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Custom Handle Question


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  • Baller

So I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on a Custom Masterline Radius handle. I'm not sure what size to order and I'd hate to waste $150 getting the wrong size. I currently have an older Masterline that measures 1.03.


What size would you recommend for bigger hands? Mine measure 8" from my wrist to the tip of my middle finger and I wear XL gloves.


1.062 seemed a bit small. I found a brush in my garage with a 1.115 diameter handle that felt pretty good so maybe the 1.125 would be the right fit?



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  • Baller
@HMan66 if you are looking for a radius handle I would stay away from the ergo just because it’s diameter is around a 1.030. You may find it a bit small for you. Handle size is purely personal. If the brush handle seems like a good size try it with your gloves on. You would be amazed how much space the gloves make a diameter feel different. If you still like the 1.125 dia. Then order it. There is also a 1.092 that is popular. This diameter is on size under the 1.125. If the handle seems wrong size you can always exchange it.
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  • Baller

I measure the same and went from the 1” Ergo to a 1.062 custom ARS-like 13” radius from In Tow with spectra line with the anti-head safety section string in.


Awesome handle.


Really liked the Ergo handle concept but wanted a little more meat on on handle.

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  • Baller

Wrist to finger tip measurements don’t always tell the whole story - it primarily depends on the palm to finger ratio when selecting the best grip.

A good starting point is to use a handle where the finger tips just brush the base of the palm when gripping the handle - it gives a good solid grip without having to really squeeze it. If the fingers don’t reach the palm then the grip will be too much in the fingers & if they’re pressed into the palm you’ll need to use extra grip pressure to control the handle (grip tires quicker).

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  • Baller

7.75” wrist to finger tip. Lg gloves and use a 1.062 Masterline. Thinking of going up to 1.082 but before I do i’m going to try @DP70 idea and put my gloves on and grab the handle to see how my fingers wrap around. Have had elbow tendon issues so selecting the correct size is important. Also use a Masterline Optimized line to try and reduce tendon shock.

Never had issues this year so happy about that.

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  • Baller
I have a 1.182" Masterline that I like a lot. I'm a bigger guy but don't have giant hands. I like a larger contact patch with my skin to distribute load more evenly. I seem to get fewer torn calluses with the biggest diameter. Unfortunately it will likely be my last Masterline.
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