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All new 2016 Vapor

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  • Baller_
My first two rides this afternoon on my new vapor......... Wow! Not even on the same plying field as my green top vapor. This ski wants to turn and does it with little input. Fast off the ball yet does not need to slow down much to set up for the next edge change. Let it carry speed hold on this thing comes pre trained right out of the box. Thank you Eddie.
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  • Baller

7 sets in on the new 16 vapor water 62 air was 80 yesterday just using a heater top @GOODESkier skied in no top!! water is high and rolly at the lake. 6'1" 195 on a 67 just running -32 since its so rolly I called Richard last week and talk reset the ski now Im close to Richards.#

2.445 depth 6.965 tips 72.6 dft 9 wing front reflex at 29.45


wide early and fast cross coarse then it settles in nice.

If it was not so rolly I would be taking shots at -35 and -38 to cold to sit and the end and let the rollers go away.



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Wow - All I can say is... This is the best ski I've ever had! Nothing like the previous Vapors. Its quick and you don't need to turn. Just let it do it's own thing and it will keep getting angle. Plus, I always used to get air at 16m (22off) off the first ramp. Not any more, just slices through the wakes and stays down. No tip rise anywhere with Rini settings. Thanks Radar. MOASS. @Stevie Boy get your wallet out son (and tell me your real name).
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  • Baller_
@Fehlindra WOW!!! Do they release? If so..HOW??? Just took a look on line for cost of a couple of those boot....Geeeeez!!! And then add the bindings to that. But, really intrigued. Always wanted to try that. No ankle injury (for the most part) happening with a pair of those. Even if they do not release.
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  • Baller

Horton this was Wish fault pls move it to an other topic if you have time !


yes it was a project way more expensive than a supershell setup. the FT boot is very modified since those pics trimmed down the walls and much more must say more comfortable boot doesn't exist and NO the the boot don't release your ankle is your weak spot in other bindings i have done a few OTF fall the ankle is totally safe but in a hard fall u move the impact higher up on the body to the hips.

As Drago said also no scores! my first thought yes the guys in my ski club, Skijay Drago had right about this.

But now the week after i got the Reflex supershell i must say it dint get me any further it tok me 1 par of Obrien Legion changed to double Vapors dint like the front vapor changed to Radar Profile.

vent back to my FT project even tested other skies Mapple t2 same results just bingo if i get past 2:nd ball with some angle out of the turn.

the issue is my supinated fot= makes the ski turn left when in an natural stance right over the ski so initiate a turn to the right is rly difficult and even harder to finish the turn, this issue is amplified by the FT and Reflex hardshell.

but if (when) i manage to build up some insoles that help me get that true natural stance i think the FT can move me deeper into short line slalom even if i guess I'm gonna stay reflex.

To even get the same performance thats possible with the reflex the FT must stand direct on the plate and trim down the base to a thin layer I'm happy now after all error and try and the trouble shooting is over. THE END by Fehlindra Copyright

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  • Baller

So after skiing on the 2015 Vapor for a couple of days to see if I could ski on Radar as well as a slightly larger ski, I experiencing Radar Love for the first time, I am going to splash out on the 2016 with out demo, I hope it at least skis as well as the 2015, the previous post excite me, but I do not want to build my expectations to high.

@londonskier I take it by your comments the ski is feeling good in the cold UK water

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  • Baller
So I think I've had my new Vapor for 3 weeks now. Between blowing a transmission and now being on holidays in Spain I think I had 10 sets on it before I skied a tournament at Seseña yesterday. I'm starting to feel really confident on it. With very little work it's cross course so quickly. I love it. To top it off first round tied my PB and last round set a new PB. Sky is the limit for this ski. The warm water doesn't hurt either. I'm scared to go home to cold Alberta water.
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Like Fehlindra, I'm wondering about the women's version--when will it be out? Is it just a graphics change or is the ski really different? I assume at 120 lbs and slower speeds (30-32) the 65 is best? I thought the Senate was great, but I jumped on my friend's 2015 Women's Vapor and WOW.
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Further web surfing--I see 2016 women's is out too. So can I just get a 65 and pick my graphic or is there some ovary detecting device that will make me ski like a diva if I go pink? (I'm not against pink, but I know my store won't carry it so I'm wondering if there's any difference in the mens v womens--if not, I'll likely just buy a local one.) Radar gurus please enlighten me!
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  • Baller
I got to try out my new 66" 2016 this weekend, ski is awesome!!! Definitely much faster, and I found my onside being more consistent, comes back into the first wake even better than the blue vapor! In scrappy situations I Felt like I had more control and knew right away what the ski was going to do! It's getting better and better with every set!! Thanks to @Chris Rossi and @Horton for the help this weekend!
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  • Baller

Question for Chris Rossi:

I am very interested in the 2016 Vapor. I am a 34 mph skier (run 32 off on a fairly regular basis). I am on a 2010 66" strada. I have issues with getting on the tail of my ski from time to time and I have to really work at not hooking up too early after the buoy. When you say:


"My new thought process on this ski is to shift my power band so that it starts earlier (closer to buoy) and finishes earlier (centerline)."


Are you saying that the new Vapor permits a somewhat earlier hook up or is that only something that applies at much shorter line lengths? It also sounds like I may be somewhat less prone to ending up on the tail of the new ski. I realize this is mostly a technique issue but if the ski can help with it that would be a bonus. I'd appreciate any input you might have before I pull the trigger. Thanks.

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  • Baller
@WBLskier The 2016 Vapor is designed to start turning earlier in the turn cycle so that it is ready to go at the back side of the buoy. It also is designed to hook up with less pressure on the body. The result is that your ski will be finishing closer to the buoy without the big hits allowing you to ski a more upcourse line, regardless of the line length you ski at. The ski is also designed to be more supportive in the tail (shape and rocker update) to help reduce tail riding. It is more forgiving, easier on the body, and runs more buoys than previous Vapor/Strada models. Do any of you Ballers that have made the jump to the 2016 have more helpful insight for @WBLskier?
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  • Baller

I was coming off of a ski that was very different than the Vapor. At first, I struggled with the finish of the turns. Rossi's explanation above makes sense of what I was feeling at the buoy. The Vapor comes under the line and heads cross course sooner off the apex. It will not (at least for me) make the rounder turns I was accustomed to. Once I embraced the path the ski wanted v. what I was accustomed to, everything started to click. You can get moving inbound fast on this ski. Ski is very stable. I never feel like I am going to eat it through the white water. Ski stays level unless I do something stupid.


As a total aside, I watched part of the US Open. Watched Brooke Baldwin. My thought was that the Vapor would dig her turns. Up over the ski in about the same position as she is on a trick ski, pivot and almost immediately be headed the other way. Impressive...and only 14 or 15 yo.

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  • Baller
Thanks, Chris Rossi and ktm300. I'd love to hear from anyone else that wants to pipe in too. There are times that I struggle to get my Strada to finish the turn and I don't end up generating the angle I need. Again, I realize this is a result of my own technical problems, but it sounds like this ski could make that issue less of a problem. Thanks.
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  • Baller
I have skied the strada and both vapors the new 16 vapor is the best ski radar has ever made easy on the body gets great angle both side without over turning!!! @WBLskier get the new ski you will not regret it! even in cold water running up the rope to pb 2-3 -38 great ski setting are 2.445 6.968 72.3 head 73.3 2nd gen slot 9 wing down fb 29,50 reflex blk boot.
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  • Baller
The big differences bt the new vapor and the old version for me is the easy predictable turns on both sides, my green vapor required more concentration into and out of the turn on both sides , off side ( stay over the front of ski), on side (more handle control and slow reach)- the new ski I just rip it, I know it's gonna turn and burn
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I've had 3 sets on the 68" 2016 Vapour, and wow, i am 5 sets into my season skiing like a complete amateur and this ski just lets me run buoys, stand on the front, ride the tail, random hook turns. Slams, what ever it just keeps getting me to the next buoy, so fast off the ball, so stable everywhere, and can turn ohh so hard, I can't wait for me to improve and see how far I can push my skiing this season, well done RadaR
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  • Baller

I've ridden a number of new skis this fall, and what I like best about the 2016 Vapor is its tip behavior. I've never ridden another ski that builds tip-pressure so progressively and predictably. Where a D3 can get a bit tip-grabby, or the HO may not build quite enough tip-pressure in a pinch, or the Nanos will only let you use the back two-thirds of the ski, the Vapor lets you use the whole ski.

And as the water break moves forward on the tip, the progressive buildup of tip-pressure is so linear and predictable that it inspires me to use it for brakes when necessary, to crank extra hard tight turns when I need them, or to just let the ski run wide at will. I've never had this much confidence-inspiring control over what I can do on a ski. Radar absolutely nailed the tip characteristics on this thing!

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  • Baller



Sorry for a bit off topic question, when (roughly) do you think the Senate Lithium will be available in larger quantities? (looking for a factory second ;0).


I think you have informed that there are no changes planned. Same ski but different graphics 2015 and 2016 (I.E not the new Vapor shape and layup?)





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  • Baller

To all you guys with one in the bag or on the shelf, go get 'em wet! Ride 'em! fricken incredible ski!

@DanE I'm 6'1 215-220 and ride the 68" at 34 into 38 (through it once on this ski so far). Size is good for me but could be a little stiffer. So for you at 195 think 68 would be on the big, stiff side but certainly work great if that's your preference. Otherwise go 67.

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