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Flextail: Uneducated ramblings


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  • Baller
As long as they are not spray relief slots. I'd hate to see the top skier's spray reduced. But seriously, it's great to see and learn about innovations designed for the elite athletes. It's also great to see companies like HO, Connelly, and Radar making advanced products for everyday athletes too.
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@horton yes. More specifically a jointed vehicle can make a tighter turn than an otherwise-similar rigid one. In fact, that might be a decent analogy.


But I also think rudder is mostly correct. Just happens to be a passively-controlled rudder.

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it's not passive. The skier is applying force that is moving it. Most of the effect is the redirection of the fin in relation to the center line of the ski. they invented the tail the ski like they did to realign the fin on each side of the course
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rudder like, but a rudder is active or mechanically activated, you steer with a rudder, this flex is passive or reactive, "passive articulation".......ok done.....looking forward to skiing one.
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  • Baller

@Horton -' Does a trailer help a car turn? ' yes a trailer helps a car turn -if you consider the alternative scenario of the trailer being a rigid part of the cars frame instead. the ability of the trailer to pivot behind the car *allows* the car to turn a much tighter radius than it could if the trailer was unable to pivot.


in the same way the traditional ski tail cannot pivot sideways so it could be said to *inhibit* a tighter radius turn which is why the tail is forced to ' smear ' or side slip through the finish of the turn. a rigidly attached trailer would have to skid around a corner -if it could even turn a corner at all. so it seems to me the flex tail is *allowing* the ski to turn sharper rather than actively *helping* it.


now as i re read what i wrote i realize its mostly a matter of semantics but i do think the *trailer* analogy is valid.

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  • Baller

So -There is a lot of talk about how rewarding the ski is - especially when you are in the zone and skiing well. My question is: how does this ski penalize you if you aren't skiing well and not in the zone?


Based on the above picture it appears that the mechanism for "turning the backbone" is the fin itself. Does this mean that the ski is more or less affected by the fin setup? Will there be a leap and bound in the fin department in the near future? Very interesting concept - very intriguing!

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  • Baller
Water temp is going to play more of a role that ever to achieve proper tail movement....those nano-tube molecule can be very finicky. Instead of fin adjustments, you will need a thermally controlled tail sock (patent pending) to achieve performance adjustments.
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