don't have a course anymore ( Thanks DNR) but love getting better not just skiing! I run at 35 off @ 36 just because it feels good and is fun! I do know how humbling a course is but I know if I had one I could give many a ran after a few months to get timing back. The newer boats and skis are amazing. They can mack a super old fart!!!!!!!!!!! Ya HOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo! Crap now that the season has ended I have moved back to the mechanical equipment to keep tuned up and that just does not make me smile like an hour or two behind a good boat.
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  • Baller

Check this out, how far the sport has come. KLP was an old man at 34 according to the commentator. I think this might have been KLP's last tour victory. go up to about 15.00; Big crowds, skiing in 3 feet of water, big cross wind


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  • Baller
Wow, @Rich, that brings back memories. When you say big crosswind, it was like 40 MPH from the northwest, totally unprotected. It was also cold- like 70 degrees. This after a perfect week of prep. Water depth was like 3' on the west side of the course and 60' on the east, which made it ski kind of weird. Watch the skis bounce in the rough water. It was nasty. To your point, it's pretty amazing that KLP can match his performances from 30 years ago. That was also, I believe, Geoff Carrington's last competitive jump.
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