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Your opinions please on ski for 60+


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  • Baller
At age 62 I've been on an S2 for past few years. No complaints with the ski but have been flirting with something else. As I'm not going to spend a ton on new, I have been considering a Strada or an X7, as both are very inexpensive these days but have great followings and high performance reviews. Also never owned Radar or D3. A friend is also going to bring me a Connelly GT and a GTR to demo in a few weeks which whould be fun. So those are in the mix now too I guess. Ski at 34, I'm an average -28 skier getting a few at 32 but majority is free skiing, but fortunate to be on the water at least 6 days a week living on a lake. No competition, portable course only, and no ZO (I know many are cringing). Just enjoyment. I should be content on my S2 probably but thought I'd ask this group of experts for your input. I'm 5 9 158 lbs, S2 is 66.5, running double tfactors. Greatly appreciate your perspective. Thank you
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  • Baller

Had an S2 years ago and it was a great ski at it's time. Technology has moved way on since then. My suggestion is the D3 NRG or EVO.


NRG has a huge forgiving sweet spot and won't punish you if your form is less than excellent. The EVO is faster, but requires more specific form. The new fins, CG and Whisper, will really enhance performance on both these skis.



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  • Baller_
I am an HO fan, on a 2016 Superlite. HO has a good demo program, consider the Omni carbon. Besides really improving my skiing, the ski is SO much easier on the body. Starts are a breeze and at 61 yrs I am doing 8-10 pass sets and looking for more. I ski 32/15 working on 34's
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  • Baller_
I'm bias but the s2 is a great ski. Probably one of the over looked greats. And I would hope that posting on this forum doesn't make you feel like a second class citizen just because you use PP, a portable course and you don't compete. Heck, you're in the majority. Six days a week of skiing is awesome!! No cringing from me. I'd certainly try other skis especially when it's no cost to to you. But your s2 may still be the pick of the litter and that's ok too. I would not suggest purchasing a ski you have not tried unless you're ok with trying to resell it with a small loss. I've done that.
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  • Baller
Appreciate the input from all. I lean towards @Wish and will likely stay on the S2 unless I really love something I can try without buying. Ski buddy passed me the HO rep's name for this territory so may give him a shout to see about riding an Omni, and I have the no cost Connelley's available in a couple weeks to try. Will post an update.
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I think you will really like the Connelly GT or new GT-R. It is an easy ski to use right out of the box, nothing to get use to, just go and smooth turns and good acceleration. Because it sits a little lower than Goode's, I think it is easier to ski and control. I have a GT and love it, I may upgrade to the GT-R soon.
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I am on the other end of the 60's. Still on my D3 Z7 and know the ski is not holding me back. All I will say is my D3's and Goods have been very forgiving well performing very very well. I would try to find a forgiving ski. But if you have the ability to demo some skis do so. We each have our preferences. one of the things I like about my old D3 is it is friendly to poorer water for open water skiing.









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  • Baller

Another vote for the HO Omni; My first year on the Syndicate version and coming off an S2. May be a bit pricey but you can try before you by, direct from HO. Or you might get lucky and find a used or close-out (prior year’s) one.


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  • Baller_

Not sure age has a whole lot to do with what ski to buy.

I think like every one else ride what you feel comfortable on, there are lots of skis to consider.


Me, age 62 I ride a 2019 67" vapor.

I do think the new model vapor is different then previous models in a " it is a more consistent ski " and easy to ride. You can stand all over it and it seems to want to stay under you. It is fast as well as it creates better directional function off the buoy..

I know of a 78 year old riding a Connelly and taking shots at 38 off.

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  • Baller
Greatly appreciate all the comments. Will get through a couple of demos, and post an update in a month. Never a rush to find things to spend money on. Always love to see comments like the above from @Jody_Seal of 78 yr olds taking shots at 38. Thanks everyone
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  • Baller
I skied on a Strada. And each iteration of the Vapor. They keep getting better. 2016 Vapor was one the easiest skis to ski on but I'm really liking the 2018 Vapor, just set a practice PB few days ago. I also tried a 2019 Senate pro and like it.
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  • Baller
@lakeside7455 called it. Ended up on the GTR. Wow what a difference. This thing rips. A true water magnet. Deep ride is so different than the S2. S2 is a great ski, but the GTR so much more suits my style and feel. If you get a chance to ride one - definitely do it. I'm using the OPTION 1 settings for 67 on Connelly website. Love it
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  • Baller

This doesn’t fit into the current price range you mentioned but that’s a movable target.

My buddy came off an S2 and now on a 2020 Radar Senate Pro. Wow has he improved and absolutely loves the new ski.

He is making it through 15 off at 32 mph now.



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  • Baller
Boy, I can relate. Just retired and I'm skiing longer and more than any previous year. I'm 61, 175 lbs (only 5'8", yes I enjoy sweets) riding 2014 S2, just got into 34 mph at 15 off. I'm thinking it's time to upgrade, but so many choices and limited income. I'll start watching SIA this fall/winter. On another thread, someone asked about limits, but pointed out how skis are marketed year after year, more of this less of that. It's funny to watch year after year.

George A. Amonette

78 Water Oak Ln.

Jacksons Gap, Alabama

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  • Baller


As mentioned above my ski buddy loves his 2020 Senate Pro but he also skied my ‘19 Senate Lithium and it was also a ski he really liked.

If a ‘20 Senate Pro is out of the budget maybe the ‘20 Lithium build will fall into the price range. If not maybe find a ‘19 Senate Pro/Lithium on sale. You won’t be disappointed.





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