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Quest to water ski on the Caspian Sea--looking for assistance


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Hello all, I'm new to the site but am posting at the suggestion of several long-time members. I am looking to water ski on the Caspian Sea this summer as part of a larger quest to ski on the Ancient Greek Seven Seas. I'm finding it challenging to find a place with a boat or jet ski to pull me. The Caspian is surrounded by Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan. From my research it seems that the best bet will be the sea resorts around Baku, Azerbaijan, but I'm open to anything. What I think I need is someone familiar with the area and/or someone who speaks Russian or any of the other languages of the region and might be willing to help me. I'm following up all leads--friends of friends of friends! Thanks in advance for your help.
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  • Baller

Hi, Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water, so it is actually a lake. I hope you find a way to ski there and anywhere else to complete your quest.

Caspian Sea though is not one of the ancient world's seven seas, the closest I guess is the Black Sea.

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  • Baller

@skialex According to Wiki and NOAA, the original greek versions of the seven seas does include the Caspian. There were multiple other versions including other seas, then Midieval Europe version and on till it started referring to the 7 oceans.


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  • Baller

That is a very cool quest.


Personally, I would get on travelzoo.com and search the forums for the bigger towns on the Caspian like Baku/Bilgah Beach, Aktau, Avaza, Ramsar. To my knowledge, every sub-forum on travelzoo have expert 'hosts'/moderators and hopefully someone-knows-someone with a suitable boat (you might need to count on bringing a ski and a rope).

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You might contact Igor Morozov on facebook. He is a Russian pro skier who may have some real information for you. https://www.facebook.com/igormorozov I do not personally know Igor but my impression is that he is a super nice guy.

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  • Baller

@ScottScott well I'm Greek, as far as I know caspian was not included, so I checkeand you are right that at least one source does include the Caspian Sea but not all. So maybe you are right.

Since the 19th century as you said it refers to today's oceans.

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  • Baller
What you may not know about @Shannon, come June it'll be 100 consecutive months she has skied. That is a hell of accomplishment. I have been fortunate to pull her several of those months. One of the best people you'll have the pleasure to meet and ski with.
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  • Baller
Being in florida helps.... I've skied with Shannon many of those months also. She just has a deep down love of being on the water and skiing. She is also well known for skiing a stretch of 18 miles (I believe the number was 18, if not it was something equally insane) on the St Johns river. Do the math.....at 30mph thats a run of over 30 minutes. Her normal ski run on her lake, is the full perimeter around the lake.....about 5 miles of shoreline. No one has a bigger smile on their face when they skiing.
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  • Baller

Here’s another Shannon story.


I skied with her yesterday before our group had a meeting about how to bring skiing ambassadorship to Orlando. Shannon was the only one in the group that said “well can we at least ski before our meeting about skiing?”


You will not meet a better poster child for “just get out and ski!”

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I want first to thank my friends who have made so many nice comments. You know who you are! AND I want to thank all of those who offered helpful advice on my quest to ski the Caspian. I'm pleased to let you know that the mission was accomplished! After navigating some logistical challenges, we were able to find a rent-able Ski-Doo and a relatively calm stretch of beachfront outside of Baku Azerbaijan. With my son driving the jetski, I was able to ski for about 10 minutes with an oil tanker in the background and an offshore platform about half a mile down the beach! So I have now skied on the Caspian, Red, Adriatic, Persian Gulf, Mediterranean, Aegean, and Black. Cheers!
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