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All new 2019 Senate Pro


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@"Mateo Vargas" it was only a matter on time...









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  • Baller
My "summer of skis" continues as my 19 Senate Pro arrived yesterday. Inserts on the ski are about .75" further forward than my similar-overall-length D3 so I can only get the front binding back to 30.75". We'll see how she runs today. Excited to be back trying a Radar, my last one was the 16 Vapor and that was a fantastic ski.
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@OKSkier I think the additional surface are will allow you to carry speed easier and move through the turn with better balance. One of the guys that picked one up at Nationals has said the biggest thing for him is he feels like the ski is working with him better than his 68" Vapor and helping his consistency.
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  • Baller
@brooks At 6'2 210 lbs you recommend a 67 for @OKSkier I`m 5,6 165 lbs and was always on a 66 ski. When i bought my senate a few years back I was torn between getting a 65 or 67. The majority of opinions on BOS to my question was go with the 67 saying you can make a longer ski ski shorter but you cant make a short ski ski longer. It just seemed the 67 was too long for me in turns. I am now on a 2016 66 lithium vapor. But sometimes I feel it`s too much ski for me at 30 mph. I always wonder if I should have went with the 65 senate. Also the fin on my 67 senate is stock setting. How far forward would you move to make it feel shorter? I might give it a try again. Thanks.
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Hey @foxriverat, at 5'6" 165, I would definitely put you on a 65" for sure and at that speed I would think the 65" Lithium Senate is the ski for you.


As far as riding your 67 don't be afraid to go to like .795 from tail and move the boots forward another hole or two.

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Would this Pro be less forgiving than a Graphite or Lithium? I'm wondering about forgiveness to imperfect body position and imperfect water conditions. My 2013 Connelly Prophecy is far from forgiving but very fast if my form and conditions are good.
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  • Baller
@brooks I'm not 2% of the slalom expert you are, but you'd recommend a 67" ski over a 69" for a 210 lbs skier? When would you recommend the 69"? I'm currently at 240lbs, moving that number downward, skiing on a now-discontinued 71" Senate Lithium. I figured my ski was good down to around 200 lbs. Am I crazy? By the way - the reward for reaching that goal weight will be a new ski. :smiley:
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  • Baller
The senate skis with the attack angle of a Vapor but with slightly more buoyancy (due to increased surface area). This gives it more stability and forgiveness especially for those who typically fall in between sizes of Vapor at 34mph and will also be a fantastic choice for those who have max speeds less than 34 mph. This ski can run crazy good 39s@34mph (ask @skidawg) and can also be that ski that takes a guy thru his first 28 or 32off.
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@KRoundy it is definitely situational. There are times when I recommend a 210 lb. skier a 69 but in this instance I felt the 67 was better suited. It's not all about weight but also, height, skill and what ski you were on prior.


We actually still make a 71" Lithium Senate by the way but I would get down a few lbs and get a 69" Senate Pro!

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  • Baller
@chris rossi Thanks for your comments. Really appreciate your input. On a 17 Vapor at 34 mph and still wondering how the Senate would be. I guess someone like me at 28 and 32 off and sometimes 35- would the extra width help. Be more foregiving? How would that work? THanks
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I'm fine with sharing my numbers. I've taken a few rides on it with limited rest and sleep. Still I'm with in a buoy of my PB. So, I'm looking froward to a set when I have had some rest. I agree with @Mateo_Vargas offside is great and I'm finding that I have more space than I ever got with my 17 Senate. I do think that the NFC could be really cool if it allowed you to store your settings and other info on the ski, provide stock numbers etc but it only opened radars vimeo channel and the NCF was locked. It skies great so my note book works just fine.
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  • Baller
@brooks. At 5’7” about 175 ish. Stick with a 67 or try a 65? 65 is more of a curiosity as I have a 67 Senate Lithium because Radar doesn’t make a 66. I ski it well and wondering any advantage to a 65 as the rope gets shorter?
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@sheskis7 I would put you on a 65.


@C5Quest I would say you need a 65 as well. 65 will definitely be more nimble as the rope gets shorter. Unfortunately we don't do the Pro in a 65 currently.

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  • Baller

Been on my 67 2019 Senate Pro 1 week/6 sets. Ran a PB my first set on it but maybe I was just fired up having been on a ski buddy's 67 2018 Lithium Senate for the 3 weeks prior. I'm a 22' skier (32/34mph) with some sloooow 28's under the belt -- ran a (PB) clean 28' at 32.0 mph my first time on the Senate Pro in some chop - took 3 stabs but made it. I'm sure summer timing had a lot to do with it (we live in Maine) but moral of the story I didn't skip a beat jumping on it and I'm very happy with it. I really like the 17/18 Senate I was borrowing but my balance for some reason seems to be a little better on the Pro. Maybe it's the cool sticker lol. As other say, speed and style I'm sure has a lot to do with it too but the window for hooking up seems wider.


I was on a 69 2017 Lithium Senate the past 2 full years until June-ish when I graduated to a 67. After a clinic...Corey Vaugh "...Mike, get off the 69, you need to be on a 67" now). I'm in that grey area for a 67/69 but think it comes down to boat speed, form and time behind the boat. I tried a 67 for 2 weeks last summer and just couldn't handle it (a little better form now maybe).


I'm 6' and 193 lbs most Friday mornings, 197+ most Monday mornings.


I know it's not good form to snap off a turn but I'm a hack and when I rush or need to hook one it's much easier with the 67 than the 69...and I'm more confident doing it.


I've run Radar 'factory/stock' fin, wing settings and middle boot location forever per @brooks -- and don't think I'll change them unless he or a pro makes me.


Plug: My 69 2017 Lithium is on Ski-it-again. Selling it so I stay closer to 190 lbs.

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  • Baller

@mmadore21 glad you are enjoying the new ski. If it makes you feel any better I think you are right in the sweet spot for that 67" Senate at under 200 lbs. I skied a 68" Vapor which I think has less support than the 67" Senate at 230 lbs and it was fine at 32 and 34 mph.


Keep ripping on the new ski. I am in Mass and sad that the summer is coming to an end.

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@mcskier41 the Senate Pro is available in 67” and 69”. We have quite a few of both out there and feedback is great. We may add more sizes pending demand. As far as if you don’t fit in either of those sizes; sometimes a recommend a Vapor and sometimes a different Senate, just depends on the skier.
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  • Baller
@davehr40 I did not find the Senate Pro to be overly sensitive to fin adjustments, FWIW. I did play with moving the fin forward a hair to tighten up the onside turn radius, though I have a particularly weak approach to the onside turn so it may not be right for everyone. Stock settings including boot position seem to be pretty spot-on.
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