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Do you work out???


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  • Baller

No I pretty much got this body by taking a year off skiing while eating Arby’s half the time because I’m at the hospital 2 weeks a month.


But up until 16 months ago I worked out 5x a week and ate a home cooked and healthy meal 3x a day. Yes it did help my skiing but truthfully, 85% of it helping was mental. Just a placebo.

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  • Baller
I like the P90X programs. I am doing P90X3 right now and love it. 6 days a week for 30 min a day. I especially like that yoga and other core focused workouts are part of the program. I feel the yoga and other stretching helps to reduce injuries and yes I feel helps my skiing (especially recovery ?) Good luck!
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  • Baller

In the Minnesota winter I am in the gym 5-7 days a week and have been doing that for over a decade. 4 days weight room 3 days cardio.


Staying active in the off-season helps my skiing. Added strength and endurance can’t hurt.


Skiing doesn’t necessarily do a good job of strengthening ski muscles. Functional movements/lifts and other strength training can help you maintain form, stay in shape, and simply be more athletic on you ski.

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  • Baller

I’ve done a basic weight machine workout for decades but last year, I picked up the intensity, dropped 15 pounds and added the routine I found here: https://www.boatingmag.com/features/2014/06/18/how-to-slalom-strong/


Made a huge difference in my skiing. When there is nobody else on the course and my friends are done skiing, I can keep skiing until the gas is gone. ;)

Get high, Get fast, and do some good work.

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  • Baller
Just about every day. Nothing heavy, using dumbbells at home. I rotate 1 day legs, 1 day abs, 1 day upper body. Started (or restarted, Ive had many periods of working out....) up a year ago, along with some dieting and loosing about 25 lbs. Tremendous improvement in my stamina. Went from barely able to catch my breath between passes (even when skiing a lot) to doing 10-12 passes easy and hardly breathing heavy between passes.
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  • Baller
My usual winter goal was to become as strong as possible treating it as an off-season sport not off-season training. This year I set a stupid goal, build the exact same strength and not gain a pound in body weight, meaning any pound of athletic weight I gain, I have to drop a pound of in-athletic weight to do it. So far so good. I also largely stopped drinking in July, that made a big difference.
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  • Baller
5x a week, weight training, cardio, basically a good mix of everything and during the off season, indoor tennis 3-4 times a week along side of my daily gym routine. It definitely helps on the water and in life. Eating habits are generally good, no carbs and a glass of wine highly helps the heart:) I'd say life is amazing! Make it what YOU want!
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  • Baller
5 days a week, my routine is a blend of deadlifts, pull ups, concept 2 rower, benchpress, walking lunges, kettle bell swings, treadmill runs and if we have enough snow, cross country skiing. Each day something different, but that is the bulk of the exercises.
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  • Baller
Crossfit 5-6x per week. It for sure improved my skiing but not because I got stronger but because my overall mobility was crap before I started this 3.5yrs ago. Plus it is a lot fun and I enjoy it even though it is really hard. (like course skiing)
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  • Baller
Seems at the beginning of every season, skiers ask is there anything we can do to prep for this so we dont start out fatiguing so quickly. Answer is typically no, there is really nothing to prepare you for the stresses and strains of slalom. That being said, I am sure general fitness, both strength and cardio have to help. I think I am the first person here to mention swimming. Since fall, I have been swimming a couple thousand yards (just over a mile) two evenings a week. Not a huge fitness program, I suppose, but better than nothing. Good cardio, plus tricep, bicep, deltoid, pec, trap, lat, workout. I can tell you I feel a ton better in feb/march when wrapping up than I do in October when I start. That program has put me at just about 24 miles at this point. Also, I dont just chug through the yards. Its all on reps and sets on clocked intervals. I am 65, been doing this off and on for about 55 years. The rest of the year, I rely on general activity (skiing, mowing, walking, chores.... ) for exercise.
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  • Baller

Orangetheory fitness 5-6 days a week for the past 20 months. In the summer, I often catch an OTF class and 2 sets of slalom by 9am.


Definitely improved my consistency by improving core strength. WaterRower is the secret ingredient for sure! Lots of little competitions and benchmark challenges have kept me engaged.

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  • Baller_

Cardio hour on my mt bike 4 to 5 days a week.

Run a wheel Barrow and move dirt and fire wood most every day.

Swing a splitting maul for an hour 3 days a week.

Run a push broom every day.

Climb up and down a ladder 20 times into big wake boats at least once a week

Daily planks and pushups, daily stretching.

Also 10,000 steps a day..

Slalom 4 to 10 sets a week.

Ride my trick ski 2 to 3 sets a week.

Should I work out also??

Now if I can remove the carbs from my diet!


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Has anyone ever put together or seen a slalom specific training program? Off season and in season?


With the help of a couple people very experienced in slalom, and in athletic training, we're putting together just that; so would love to learn anything specific people have done.


I, like many on here, would be exercising 5-6 days a week (usually a combo of crossfit, orange theory, running outdoors, swimming) even if Slalom didn't exist. It's so key to my health and happiness. So I figure I may as well be applying those training hours directly to my passion (slalom) to better those results and reduce injury risk.

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  • Baller

I am certainly no slalom expert or exercise guru, but I would think a ski specific program would include:


1. Cardio, just not getting winded would help. It amazes me how exhausting a couple passes are.

2. Situps/crunches - core must be a big part of correct form

3. Those little springy squeezy hand exercise things

4. Rowing - in a boat or on a machine, gotta be the closest thing exercise to slalom demands, I would think.

5. Maybe squats - it would seem quads have a pretty significant role behind the boat.


OK thats my list, worth exactly what you paid for it.



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  • Members
I'm with @75Tique on the swimming recommendation. I am a competitive US Masters swimmer, so waterskiing is actually my "off season". I can tell you that after swimming regular 1500-2500m workouts 4-6days/wk, I am the only one in the boat not sucking wind after the first set each spring.
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@david_quail I recall some of the Waterski magazines over the years contained exercise guides with Todd Ristorcelli's 'alter ego' (can't remember the name). I can say that in Cross-Fit, I kick butt in the "farmers carry" because it's all about being in a stacked position under load. So that's definitely a good slalom-specific exercise, also.
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  • Baller

Rock climbing, Mt Biking, Snow skiing and core work outs where PLANKS rule!


Try planks with elbows on PT ball and 'stir the pot' or do small rotations with your elbows to challenge your core.

Or do planks on the flat side of a Bosu ball!


Planks are the best full body muscle warm up!

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  • Baller
I have been doing Body Beast workout now for 5 weeks. Have about 7 weeks to go but I have noticed gains in muscle for sure. I am usually sore after all the workouts. After Body Beast my wife and I will be doing some core focused exercises with some cardio and moderate weights mixed in. This is going to be a good ski season.
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