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THAT'S not a knife...THIS is a knife!


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  • Baller

I keep a tool bag onboard with everything needed for repairs and the like...


In addition to a cutting implement, I also keep a scuba mask in case I ever need to detangle a rope from the prop.


This happened once and its much easier with a mask.

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  • Baller
Whenever I'm diving underwater to fix the course, tie on a buoy, etc., I put a box knife either in my shorts pockets, or stuffed into my wetsuit top just in case I need to cut my way out of a sticky situation.
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  • Baller

I have said it on another thread, as well as carrying a knife, goggles, etc, everybody should carry a Airhorn, there should be a standard understanding 1 Blast boat problem need assistance, 2 Blasts Skier Injured in the water, 4 Blasts All of the above + call emergency services, it's simple.

I know on the chain of lakes in Florida you can get pulled over and they check that you have all the gear onboard that is specified, but I do not think a Airhorn is included, nor is there any protocol about signalling for help, I know we all have mobile phones, but dead zones and flat batteries can be a problem.

How would you setup such a protocol ?

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  • Baller
@Stevie Boy -i'm sure the coast guard has a protocol for petitioning introduction of new regulations and / or modifying existing regulations. also a while back the coast guard ceded many regulatory duties to individual states for their own inland water ways so you might take a look at your own state regulatory agencies.
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  • Baller

@Stevie Boy Boats are already required to have a horn of some sort, carrying an air horn seems like over kill when your boat should have a perfectly good one built in.

@"Keith Menard" I think that states that mandate flags are in the minority. Only ran into that particular rule in Missouri. My .02, better off looking for people in the water than flags on boats

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  • Baller

@oldjeep a Airhorn is very distinctive and the sound travels much further than the horn on your boat , unless you have retro fitted Truck Horns that is.

We are talking about the possibilty of somebody in the water with Life threaten injuries.

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