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  • Baller
Hard to tell for sure but it looks like you have a fairly narrow gate. Maybe start your pull out later. Also need to be a bit stronger behind the boat. Tendency to let up your pull to soon. My 2 cents.
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  • Baller_
What @"Pat M" said. Wider for gate and your starting your let up right before first wake. It's not hang on till second wake kind of thing but that is to early. Flatish ski gets sent in the air. Fix that and all will fall into place. So what do you do right. Pre turn, apex of turn and coming back to tha handle look perfect in all aspects. Well done. Holding that lean for an additional half or whole ski length will change your timing a bit (especially with gates) but it's about all I would have you fix. So that's just one thing to think about. How cool is that. Usually we have to think about multiple items while running down the course.. Lucky you. Ok 2 things. At 14 you do hold the lean longer but that's because you have to. Your narrow gate sets you up for a late one ball that forces you to pull long into the ball. You are actually wider up on the boat in the gate glide in the first 2 passes.
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  • Baller

Great skiing dude.. I've actually ripped on cow lake. What an amazing lake and area to ski.


Your 22 off pass was your best. I'd drop 15 altogether at sole point soon unless you are practicing for an upcoming tournament. Drop the speed at -22 off as your opener and you should be at 58/16 as your opener very soon.


Couple things to think about overall that have been discussed a lot and most coaches talk about. A lot..

- use the boats pull don't fight it. You are pulling back at times and onto the back foot instead of simply leaning away from the boat. This adds tension and increase the effort needed. Part of this has to do with our stack on the ski.


You need to get your body aligned more over your front foot. Butt cheeks squeezed so your hips are over your front foot.


- be progressive with your lean. At 14m you jumped on the rope and pulled too hard too soon at your gate. In fact you shouldnt pull against the boat at all. You lean and resist. I don't think you were all that narrow, the camera is zoomed in a bit. But you loaded too hard too early in part because you couldn't get the ski to come around (not enough front foot pressure ). The more ski you have in the water the more it's gping to turn. Now. .. not to confuse you but at some points you were approaching the turn nicely then jumped on thr front of thr ski to get it to turn but instead you broke at the waist and got out of alignment putting too much ski in the water and loaded thr rope too early


Be progressive in your lean with the biggestcresistance through the middle and off the 2nd wake and let the ski finish the turn before grabbing the handle and trying to hammer it to the next buoy.


The big difference as you get into shortline is you don't have to pull as long but the pull from thr boat is stronger so you actually get more of a whip out to the buoy . You do a nice job of keeping the handle in close and not giving mu ch back to the boat too soon.


I hope this helps!



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  • Baller
I see a lot of driving with your back foot, get your weight more centered over the ski and start using your front foot as the driver, the more ski in the water in the pull, the more angle and speed you will get.
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  • Baller

18m is best but same problems for all lines:

You are getting caught at the gate and then fighting every load/acceleration phase across the wake. Any other problems are because of this. You clearly know what do and have the skills to go up the rope quickly if you fixit.

My advice ( before Horton says it) get your alignment (stack) sorted and then learn how to trust that position and let the boat accelerate you wide and early.

There are loads of threads on here about just this, if you are a " visual" learner then keep videoing as you make changes and compare to this video and videos of the pros.

If you freeze frame at the point of boat contact ( just before the white water ) you will see that at every point you are slightly broken at the waist, have already lost connection with the handle and have bent arms trying to resist the boat. This becomes more obvious as you shorten the line.

Whether you are skiing 18 or 11.25 the alignment needs to be the same.

First thing is to be able to actually feel what it's like so do the Gordon Rathbun drill of shortening to 11 and pulling out along as far up on the boat on both sides working on getting the right position and feeling it. Much easier with a coach but if not video it and compare to the pros or post here again. ( little tweaks in position make all the difference).

Then you can work on the gate and figure out how to get in this position at the right time for everything to come together - which with your skiing really shouldn't take you long :)

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