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Moving Forward ?

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller_
I've heard you preach that, accepted it, been trying to do it while rounding buoys but this really helped as I could pay far more attention to the goal of getting up to (trying to pass) the windshield, knowing where I am in relationship to timing things with the boat, attention to COM as it relates to the swing of the handle path and what amount of angle is enough. It's surprising how much of those concepts get lost when you're chasing buoys. Oddly enough, I was coupling gate shot drills with it and getting close enough to 1 ball pulling up into a glide that I'd pass 1 ball within what felt like it could be turnable at 39. And depending on my timing with the boat and how things were going, a couple others seemed turnable as well. Shocked I could get that wide that fast by trying to move forward as fast as possible feeding off the swing of the handle path.
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  • Baller
Im with you guys with this concept geting all this speed think going down the lake Asap ill buy it all, but how do we perform that in practice when are we suposed to stand stacked almost vertical on the ski try to achive an ski that have less Yaw and Roll so near 100% planning for efficiency/powerloss, when the pull from the handle change from lean away from the boat as the oldschool tug of war dino aim for the shore to this New saga where the pull comes from more or much more in front of you, where do you anchor the handle i cant see any way to do this at all, i can only simulate this in the gym with handle attached to cables and weights where the weights wanna pull me like OTF or out of the stacked pos. Is it better to have an wider stance between your bindings for balance? maybe some picture off the water with an handle attached that can help us out how to perform this.
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  • Baller

@Fehlindra I am not sure I understand what you're asking, but are you referring to how we move efficiently without going OTF? It's really impossible to practice an efficient stacked position on land in a static position because if you did you would fall over the front. On a water ski we want to lead the ski and our feet with our COM. Our own acceleration is what keeps us from falling over in that case.




In order to do this on land those two vectors would have to be in line. If you tried to line up the vectors like this on land, you'd fall over.



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