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Hip flexor pain


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  • Baller
I've been getting pretty severe hip flexor pain/tightness on my back leg (right) after I slalom that lasts for days. I'm on a 2016 Radar vapor (Vapor front left and right RTP). I ski 34mph into 35 off. I'm 39 Y.O. Has anyone else had this issue, and if so any good fixes. I've tried yoga, stretching, foam rollers, PT, etc. and nothing seems to prevent it from happening or help much. Thanks.
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  • Baller

Not sure it’s the same area, but I sprained my SI joint (sacro-iliac) in my right hip (back leg like u) and I use a rogue supernova ball to rollout my hips as it continues to be achy despite being years post injury.


The ball really gets in there in a way a foam roller can’t. You could use a softball or lacrosse ball as well.

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  • Baller
Also being a lefty I experience the same pain in the same areas. Last season I lost almost five weeks due to the pain. I finally saw someone trained in airrosti and seem to have found a solution. Focusing on the glutes, hamstrings, and psoas muscle (look it up) really helps me. Roll the crap out of the side of your leg with a Trigger Point roller from your middle back all the way down to your knee. Use a lacrosse ball and dig into the painful area (this really hurts, however, you'll eventually feel a release). Do glute bridges/hamstring bridges. I warm-up before and after I ski. This isn't a do it one time cure. You need to stretch these areas every single day. Hope this helps.
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  • Baller

Same. Do this every day for 2.weeks. Worked for me.


+1 on a good warmup, especially focusing on hips, flutes, and hamstrings prior to skiing.


Lastly, do you push hard on your back leg to cause the ski to come around during the turn? I find that the pain is most prevalent when I do this.

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I have had a mild issue with this, my chiro showed me a specific stretch for the flexor and it works great, difficult to explain. I would consult, chiro, yogi, md for a stretch that isolates the flexor, helped me a lot. And, my brother is a surgeon and told me many years ago, ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory of your choice) BEFORE you ski.
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  • Baller
@motoskier I had the same exact thing happen last year, lff, rounding 4 ball at 32 , just got the ski under me, rope came tight and pow, left hip felt like someone hit me with hammer. Had to let go, immediate pain in the fleshy area between hip joint and pelvis(as @Horton) said. Swelled and turned all sorts of puple ish colors. Just rested, stopped skiing for a week, did some stretches and was able to ski. But I could feel a bit of pain there for the next couple months but was pain free about 3 months out. No pain all winter. But the weird thing was that I felt the same pain when I started skiing again this spring but it disappeared after a week or so. Pain free since then.
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  • Baller

Look carefully at the MRI for small fractures. Sounds like my broken hip.


I was recovering well until I got shingles and filled the joint with calcium. Get the shingles vaccine! I ended up with a Birmingham hip (and good results).


Good luck and speedy recovery.



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  • Baller
@adkh2oskier @motoskier I experienced the same hip feeling last Thurs eve - came around 4 ball, last pass of set, and pop or tear, had to let go of handle. LFF, right hip. Next day was sore, stiff, and hard to walk on. Very slight bruising showed up mid hip days later. What was the diagnosis? Gluteus Medius partial tear? How long for recovery?
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  • Baller
@wawaskr Just re read the thread and realized that I mistakenly said the pain was in my left hip, it was actually the right hip. Everything else is accurate, and I am LFF skier but use a goofy handle grip, left palm up, which probably has nothing to do with the hip issue. I never went to a doctor so no diagnosis. Like I said, took about 3 months to ski pain free. No pain at all this season, knock wood.
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  • Baller
@Phil I had a right hip labrum tear as well. I had an impingement as well which likely caused the tear. Dealt with the dull aching pain for years until I was in pain before I got in the shower in the morning. Ended up have surgery with Dr. Allston Stubbs at Wake Forrest Baptist. Best decision I have ever made. Stubbs was awesome!
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  • Baller

Lff and years of tight hips, psoas etc. I do a couple of minutes of stretching before every set and been to plenty of chiros and remedial massage people. Hanging from overhead objects seem very effective for

Me and this year have started having a special coffee blend with turmeric/black pepper mct. It’s not responsible for fixing everything but I do believe the turmeric is helping significantly. Wish I’d started hanging off everything and turmeric years earlier.

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  • Baller

I had a returning moderate back pain from time to time. Naturally almost all standard measures usually helped. Doctors also were talking about back pain issues.

This summer I made CT and discovered 10 small size rocks in both kidneys. In fact there were no single symptom that could point at kidneys. They gave symptoms similar to back pain.

Removed all of them (I mean rocks :) ) and going to jump in to the lake in a few days.

Our bodies plays jokes with us pretty frequently ))

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  • Baller


I have the same type of issue with my right hip.

X-ray shows moderate age related arthritics and impingement (CAM).

I have had also had the dull aching pain off and on for years.

I had an MRI last week and waiting for results.

You detailed you had surgery.

What type of surgery (repair) did you have?





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