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My experience at regionals...


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  • Baller

The one thing I see wrong with the "will not start before" suggestion is there goes all your help for a tournament. This will allow more people to come, ski and leave. I always show up early for a tournament so I can help. I have always gone by the rule, you help once for every event you ski. Even if it is doing some dock starting. This is an important position and it helps to meet new people at a tournament.


I also suggest before you suggest a rule change you run a 3 event tournament. You would not believe the number of changes from participants Friday night before the tournament starts. And this is just for a simple class C tournament. It is even more difficult for a Regionals and Nationals. People don't always communicate changes for something simple like an injury and not skiing.

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  • Baller

Like many problems, this started with communication and should end with a communication fix.


A number of us on this board are active in another sport that runs 200-400 individual starts in a day and maybe we can cross pollinate. Having a set start time for a group or division and adhering to it (or delaying when necessary) would be great, but I understand the reluctance even though I agree with @Than_Bogan. A simpler solution can be implemented in the live scoring: to make the window bigger - recent results at the top combined with the running order (for that lake including all divisions for that lake) down below. That solves the communication factor that we're missing. You're volunteering on Lake 2? Rather than call your buddy on the dock for who's up on Lake 1 you just look at live scoring and see how many skiers you have before you. Scratches can be put in as well with the dock starter calling to scoring in advance to advise of scratches.


No rule changes, no planning changes, just a communication change. A software modification to reorganize the data on a lake basis and include running orders (and maybe a radio for the dock starter or assistant dock starter who's herding the cats). You could also throw up a banner for delays such as weather, boat gas, other significant delays, advertising... Life in ski racing before live timing was much like the current state of water skiing. Lots of guessing about when you were up or how fast things were running - we're half way there with the results, now we just need to add the lake-specific running orders.


Apologies to Live Timing by Split Second or by Vola for taking the idea from the skiing and biking world.

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  • Baller
@"Pat M" thanks for confirming ‘not paid’. I thought that at reg’s and nat’s which require travel, lodging, etc. expenses that the AWSA paid an official fee or stipend. Much respect for officials that give back so much to the sport. Like you I always arrive way early and usually plan to stay for the day or overnight when attending a C or state tourney. @ToddL makes a good point about universal tools across regions, and @Than_Bogan helped clarify my point about start times - for divisions, which I think is doable and would be helpful for those who are traveling and juggling their own and maybe other participants schedules.
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  • Baller
Seems like people can use the online scoring to keep track of how the day is going and where the events are timing wise, since many/most folks now have smart phones; in the event they are not able to be at the lake to take in many/most of the activities.
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  • Baller

Just remember that waterskiresults.com is another volunteer effort to help communicate. Notice when you log on you have to pass thru two screens that scream at you that what you see is unofficial. Some sites have no or poor internet connections so scorers rely on using their cell phones when tethered to the PC. That tends to send data in batches much of the time rather than a continuous stream.


My understanding was also that last weekend all the regionals tournaments were pushing data up to the servers and there were times when it choked. In fact there were at least 3 different instances where someone stopped me on site asking why so and so score wasn’t posted or what it was behind or where did the scores go that were previously posted.


Finally with multi-lake sites some times there is one central PC which collates all the scores and it’s that one that pushes the scores to the online scoreboard. Other times they can individually push scores.


The point is due to the variability at different sites there is a lot of flexibility as to how to handle it - if at all. While it can be helpful and reliable your mileage may vary due to any number of things. The best bet is still to engage even superficially to see how things are going and make your best conservative estimate. Better still get involved, volunteer and help out.

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  • Baller
@skiboat38 I know I'm an old fart but basically a teenager in ski years since I did not start until being almost 50 years old. My point is 2 fold, one yes we need to continue to find ways to attract and retain kids and young adults in the sport, two, it is never too late to attract folks that have not participated in the past. We just need those in the sport to constantly be ambassadors in one way or another.
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  • Baller
What's the requirements to get an EVP exception. The only way I'll every be able to ski regionals is to change jobs. I have to work a plant shutdown every summer and regionals are always during the shutdown. If every got the level 8 requirement it would really be nice to ski in nationals.
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  • Baller_



Rule 4.03.B.2


2. Other Excuses: The EVP may excuse a skier from this requirement if the

skier provides proof, at least 48 hours prior to the start of the Regional

Tournament, that he is confined to a full-facility hospital; is on extended

military service; is on jury duty; is involved in an immediate family

tragedy; or has suffered an injury or illness that precludes him from

participating. The proof provided to the EVP must be sufficient to allow the

EVP to make a fair and objective determination regarding the skier's ability

to ski at the Regional Tournament. If the skier does not provide sufficient

documentation (e.g., hospital admittance form, jury duty notice, etc.)

within the stated time frame, the skier must appear before the EVP at the

Regional Tournament, prior to the skier's scheduled event, at which time

the EVP will make a determination as to the skier's ability to ski in the

tournament. The EVP may excuse a skier for reasons other than those

listed above, and with less than 48 hours notice, under extraordinary

circumstances. Any skier misrepresenting his situation to the EVP shall be

precluded from skiing in the National Tournament for the current year.


The bold is my emphasis. Obviously its up to the judgement of the EVP, but if missing work to go to Regionals means loosing your job, I would definitely call that "extraordinary circumstances". Contact the EVP and explain your situation.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

After reading everything, if the same thing happened to me I’d be thinking “what was I thinking”

This being said - Several years ago the night before a family spring break dive trip I realized my passport was expired. I put everyone on the plane and waved good bye. A one day passport is available if you personally go to a regional center. Spent weekend finding flights, Made trip and salvaged vacation. Have always been thankful for the option but also realized that it was a “me” issue that got me there. Hope a trip to Nationals is in the future!

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  • Baller

“Bending” (using the get out of jail free card) the rules always impacts on someone as my son knows.


Waterskiing events and organisations are often run by volunteers. I think whenever something like this happens in the end you have to acknowledge it is volunteers doing the best they can on the day.


You may or may not agree with what has occurred but you should assist to ensure that the rules and processes are the best they can be in the future.

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