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Stupidest ski related injury ever?


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tonight I fell down taking the cover off the Centurion. I don't know if I broke any bones in my foot but it hurts like F. My knee is not swelling so I am optimistic. If you can have a more stupid ski related injury story please share.


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  • Baller
This is not necessarily more stupid then Horton's but kinda stupid. My big toe was in the way when a ski buddy dropped the engine cover. It went black and blue and the toenail eventually came off and regrew all mangled looking to this day. Now when I see an engine cover lifted up, I get as far away from that thing as possible.
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  • Baller
We had just oiled up the swim platform(used a bit too much) and as I stepped out onto it I slipped off. While falling into the water my foot caught on one of the hand holds and I broke my pinky toe.
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  • Baller

30 years ago (age 8) I had made a habit of whipping into shore at the end of my slalom run and stepping out of my ski as it stopped on the sandbar.

One day I misjudged my speed and you can imagine the face plant!


Then at age 15 obrien had sent me a prototype 'twin tip' wakeboard and I broke my foot and blew out my knee doing a switch back roll just days before waterski nationals....

I could go on, but that is enough stupid for tonight!!


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  • Baller_

Ski slid out of my hand but with lightning fast reflexes I grabbed it with the other. Believe it or not, it was NOT a good idea to make my home built SFE with sharp edges.....I refused stitches to my hand out of embarrassment.


Similar to @Horton but not ski related, I was taking photos of my dad's pontoon to post a for sale add. Had to get that one last shot with the wifes new camera. Went to step on the pontoon and missed. Went between dock and boat. Attempted to save camera by stretching my arms over the dock and boat to stop rapid decent. Did not. Result was a dry but smashed camera as it slammed onto decking, severely bruised ribs and what looked like road rash from hip to pits on both sides. Oh....and a water filled cell phone in my shorts pocket. On the up side, the pontoon sold that week.

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  • Baller

A skier at my lake borrowed a ski with Connelly bindings with the two buckles. Was told to undo both buckles before pulling his foot out. Did not listen and ...... TORN ACHILLES TENDON ...

he must be the winner or I mean loser of the stupidest injury.

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  • Baller
Fell from my swim platform while taking my winter cover off of the boat (while it was still on the trailer) and smashed and cut my leg for about three inches. IDIOT. That platform is actually quite high with the trailer tongue lowered.

"Do Better..."

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  • Baller_

During my early years at CC I was assigned to run up hours on a pre production engine package. After splashing the boat early one morning on lake Jasmine I was running at about 35 MPH just enjoying the morning, checking gauges and was just driving the boat when i felt a tickle on my right leg (Wearing Short pants) scratched it and then felt a another tickle on my leg-thigh. Looked down and there was a big rat looking back at me siting on my lap....... damn near crapped myself!

knee jerk slammed my knee into the dash/steering wheel causing a small gash from the underside deck fiberglass. The rat decided it was best to move--it ran up to my shoulder and jumped down to the gunnel then ran down to the back of the boat and did a rat dive into the water.

Small gash did not require anything more then a band-aid but the knee hurt for about a week afterward.


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  • Baller
Last summer I had a meniscus tear when stepping from the dock to the starting platform (maybe 10" down) to put on my ski. Still ran my average score (PB for last season) after that, but had and still have issues (swelling, stiffness, and locking up) with it. I figure when it starts effecting my ability to ski, I will go do something about it.
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  • Baller
Was learning to barefoot in late '70s...trying to step off a ski, I managed to drop it between my legs at about 45 mph. Ski does not 'drop' but rises straight up on spray from feet in that case.... unable to climb back into boat for 20 minutes.
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  • Baller
Not my injury but that of my ski partner at the time. He was lowering the boat off an older model steel shore station -the ones with the large wheel to crank it up and down - when the free spinnng wheel spoke jammed into his thumb. Fractured the bone but he went to the ER with his handle to be sure the cast was shaped so he could still grip the handle. Don't think he missed more than a day or two on the water!
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  • Baller_

So that reminds me when won the Alanta Pro am, I bumped my little toe...and I got hungry. I may have scratched myself with the first place glass trophy as well.


A buddy of mine had a doughter in a slalom tournament. She did a pretty spectacular crash. She lost her ski. When she popped up out of the water head first to rase her hand letting everyone know she was ok, her ski was traveling at a good clip straight at her. Chipped her front teeth. She was a dedicated tricker after that.


Another buddy barefooted into carp. Fish bones were picked out of his foot at the ER. Week or two later, other deeper bones had made their way to the surface and had to be removed by a doctor as well.

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Sorry @skihard, I gotta vote for @Jody_Seal, the rat thing is really funny.


Does skiing into the shore at about 30 mph on a pitch black night, when you are roughly 20 years old, count as stupid.


I guess it doesn't count because, somehow, I wasn't injured. Hit a muddy bank, and didn't hit anything hard before I stopped tumbling.

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  • Baller

Tore a rotator cuff putting on my boat cover.


Dislocated my knee skiing on combos and doing something stupid. I still think that was the day I tore my meniscus, I had knee problems ever since that day (I was 12 when it happened).


Best non-ski related injury. I dislocated that same knee at 17 which resulted in surgery costing me 40% of my meniscus. How did it happen? Checking the bottom of my shoe for dog poop!

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  • Baller_
I dislocated my right pinky toe kicking into my RTP. I took all the skin off my forehead trying to do a "flying dock start" with Jim McCormick standing on the tail of my ski. Stupid me, I thought he'd get off. I tore my right rotator cuff accepting Wayne Feinberg's challange (the same WF from Sportsinsurance.com) that he could shake me off a tube in 20 seconds or less. He won.


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@skidawg basically the same accident. Hyper extended my big toe & sprained my knee. Cell phone is undamaged and did not fall in lake. If I had fallen in the lake i would be better off.
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