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Should Rule 10.03.C include exit gates?

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  • Baller

10.03 A Miss


C. In a Class C or below tournament a skier who misses their entry gate on their first pass, but goes on to complete the remainder of the pass, may continue to the next pass or accept a score of zero. If the skier completes the next sequential pass (or opt-up pass), then he shall receive credit for both passes and be allowed to continue. However, if the second pass is not fully complete, then the score shall be zero.


We had a situation in a tournament where a skier turned for 7 ball on their opening pass.


They realized their mistake and tried to get back to the exit gates unsuccessfully.


We allowed the skier to ski the next pass while we deliberated if the rule applied only to entry gates or to both gates.


The consensus was that we applied rule correctly (the skier was scored with 6NC), but many felt that it should be applied to both gates.



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  • Baller

I think the general thought was that since the skier did missed the gate to the right instead of the to the left they were being penalized for something they shouldn't.


This isn't meant to rehash the whole "should entry / exit gates be judged" question... just could we tweak this rule (to add exit gates) in a class C tournament for a persons opening pass?


This person is a 32mph skier, they were at an unfamiliar site and had a few jitters... I think the general thought is that the skier clearly demonstrated an ability to run the pass (and ran a full pass following), so why not let them continue?

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  • Baller
What @Horton said. Also I believe the wording of the the rule is quite clear. You even quoted it in bold print. How could the words "entry gate" be construed to include "exit gate" also? Why not let them continue? Rules. Without rules we could be here: the skier bobbled and turned inside the 3 buoy, but regained composure and ran the remainder of the pass easily, clearly demonstrating the ability to run the pass. Why not let them continue? Entrance gates, 6 buoys and exit gates, except for the class "C" exclusion mentioned above. Back to your original thread title.....I don't think so.
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  • Baller

Here we go again... And by that, I mean, there is still some concern that our gate rules need a refresher. Each year we discuss how to do gates differently.


I've always thought that missing the exit gates too early should still allow for continuation. If a skier is in good enough position to miss the exit gates too early, then they were also likely able to ski around a "7" ball if it were positioned accordingly. It was my suggestion in year's past to simply ignore the "too early" side of the exit gates.


Now to flip this argument to the entrance gates, I also believe that the same holds true for a "too late" entrance. The skier's error made it harder on him or herself. So, why cut the gates?


Originally, I suggested that we simply remove the gate buoy defining the too late entrance and too early exit. However, this buoy is needed for sight lines and timing for a correct, normal gate approach. So, it needs to stay in position. I just would like to see a rule change to just ignore it with regards to judging the gates.


BTW - I do not think that Rule 10.03.C should be expanded to include exit gates.

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  • Baller
I pulled for #7 at my second tourney ever in 1989. Was so excited to make it around #6 for the first time in a tourney I kept on pulling. The nice folks at Twin Lakes in NY let me continue. The week before at my first tourney ever I fell going into 1 ball...
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