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Train With Terry Winter video lesson example


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  • Baller
The early edge change is challenging and i find it easier at 22 and 28 for practice for sure but somehow 35 is like i have to relearn how to ski again...very frustrating. My brain has a hard time starting the edge change before i go past that right hand gate buoy. I guess I have always felt I have to pull through the gates and then make my move but i realize that in order to get a good one ball i cant actually be pulling through the gates but have to be transitioning as i pass through them. I have had a few good attempts at this and as long as I keep my elbows pinned to my vest it usually results in a good solid one ball. If not I get a ton of slack and take a big hit out of one.
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  • Baller_
@twhisper the "reverses" you described is a seriously good drill. I've tried it 3 times, starting at 28/28 and it took 3 sets to make it down to 23mph. Sure enough when I started if I let my elbows out I couldn't get outside the buoy, even at 26. Weight distribution, shoulder position, "stack", and handle control are all painfully obvious when not done correctly at the slow speeds. Plus its great conditioning after a normal set. I plan to start doing this drill on a regular basis. Thanks.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller
I just wanted to pop in and say that I spent some more time over the last couple days watching the videos and looking at the information on Terry's site, and it gives very good information regarding the ski technique topics that are currently active here. (not that we shouldn't also discuss stuff here). I was thinking this morning that one video alone that he added this spring was worth the monthly fee, even if you stay only a month. Totally worth it. IMO.
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  • Elite Skier
@epnault Yes, it’s month to month and all of the videos are always on there. You can stop or pause any time you like. I don’t post other skiers’ videos on the site, just the one’s I’ve done mostly using myself or others pros as examples.
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  • Baller
@twhisper "You'll learn how to absorb the wake with your knees".... in your previous comment... There's a lot of people that don't want to hear that.... Along with your compressed position thread that ended too soon, you're turning some people's waterskiing world upside down.
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  • Baller
In my mind Train With Terry is flat out the best value in slalom skiing today. I've been knocking around this sport for about 40 years. Read lots of articles, watched a few videos, and trained with a couple great coaches and ski partners over the years. For me Terry's ability to pass on knowledge, analyze a skier's abilities and make suggestions for improvements that are clear, concise and easy to understand is fantastic!
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  • Baller
Just a bump for one of my favourite threads as I start to get ready for a preseason Florida trip. The video analysis of Allison is so good. Makes me think it might be time to join the @twhisper site to get ready for the season.
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  • Baller
@skihart join the site and get a video lesson. It is a no brainer. Warning!! Once you do it you really need to communicate with the people you ski with about what you are doing to avoid coaching or boat speeds/line lengths that are not in alignment with what you are working on. I battle this with the people I ski with and other coach types that pull me...some disagree with what I am doing (staying at slower speeds or longer lines) but they do not disagree with my progress!
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  • Baller

@horton - thanks for putting this up again. Great example of his coaching.

Unrelated - @matthewbrown - one of my favorite videos is if you sking the S2 at -32. About the most picture perfect pass I've ever seen.

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  • Baller

Totally worth the money. Terry made something I’ve been trying to figure out very obvious. I’ve been trying to fix this, but not knowing where, or exactly what was happening. There it is, clear as day. It’s not the only thing he saw, but it’s the 1 thing to work on now that should lead to a light year jump, should I be able to fix it. Thank you @twhisper . That pass fell over and over, easily, today with none of the same issues. I just have to hammer it into muscle memory now, and not let that creep back in. ke8opm1xp3to.png


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  • Baller
@aupatking how are you fixing that? Pretty common pro vs Joe technique you're displaying. I also notice from video of my skiing that I'm not advancing the ski off the 2nd wake like better skiers do, not in good alignment as displayed by the 2nd picture there.
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  • Baller
Plus one on Terry. The dude is awesome. Iv had a couple conversations with him and a video lesson. He's actually spends a good amount of time on your video. Way more than I expected. The most I have ever had from video coaching. Great he runs a side by side with his video to show what he is talking about. Iv done a lot of pro video coaching and Terry was by far the best. He made me feel like he actually wanted to do some coaching rather than the feeling I get from others that just palm you off with basic techniques without watching you or explaining. Be patient as I can imagine it takes him an age to do everyone's sets. It's totally worth the wait.
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  • Baller

@C5Quest a couple of the other guys were correct, my hands/handle are coming up off the second wake, away from my hips so, yes, one line for handle, one line for hips where Terry just has 1 line. @Killer the movement is not the easiest to describe but it’s basically tightening your shoulders and elbows in while bringing your ribs forward. I think you could just lean back and get your handle where you want it, but then you’re just leaning back. What he is showing me is fixing it, the right way.

In my video comparison you can see the drastic difference it makes to how the ski casts and changes edge. I’ve practiced it for a couple sets and it makes the whole world easy.

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  • Baller

Just got this done.

Wow, so good and can go back for reference anytime. Highly recommend!

Terry also sent an additional video drill to address my main weak area(handle control).

With the video review, of what a pass should look like in comparison to what I am currently doing, I feel like I now have the tools to break past 28 off.

Too bad our season is pretty much done.

At least I have great video to review all winter and burn the correct images of what a pass should look like into my brain.

Just do it!!




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