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  • Baller
Are there any of the newer skis that ski like the older Goode 9100 and 9500? For me, these were the skis that allowed me to get to very short line (38 off when 52yo) I have not liked the newer Goodes, but I am also skiing 32mph and now M9 at 30mph and I don't think their lineup is for skiers like me. One question: Are the newer skies designed for more counter rotation as than is not my style? I'd appreciate any feed back. Started trying an 2yo Senate Pro for last two months, not sure I'm liking it very much.
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  • Baller

Have not skied a Goode since the Rev, but have some experience with the Syndicate Pro. I am 185 lb. 6'2" 64 years old and run 38 @34 mph. Think the reason you are no "liking" the Pro is that it is designed to shut down pretty fast and to be skied pretty aggressively. At 30 mph, you need speed! I had a 67 2019 Pro and liked it a lot, after adjustments. If you are at stock settings (on a 67, that is 30 inches on the front binder) the ski has so much tip pressure in a body neutral position, you more than likely feel you are coming inbound and getting partially crushed or slow down too much at the turn. Then have to work to generate speed to get cross course.

The settings I found to work much better than stock...at least for me..were:


Binders: 29 1/2

Length: 6.825

Depth: 2.475

DFT (Tips) .755

Wing: 7 degrees


I ended up breaking that ski and am now on a 2020 Syndicate Omega. I find the ski faster with less effort, carries outbound speed better and is a little more predictable. Both are great skis and had I not broken the Pro, I would still be riding it.

All the new skis from any manufacturer are pretty dang good. I think with some adjustments, you can make any brand work for you. Try some fin adjustments to improve performance.

Also, for fun, I tried 32 mph...wow is that different and I can imagine how 30 mph feels. At 34 mph I run C2 or C2+, but at 32 mph, had to change to B2 to have a longer load outbound (to maintain speed) and a slower load out of the turn to be able to complete it.

Good luck and hope you can dial in your Pro.

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