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torn bicep belly


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Hey y'all...


Went water skiing for my first te with some drinks In me :/ stupid I know ...fell on a wake with arm stretched and had an "oh shit" moment...stinging burning pain with swelling and bruising...that's gone now I'm 6 weeks out


The orthopedist thinks I just tore the bicep belly (not tendon) I didn't do the MRI because was too expensive..but I did 5 PT sessions and was cleared but still the muscle feels tight...anyone with the same injury ?

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I do not have a lot to offer to help but do know that a lot of power lifters, strongmen have torn muscles, they might be a better place to ask for how it heals etc. I would make sure that you take the time to get it healed right and do any PT that is prescribed.



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  • Baller
Did the tendon tear from the bone? Probably should have had the MRI if the tendon tears the muscle rolls up and it will look different. You can do well without it but there is a window of opportunity to having it fixed. You are outside that window now. At this point just work on strength as you did at physical therapy.
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  • Baller

If you refused the MRI how do you know it wasn't torn? If they are recommending surgery I suspect the professionals think it was torn.


I had a torn bicep tendon and they way I fixed it is with surgery. Bicep tendons don't re-attach on their own. If the tendon is torn you need surgery to repair it and should have already had it.


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  • Baller
Might want to consider a Goode Power vest for your return to skiing ?? They take the load off of your hands , arms , shoulders and back. I always wanted one for my bad back but kept putting it off until I wanted to ski after my shoulder surgery. I have saved well over the $600 price tag on the epidurals that I no longer get from the pain management doc. There is actually one for sale in another thread. Guys with arm injuries will sell them. Back injury people tend to hold on to them. Good luck with your recovery.
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  • Baller

Just had surgery 2 days ago. I completely ruptured the distal bicep tendon playing hockey. Ortho sports physician reset the tendon with 2 good anchor points. He is telling me no skiing this season...all I have to do is rehab for now. I will be looking to to power vest once I get back at it.


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  • Baller

I had a distal biceps complete rupture. I had the 2 incision fix. Surgery in mid April skied Pan ams in November. 3@12 jumped 128 tricked just under 3k. My suggestion is talk to a physical therapist that will work with your surgeon on rehab. I did a ton of blood flow restriction rehab. Skied in 12 weeks lightly. Increasing to tournament level in 5 months.

Your rehab is the key in my opinion. Never wore a power vest or any special equipment.

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  • Baller

I did a lot of reading on the injury to educate myself on the stages of recovery after surgery. Just make sure you wear your brace all the time everywhere. A buddy of mine re tore his in a minor car wreck holding onto the wheel. After his second surgery it was a year before he could do anything.

Good luck. I have no lasting effects of the surgery and the biceps is normal.

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