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How will COVID-19 impact your ski life?


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  • Baller
They have announced shelter in place for the county I live in and the county our lake is. I think its feasible to keep 6' of separation from a ski buddy. It's just convincing a police officer if I get pulled over with my boat. I am of the opinion that skiing with 2 other people is healthier than standing in line at the grocery store or encountering others on the hiking trail.
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  • Baller

The site I ski is a rarity, it is the only slalom course in the South Bay area. It is aligned with Santa Clara County Parks and will be closed while the Shelter In Place order is in effect. So I wll ski less and it may be a while til alternatives are figured out. lez0ubwet4pg.jpg


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  • Baller

I’m ready and booked for a week at Swiss. But not sure it’s wise to deal with airports & rental cars.


It’s tough to trust anything from media sources after years of inaccurate agenda driven hype.


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  • Baller

I have already cancelled two trips to Florida. So I will ski less.


I hope it gets warm soon so we can make up for lost time.


In the meantime, I work in a hospital and this virus has to be taken very seriously.

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  • Baller
Honestly guys look at the situation progress of the last 2 months in Italy and this is what will happen in the US. Not to be pessimistic with you, but your government autorities minimize your situation and everyone thinks they can continue their favorite little activities without impact. It's not just a matter of respecting 5-6 feet apart from others... On our side of the border we're afraid for what's going to happen to you. Currently Quebec government is very proactive with the situation. It's very difficult for us but I think it will pay off shortly
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  • Baller

@Timber I ski on a public lake with US Forest Service boat launches. The launches closed as of 5pm yesterday. Unsure when they will reopen.


So as for the original question on this thread, I will be skiing far less due to COVID-19. :(

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  • Baller_

If your from another country and have not seen the US daily you should not comment. Everywhere I go (trips to dollar general to see if they have any ass wipe)is a ghost town. Airports are empty, rent a car lots are full. Things are shut down and people are staying at home. Don’t let the week old news clips and worthless media con you into thinking that we are all a bunch of snobs. The USA is more then some beaches and down town NYC or LA. There actually is a very large amount of people doing absolutely nothing.

We have 500 gallons of gas and I plan to ski until it’s gone. I don’t think the ski, boat lift knob or boat will spread the bug.


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  • Baller_

I said it wouldn’t effect me, but it has. It being March, our ski club has been busy with out of town members and guests. Having been very sick once (cancer), I have little interest in going through that again. Accordingly, I haven’t skied at our club in 10 days.


FYI the City of Orlando and Orange County have issued stay at home orders effective today.


I took advantage of the situation and tried some stem cells in my ankle yesterday. Now I have to take time off the water and other activity, but because that is the case maybe I’ll avoid COVID 19 by doing a better job of staying home.


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  • Baller

Our first responders are now only attending house fires and vehicle accidents. ER rooms are basically closed turning everyone away unless you are showing symptoms of covid 19. Doctor offices are shut down, dentists are shut down, my daughter is a RMT and her husband is a acupuncturist and their clinic was ordered shut down.

I have to weigh the risks of skiing. These are becoming very strange times.

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  • Baller

@glasslake Well, considering that my cottage, boat, course but not my ski gear are all across the border in the USA! Both of us are locked out for now! Maybe we should trade cottage, boats for a while! My Cottage is in Sandpoint, Idaho and my pic is my old boat at my dock.


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  • Baller




@jpattigr I'm in! That made my day. Probably a bit of a trek for both of us (2300 miles for me). We're in Great Valley, NY, and the cottage, et al, are in Combermere, ON. Gotta say, though, that this has to be reason 3564 why I love waterskiers! We gotta stick together, Man!


*Sorry for the sideways pics

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  • Baller
I ski with three families involved mine and both my son's To be able to ski we need yo now that all three families are not contaminated so outside contact has to be zero. Should the things get under control and restrictions relax all three of us will be out there carving up the lake as much as we can.
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  • Baller
Welp....SC Governor just shut down all public access to beaches, boat ramps, and waterways today. ( I don’t live on a Private lake). For the past 2 wks the the Skiing was great! My girls are home from college/HS and weather was great. Dang it!
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  • Baller
@H20ski17 The release read that if you had a dock on a public lake you could still go boating. The governor didn’t wasn’t people congregating on sandbars, islands, etc. launches will definitely be closed. I was very concerned when the news came out but it won’t affect me as I live on a Duke Power lake. Our launches will likely be closed though.
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  • Baller


Yep...shouldn’t affect you. As I said, all public access is closed in SC and I, like many people, simply do not have the means/privilege of waterfront living. Private owners can still use the beaches, waterways, etc.

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Our season doesn't a start until May, and hoping our club will be able to run. But hubby and me were supposed to do a road trip through the US (we are Canadian) this April with a lot of ski stops...and that's not happening, so that will mean less sets overall this season. More time for pre-season dry land training!
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