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Cleaning a super super dirty boat


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What is the secret stuff to get stains from nasty water out of white gel coat? I saw some college kids today with a green & brown boat that should be green & white.


Seems like I have heard of guys using toilet bowl cleaner. Is that right? Is there a specific product?



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  • Baller

Toilet bowl cleaner works good. The higher concentrate of hydrochloric acid the better it will cut hard water build up. I use The Works or Sno-bol. Just keep it away from decals and rinse the trailer and concrete floor with water when done. It will cause rust on a trailer and can cause weak concrete to pop sometimes.


Also remember that the acid will cut any and all wax that's on the boat. Several coats are recommended after cleaning otherwise the brown stain will come back quickly.

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  • Baller

Pool acid gets rid of stains from leaving your boat in the hard water for multiple years. Brutal stuff. Burns your skin, nose and lungs. Even if you are careful. Destroys sprayers so a water bottle with a hole drilled in the lid is a simple enough applicator to work. Outrageous stains call for desperate measures.


I'm so glad my boat is indoors on a lift. Never need to clean the bottom with acid now.


That UCLA boat is bad but nowhere needing the pool acid treatment. Milder acids or just elbow grease should work for them. Fixing the small manifold leak is more important.



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  • Baller

The safest and likely most effective is to use a good cut polish. Use a wool pad and a high speed polisher, once the staining is gone switch to a foam pad and buff to high gloss shine. Mist your buffing pads with water during this process to keep them damp. Essentially its like sanding off the stain. Make sure you keep the polisher moving so as not to "burn" through your color. Although Gel coat will not burn through very quickly. The wool pad will cut through and remove the stain very quickly but will likely not leave you with a glossy finish. The foam pad will restore the shine very quickly. Its a simple process but if you have not done it before it might be best to bring in some help. Choice of polish makes a huge difference. when your done the boat should look like its fresh off the showroom floor. Now wax it!


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  • Baller
My boat has never been anywhere near as bad as the neglected boat mentioned. But, I would likely use a power washer to remove the heavy stuff, then use, "Mary-Kate On and Off Hull and Bottom Cleaner". Wicked strong stuff. Active ingredients are : Hydrogen chloride, Phosphoric acid, Oxalic acid. Must wear respirator, long rubber gloves, and long sleeved shirt. After clean, use 2 coats of good quality PASTE wax to help prevent that sort of staining again. Dirt is generally afraid of my boat.
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  • Baller_
Try the StarBrite first. You should be able to get it at Walmart. They even have a spray gel version to cling to the hull better. It should not take any more effort than to spray/wipe it on, wait for it to work, and rinse/wipe off. If it doesn't work, then do all that scrubbing, buffing, compounding, or application of other noxious chemicals requiring a hazmat suit.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
Go the chemical route. Use rubber gloves and DO NOT spray, squirt or other wise make it airborne. Then you have to breath it. It's bad enough to breath just from wiping. Pour on a cloth and wipe on generously. Let stand until stain goes away and rinse thoroughly. Apply good wax before putting boat back in the water.
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  • Baller

The big concept here, regardless of what particular acid-based product is used, is that the product is eating organic/mineral matter out of the pores of the plastic. This is not an elbow-grease ordeal, it's spray on and watch the stain disappear. For me, 50/50 cut muriatic acid and water in a sprayer worked great.


I'll echo warnings here about not breathing it in and that any of this stuff will absolutely destroy your trailer with corrosion, particularly the Ram-Lin style trailers where the bunks are tapped right into the main structural members of the trailer.

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You guys are awesome. College kid asked me what to do you last night I said I don't know I'll just put a post in the Forum. Now he can read it and figure it out
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Davis FSR (Fiberglass Stain Remover). It is a blue gel that you can put on the any surface (horizontal-vertical) and it will hold. Leave on for a few minutes and rinse. Amazing results. Amazon and most of the online boat supplies stores carry it.
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  • Baller

+3 for Starbrite as listed above us a sponge or cheap paintbrush to put it on. The bottle says to use a spray bottle but you don't want that acid flying around in the wind.


I tried toilet bowl cleaner, for me it did not do much on stains.

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  • Baller
Our boats are super dirty every year when we pull them out of the water as they sit in the water from mid-April until late October. One of the acid wash products cleans them up very easily but they are very caustic. The HC-1 Hull Cleaner works very well also. It requires some gentle rubbing but is much less nasty than the acid products.
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  • Baller

When I worked at a Marina we skipped the up charge and purchased Muriatic Acid by the gallon. All the toilet cleaners have cut back on acid content and have stuff you don't need. And hull cleaners tend to have the boat mark up applied. We had a lot of boats that sat in brackish water all season and often didn't get the offseason tune up.


Step 1 - pressure wash and scrub with brush to remove any crusts/accumulation.

Step 2 - Start somewhere hidden prepare 2 gallon of water in a 5 gallon bucket and add some Muriatic acid (same HCl Acid as in toilet bowl cleaner). Apply and see if its effective, add a bit more acid at a time till reaching a strength that is cutting the color. Work in sections, rinsing completely.


Step 3 - full soap and water wash down.

Step 4 - buff/polish

Step 5 - Wash + Wax.

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  • Baller
Really tough stains, ON/OFF. Downside, it is hard on lungs and trailer. Another option is Captain John’s Boat Brite, which is supposed to be an enzyme, not an acid. Easier on lungs, trailer and environment, but may need two applications for really tough stains. West Marine carries it now.
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  • Baller
I used JJVs Best boat cleaner. Worked great on decent scum line. Acid free, so no worries about harmful effects. Spray on, let sit and spray off. No scrubbing. If your looking to make it shine after, (like someone said earlier) rotary buffer with wool pad and cutting compound. Then foam pad polish, and I use orbital buffer for applying and removing wax. Boat still looks really great for being a 86!
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@ski6jones hydrochloric acid will strip zinc galvanization off steel. So DO NOT let it get on the trailer.


When cleaning under a boat you really want to get the boat off the trailer so you can work on the hull between the bunks. You can do an OK job of this by dropping the tongue to the ground and cribbing under the rear and jacking up the trailer tongue, you don't have to move the trailer out but you do want to clean between the bunks and hull.

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  • Baller

as @eleeski hinted at above, there is an important difference between (1) a stubborn scum line sitting on the gelcoat, from the last month or two on an algae-heavy lake vs (2) a stubborn scum line baked in to the gelcoat over several years.

With the latter, you're going to be using acid and/or grit and will be affecting the gelcoat itself, so from there on in, you're going to need to wax and buff more often.

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  • Baller
I'll have to look, but the Davis FSR is what I believe were used several years ago on a nautique we left in the water prior to having a lift. It was like magic. Leave on a few minutes then wipe off. Not sure that was the name but it sound right and was a blue gel.
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  • Baller

I’m sure any of the above mentioned brands/offerings work well. Personally I’ve always used the Captian Phab brand hull cleaner. I prefer the powder version and mix my own, stronger if needed.

Spray on, let sit, wipe and rinse off. Repeat if necessary.

This usually takes off all the water stains, but to bring back shine I follow up with a good polish with my buffer and wax. Sometimes if the oxidation is bad that year I’ll start with a compound and work through the polish and wax steps.

While my boat is on a lift, the lake we are on is high in tannins and stain the boats relatively quickly.

Hope this helps.

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