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Two Of My Favourite Quotes From Water Skiing

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

Hi Guy's & Gals

Thought I would share a couple of my favourite quotes, from water skiing.


One came from Tom King fantastic photographer "Doesn't Make Me Happy"



The second was when I was Jetty Marshall, a skier had just skied and equalled the score of the top skier, as he got onto the jetty he was then told that he would have to ski again to decide the winner, he decide to go straight back out with the agreement of the other skier, when he got back in the water, because of the circumstances, a official started to explain his options, at this point the skier replied.


"I Don't Really Care - Hit It"



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  • Baller

One time, my buddy and I were pulling a guy barefoot. (Me driving, him spotting). The guy was going through this elaborate process how to pull him up.

"ok, give me a bump and take it to 18mph, then I'll give you a signal with my foot to go to 22mph. I'll then give you a quick nod and that's the signal to go to 30mph. Hold it there for exactly 5 seconds and then accelerate to 34".


I look at my buddy and go, "did you understand all of that?".


He looks at me and very softly goes....."Just nail it". :)

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  • Baller
Something to be said for "just nail it" with barefooting. Years ago when trying my first flying barefoot starts from the top of a houseboat (while friends slept inside, hung over), my first attempt I see the rope go limp as I drop to the water. First failure. "A little quicker please, boat driver". Second attempt, rope goes less limp. Second failure. "Please, hit the throttle a lil quicker". Third attempt, success, flying barefoot attempt works, we add the act to our ski show coming up later that day. I ask my driver, OK, what did you do different on that last attempt? His reply, "as soon as you moved to the edge of the houseboat, I threw the throttle all the way down". Speed is your friend.
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  • Baller

From a couple of years ago sitting in the boat with Lucky:


Lucky Lowe: Some day I'm going to get my hips fixed and then I'm going to win a Big Dawg and then maybe they'll put me back in the magazine.


My brother: Would you really go back to competing?


Lucky: "If you was John C. Holmes and your d--k was broke and then you got it fixed, wouldn't you go back to doing what you do?"


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  • Baller
If we can take this to snow skiing too....you and your snow ski bud trek a lil off-piste on a powder day, then, you both stop as the two of you spot an awesome line of fresh POW through the trees, when you turn to your bud to say....oh, wait....your partner is gone? Ah, "no friends on a powder day".
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Getting some coaching from Franck at Florida Ski School and the quote we heard all morning was "I like the intensity BUT...work on x, y, or z"


We took that one back to our home lake and now use (read abuse) it endlessly to give each other a hard time after a pass that does not turn out very well

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  • Baller

@Luzz it isn't just the pro photo guys.


This past summer with my father-in-law along to take pics, "I think if you can just drive over there another 20 yards the sun will be perfect". I then hop in the water and see him telling my wife to drive "20 yards over"....right into the two sets of rollers hitting each other.

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  • Baller

@parkerc2112 "Hips forward to entercourse". From old McCormicks tee shirt from the 80's. At least where I saw it. Still have the tee, though a 'little' tight.

Guess bent knees and shoulders back works too....

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  • Baller


Vs. Jumping: back in 1964 by Joe Cash. 2 pieces in one sentence. "Accelerate into the

ramp, and don't just spring: EXPLODE!"


As long as you don't explode into an upside-down big wreck. You may not actually be

accelerating, but you are keeping the towline loaded. Vs. easing off or straightening up,

once you see that you're getting on. Water and air drag sucks away speed quickly.


This advice was from when I was at his Sarasota ski school during Spring Break. I picked

up about 20 feet there. But, settled into some bad habits when I got back. Then, I saw

Jimmy Jackson winning the 1964 Nationals, and picked up how important body position

at the base of the ramp is.

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  • Baller
I was getting coaching a number of years ago with wifey driving the boat. The paid professional looks at my wife halfway though the set and says to her, "He doesn't listen very well, does he?"
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  • Baller

"This is the only sport when the later you go, the earlier you are"- Me


Jason Parades had an awesome comment when I dropped after a pass attempting to do something (I can't remember what) he told me to do. he said "What are you Marco, dyslexic?"

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