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Worst ski advice you have ever received.


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  • Baller
Just curious about some of the worst/least helpful ski advice you have ever received. Mine was from a pro that was coaching me. After watching my ski pass the only thing he said after my pass was, "turn harder". I asked him what he meant by that and he followed up with, "just turn harder". In the back of my mind I was thinking, "Um, ok, I get the general principle but please describe the things I need to do to make that happen." oh, and I was also thinking, how do I get my money back.
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  • Baller
I'm repeatedly told don't turn so hard. Can't say I've been given bad advice but I have been disappointed by going to coaches and them not letting me run the course. I get it, you need good fundamentals but at ~$80 a whack it's hard to free Ski and give it your all.
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@skinut haaa I have been meaning to start this thread for a long time.


"Counter Rotate as much as you can at the ball"

"At the end of the turn bend your knees as much as possible"

"When you reach, push the handle out and back"


And from the late 70s /early 80s the best Terrible advice is .... "pull the handle into your chest at the end of the turn and keep it there."

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  • Baller

"The course isn't symmetrical. The distance from 1 to 2 isn't the same as 3 to 4 so ski it that way." Also "I believe you need to be able to run your opener on a wooden disk before you can consistently do it in a tournament. You need to try 34 22 on a wooden table top and see what happens"


These are serious ideas from the same person. I have more but I'll leave it at these

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  • Baller

"We need more ski in the water, well just put your boots as far forward as possible, give me your ski." *did not give him my ski*


"Pin your chin to the bottom of your neck" at this point I just let everything he said go in one ear and out the other


"Just lean harder! That's all you gotta do at 35 off!" *ended in an OTF with a shoulder injury that kept me off the water for 2 weeks. This was when I decided to stop listening to him*

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  • Baller

"Don't buy a lake".

Didn't listen.



For ski advice, it's probably a toss-up between "Pull as hard as you can"


"In the turn, rotate immediately to face directly across to the other side of the lake"

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@MISkier unless you came to my parents ski school in the 80s you never heard me say that or you misunderstood me making fun of terrible coaching
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  • Baller

"If your on the fence between the 65" or 67" get the longer ski, you'll be able to ski longer without getting tired."


2006 At the time I was 3 lb over the recommended range of the 65" and knew nothing about performance skis. I never liked that 67" ski.

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  • Baller
I don't know if this was the best or worst advice ever, but it was damn funny either way.And it was a great set after he said this to me : "don't take this the wrong way, but on this next pass, try not to fall" - Andy Mapple
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  • Supporting Member
Wow, this is making me realize I really haven't received a lot of bad advice. But I did have one similar to @Bill22 where "the expert" on a particular ski insisted that I go with a 68". I argued that was much too big, but he was certain. With my knowledge today, I would have gotten off that ski after a week. Not only did my performance suffer, but there was really nothing useful to learn from it. But I was dumb and spent a year on it. Oh well, it was still fun to ski!
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  • Baller_
Not the worst, but possibly the funniest: a well known skier told me to do something that I completely failed to do. After the pass he said "your memory is about as long as my penis". I wish I thought faster and would have replied "what did you just say? I forgot"

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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This advice wasn't aimed at myself, but at one of my teammates who was jumping during one of our tournaments in southern Ohio. After crashing, our team president decided to give my teammate the following advice:




He's not a jumper...

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  • Baller_

@Horton, my post was intended as good natured ribbing.


While I did not specifically witness you impart the "glute clench" advice to anyone, you did indicate you felt it was bad while chastising me for repeating it in this thread:


Glute clench is bad


Read your response to me offering that same advice. Hence my contribution to this thread as bad advice received.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

The more I think about this the more I remember how much "advice" I got from this specific coach. One other bit of coaching I got was "look, if you wanna ski well in the tournament on Saturday, take the week off. Practicing will do nothing but wear down your body."


This "coach" was not in the boat 90% of the time he decided to give me "tips"

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  • Baller
@Fam-man I learned to ski the course in the late 70s and the skis didn't turn like they do know. Kick the ski around with the back foot was somewhat required back then. If you had an old school coach they might still be thinking like that.
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