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Do you prefer the new optimized slalom rope?


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  • Baller



180 pulls on a rope is way too many. Many pros switch out ropes after 50 pulls. It's like tennis balls which are changed every 7 games in a match. You can use them for longer, but it's not the same. There is still life in them, but the ball's performance is diminishing. I have tried to squeeze more miles out of my running shoes, but sometimes it doesn't pay off. The performance of the shoe is deteriorating, but more importantly the lack of protection is outweighing the cost of the new pair. I've found it a far better investment to change out when I've reached the mileage limit.


The ropes have an optimal life for performance, safety (from breakage) and a dead rope is hard on the body. Skiing on our new optimized rope and going back to an old rope, we noticed reduced performance and more body aches and pains. I have never broken a rope with any of my skiers, but I do hear of it happening and there is no excuse for this.

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  • Baller

I don't buy the 50 pulls, unless you get free or heavily discounted ropes.


For me that would mean a new rope ever 2 1/2 months or less. I ski more passes per set than most 8-10 passes, and change more rope every 6 months. Typically the 35, 38 and 39 loops are worn, so I pass it down to my wife who wears out, 28 and 32 loops.


If Nautique's had the bearing or collar on the pylon (MasterCraft/Malibu) that reduces wear significantly, I would go longer. I am most worried about breaking the rope and injury. I don't find that the Intow lines feel "dead" after my usage, and I am not "light on the line" and ski realitively short line.

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  • Baller_

So 50 pulls we would have had to change out the rope at our latest event 5 times.

I change out Once they start to Frey or once a year for the most part. We put about 300 hours a year on a ski boat and mostly on a nautique. Nautique pylons do no swivel so harder on ropes.

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  • Baller
@MDB1056 - go back to page one, original post. If you did not vote, then you may have to click view results to see. It appears most don't care, some 180+ skiers slightly favor traditional, and the Under 180 skiers vote did not obtain a significant difference.
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  • Baller

Many of the pros say that. Well that is mosty true. I would not wait until the rope frays nor would I ski 180 rides on the same rope. The analogy of running shoes wearing out is great compare the two.

I ski 20 days a.month from Feb through November. 8 to 10 passes per set and generally 1 set per day I go through 2 ropes per year that way I dont wait until the rope is dead or fraying. My elbows and joints dont hurt Is that because of the optimized rope partly but also because I dont wait until the rope is dead Any new rope is going to feel soft at the beginning especilly after a rope that has 180 plus rides

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  • Baller
I am coming onto this thread a little late as we just used the new optimized rope this weekend for our tournament. Most of the women said they felt no difference and most are pretty light on the line at 22 or 28 off. I heard no one say they liked it. Several of us that are 28 to 35 off certainly did not like it, load the boat and load the rope, not a comfortable feeling. I also watched several skiers that said they didn't feel a difference but also skied short of their average buoy count, the rope (maybe). Could you get used to it, probably like anything else that changes in waterskiing. But why do we have to. What was wrong with the old ropes? Other than someone found a way to make some money? Used to be that no one wanted to ski the new rope until they were stretched out and now everyone wants a stretchy rope. Don't get it. @JeffSurdej If AWSA is going to allow this rope, then they should require that host clubs provide an option for either rope.
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  • Baller

For the last 3 years i used 3 ML club rope that i bought from Joe Darwin at Cottonwood proshop for 59$ each.

This year using the new 2.0 optimized ML.

See no differences in performances,maybe the 2.0 is a bit softer on the body on slack hits...

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller
I am not a talented super short line skier but, I noticed the difference on the very first pull out. I also have had lower back problems prior to using the rope and nothing as bad since. It's a great rope and my spine gets nervous each time I'm attached to something else!
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  • Baller
I may have misread the USA rules, but I thought the skier had an option to type of rope. Not the brand (ML), but stretch rope vrs. older style. Personally, I add buoys when I use the old style, feel like the 2.0 is a rubber band. Totally dislike it! Also, now you have to spend another $135 for ml rope! I like ML ropes and my last 4 have been ML, just not the 2.0
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  • Baller
I recommend reading again. I think optional light towlines can be used by B1, B2, G1, G2, W6 and above. The rest of us use what the tournament sponsor provides. At Nationals this year that will be ML Optimized 2.0., and most Regionals will use the same. I don't know of any rule that prevents a sponsor from offering both a standard line and an Optimized line, but that creates more expense, work, and hassle for the sponsor. In that event, would you get a re-ride if you didn't get the rope you asked for? My guess is that judges don't want to deal with that.
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